1. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and world history buff says:

    “Whenever given a choice, I always say both.”

  2. GregAllen says:

    I’ve served as editor of several small magazines and this is one of my greatest fears — to totally miss something everybody else sees. Fortunately, it never happened to me on this level but small staff magazines are especially vulnerable to this kind of goof-up.

    Here is a similar design disaster most of you have probably seen but is even worse than the magazine cover:


  3. Mikey Twit says:

    Having been raised Catholic, I can attest that it’s truth in advertising.

  4. qb says:

    Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I miss girl-on-girl action.

  5. ECA says:

    A person SEE’s WHAT a person See’s..
    A person HEARS what a person Hears..
    A person opens MOUTH only for those around him, to KNOW he is an idiot.

  6. GregAllen says:

    >> Mikey Twit said, on June 9th, 2010 at 7:56 pm
    >> Having been raised Catholic, I can attest that it’s truth in advertising.

    What percentage of Catholic priests, in your observation, are sexually active? What percentage of those are gay (or straight)? What percentage are pedophiles?

    These are three distinctly different groups and issues but the news stories tend to blur them all.

    I’m “Anglo Catholic” (aka high church Episcopalian) and my church has lots of gay members and clergy. Because we openly welcome them, they come in a far higher percentage than in the population at large. And it’s a special blessing to have them in our church.

    (It’s a stereotype, I know, but…) the kind of creativity that the gay subculture values is also highly appropriate for high church: art; performance; music; interior decoration, drama, and, yes, even accessorizing. 😉

    But by having all the gay people “out” there is no hidden sub-culture of taboo sexuality where pedophilia can thrive.

    Of course, we don’t assume we are immune to pedophilia. Any organization that runs kids programs is vulnerable. We offer ongoing training to our volunteers on how to spot and avoid it along with all the usual safeguard practices. But this has nothing to do with gay or straight.

  7. brm says:


    catholic youth commission logo

    this was the real logo. srsly.

  8. Nugget Coombs says:

    This must be a first! The Roman Catholic church stating the truth. These religious cranks in dresses have been up to their necks in Paedophilia for hundreds of years.

  9. Cursor_ says:

    We must remind ourselves paedophilia was not solely relegated to churches for hundreds of years. It was a common issue with secular society for thousands of years until the 12th century started to first have laws on the age of consent.

    Even until mid 19th century the capacity in the British Empire to have sex with children was legal in many colonies. With the 1860 Indian Penal Code setting the age of consent to 10 years old.

    It was not until 1885 that Britain raised the age from 13 to 16 that we reach some semblance of our modern ideals of child sex with adults being illegal.

    The sole fact that for many centuries, and still to this day in some nations, that sexual activity with a minor of 13 or under was legal. And in many cases even when the law stipulated that a crime was committed, juries and judges would rule on behalf of the adult with such ideas that the child led them to activity due to previous salacious behaivour of the child.

    Paedophilia is ingrained into the human psyche as humans are primates and primates are merely animals.
    And animals exist both within and outside of religious groups.

    This also goes toward theft, rape, killing and other uncivilised acts that are routinely part of the animal world.


  10. UncDon says:

    “Your Holiness, your shoes need polishing. It will only take a moment…”

  11. qb says:

    I agree with Cursor_. Raping children is just natural. And not only that, it’s a traditional value.

  12. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Gives new meaning to “We are all God’s children.”

  13. Diceman82 says:

    that preacher looks bored…kid must not be young enough for his tastes *ba dum tish* ill be here all week , please try the potato salad.

  14. Benjamin says:

    #12 That is sick. It’s not a value. It is sin.

    “You’re going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.” – Shepherd Book (Firefly – Our Mrs. Reynolds)

    “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. ” Matthew 18:6

    Jesus took the protection of children seriously. He would be extremely angry with pedophilia in the Catholic Church. Why are people who are not following Jesus allowed to call themselves Christians?

  15. qb says:

    No really? Seriously dude, that was sarcasm.

  16. Buzz says:

    Celebrating 2000 years of priestly privilege.

  17. RSweeney says:

    I honestly had to read the comments to see the filth that you people were seeing instead of the piety.

    Look in a mirror folks.

  18. Floyd says:

    #18: it may be hard to find the piety in other posts, but it’s really easy to find the sanctimoniousness in your post. Just another reason why I gave up religion a long time ago.

  19. Luc says:

    Even not taking the potential lewd suggestion into account, I hate the way the kid bows deeply to the priest and the priest holds the kid’s head in domination. I think that’s oppressive and humiliating. Nobody should submit to anyone like that, ever.

  20. spsffan says:

    If you are old enough to ejaculate or conceive, you are old enough to have sex. Mother Nature says so, even if the state and church disagree.

    The kneeling young man in the picture appears to be of age. I don’t see any guns to his head.

    Our prudish society, largely created by the church, creates and then is aghast at its own problems. I mean it isn’t like that’s a five year old going down on the old geezer!

    We now return you to the Puritan Channel.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    I just cuteified that pic.


  22. bill says:

    Pay, pray, obey,

    Get used to it.

    I hope you will all take responsibility for your posts here.

  23. Skeptic says:

    Yo, Benjamin…
    I have a favor to ask. Please tell God that the rabbits are eating my peas again. I don’t want the little guys to come to any harm, but could you just ask him to move them over to the brushland 4 km away? Thanks.

  24. ??? says:

    I did not even get what this was supposed to mean till I started reading through the comments…you guys are sick

  25. ??? says:

    I did not even get what this was supposed to mean till I started reading through the comments…I understand how someone could get a sick idea from that picture…put you have to have a mind geared towards that…gross guys, gross

  26. Guyver says:

    2, GregAllen,

    I’ve served as editor of several small magazines and this is one of my greatest fears — to totally miss something everybody else sees.


    15, Benjamin,

    “You’re going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.” – Shepherd Book (Firefly – Our Mrs. Reynolds)

    I can’t recollect if that’s how the quote actually was, but the ADULT redhead that this quote was in reference to was a hottie.

    21, Spssffan,

    If you are old enough to ejaculate or conceive, you are old enough to have sex. Mother Nature says so, even if the state and church disagree.

    Our prudish society, largely created by the church, creates and then is aghast at its own problems.

    Yes that’s true about Mother Nature, but unfortunately those same children lack the emotional maturity and financial resources to take care of a child.

    In that regard, it probably doesn’t hurt to be a bit prudish.

  27. Guyver says:

    For some strange reason, the Dvorak website changed the ‘x’ into a different character in my Tiny URL above. Replace the multiplier sign with an ‘x’.

  28. ray says:

    I chuckled.

  29. rad1cal says:

    If you want to get “a head” in this business…

  30. two to the head says:


    The age of consent in Vatican City is 12. STILL.


    “The ages of consent for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction across Europe. Most countries have an age of consent ranging from 14 to 17, the exceptions being Vatican State (age 12); Spain (age 13); and Malta and Turkey (both age 18).”

    From the most trusted Wikipedia…

    So what


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