• Google irked by Apple policies. Awww.
  • iPhone 3GS phones being discounted to dump them.
  • Sprint may be wrong about EVO sales. Who says? Sprint, that’s who! 
  • Google has new ideas in search. Code word: Caffeine.
  • Looks as if HP will keep the Palm Pre in play.
  • AMD new fusion chips are supposed to be great.
  • E3 buzz beginning.
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  1. qb says:

    HP Pre in play is a good thing. Double plus gooder even.

  2. MaximG says:

    “caffeine” “buzz” get it?

  3. mikiev says:

    I find it quite hilarious how Google had a lot of fun at Apple’s expense – during their I/O Conference – and are now pissing & moaning when Apple fires back…

    What did they expect Apple to do, turn the other cheek?

    Did they really think Apple would just laugh it off, and then continue to allow Google to make money off of Apple’s “walled-garden”?

    Google may want people to believe that their motto is “Do no evil”, but I don’t have any recollection of Apple making a similar claim. 🙂

  4. deowll says:

    The Fusion has a decent CPU combined with a pretty decent GPU on one chip. That uses a lot less power and gets better video performance than other integrated systems.

    Just the thing for the mid-range laptop market.


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