Hacker in the news. 10 reasons why Google is better than Bing.Another phony list. FCC looking over Apple practices. South Korea rocket blows up. Microsoft Office 2010 coming out soon and the company is worried? June 24 for iPhone 4. Sprint thinks its EVO can kill the iPhone? Motorola phone to get to 2 Ghz. Cheap Playstation in the works? MSFT Tech Ed show poorly planned.

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  1. ECA says:

    $200 game console? wonderful..MAYBE.
    Compare a FULL computer with a console..
    the OS.
    The hardware is doing about the SAME thing, only Better. but the OS, is running the hardware.

  2. Property says:

    Now that’s a pretty sweet deal!

  3. ECA says:

    Also the problem is the SAME as computers..
    NEW system=$500
    1 year old=$300
    3 year old=$100

    I mentioned before, IF MS would create a GAME/INTERNET OS for $50, about 1/2 the world would buy it. most people dont NEED much more then that.

  4. deowll says:

    The issue of hitting pure crap when doing a search is becoming worse at Google. I can’t sort through 15,000,000 possibles either.

    I also need a better system for identifying malware sites and businesses with dubious reputations.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    And the #1 reason why Google search is better than bing is:

    Google search won’t Hijack your firefox browser.

  6. ECA says:

    Google needs a FAST REPORT, for spam/advert sites and such.


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