Teenage girls are being taught how to walk in high heels in a government-funded college course in the UK.
The six-week Sexy Heels In The City course at London’s South Thames College costs 16-year-old students £150 ($268.02) and also gives lessons on how to carry designer handbags, the Daily Express newspaper reports.
The course claims to prepare young women “for the business world and their social lives”. “The earlier younger ladies learn how to walk in heels, the better it’s going to be in the long run – with business and social lives,” said former backing singer Chyna Whyne, who runs the course.
Taxpayers’ groups have slammed it as pointless and a waste of time.
“This is a silly gimmick. Training young people to get them back to work can be good value for money, but this is clearly a case of frivolity,” said Matthew Elliott from the TaxPayers’ Alliance.
Let’s hear it for more taxes…Yayyyyyyy!

Just have their mums (moms) give them a five minute tutorial when they get their first pair of heels and start carrying a purse. This isn’t worth a class in high school. Teaching them professional skills that their bosses might value would be better.
Any guy with even a small amount of common sense, knows that under all that makeup and fashion, is the real you. Whenever I see a dolled up babe, my first reaction is to mentally remove the high heels, makeup and any other camouflage. The harder that is to do, the less respect you’ll get, and the less likely you are worth pursuing.
Fake is passé. This college course and high heels belong in the Victorian era.
Hardly surprising. Look at the budget for the Ministry of Funny Walks…
Walking in high heels is relatively easy. Its strapping that bed mattress to your back where the girls need help.
My bad, Ministry of Silly Walks…
Money well spent, if they’re training hookers.
I’ll guess that the High Heels class is funded by companies that make spike heels, and by the podiatrists who get rich doing surgery to fix hammer toes. Follow the money…
I never support taxes going to much of anything, however, depending on how hot these young girls were I think this might be alright. That is if they were 18 or older. They could also teach how to wear a short skirt and why it’s important to wear low cut tops with their boobs out. Probably a better use of tax money than any project in a good while.
#2 Skeptic –
You can now officially declare yourself the “worlds most boring person”.
The article isn’t perfectly clear but it seems to be a course to teach women how to present themselves professionally.
Seems like a good course to me.
I work with a lot of poor and immigrant school kids and America’s professional “office” culture is completely foreign to them. No kidding, some of them may never have even seen a corporate office.
Middle and upper class girls can learn from their mothers how to dress and act in the professional/corporate world but these kids have no role models at all.
A class like this, _if done well_ could really help them increase their job opportunities.
Did you anyone “Working Girl” with Melanie Griffith? That movie is about this subject. The main difference between the high-paid executives and the low-paid secretaries is culture, not talent.
This was reported in the Daily Express, one of the worst papers in the UK, if not the western world, so I wouldn’t take it as the truth, or even anything approaching it.
I’m actually surprised Highschool and JV cheerleaders don’t wear high heels in the US too.
Could I just add here that I love the look of women who wear business-style pumps?
I’m sorry to be dense but the article – I believe all of which is pasted above – nowhere states Brits are funding this course. In fact it states quite clearly, the kids have to pay £150 to take the course. Actually sounds like a decent idea to me. These kids have no idea of how to dress professionally. Of course, if it takes them 6 weeks to learn to walk in high heels, maybe they ought to just keep their trainers on and work for McDs.
BTW, McCullough, if you cut and paste the entire article, I think you’ve gone past fair use.
Alternatively you might consider a pair of multi-colored sandals, which really can help you get in the mood for spring and summer. While the look may be outrageous, you will probably feel the earthy chic, hippie-slash-boho vibe that the sandals are trying to send.