A new dance from Brazil? OUCH…This is a craze? Bullcrap! These women are going to kill some guy.

  1. ECA says:

    New exercise regimen..

  2. Luc says:

    Thank you for embarrassing the hell out of me, John. 🙁

  3. Rufus says:

    I love how Latin women respect a man’s needs. Still, that dance could give you whiplash pretty easily, if not crushed balls.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    What a nice way to get permanent brain damage.

  5. Urotsukidoji says:

    After all that, I’d end up with whiplash and shrunken pants.

  6. eighthnote says:

    What genius came up with this? Guys have tea-bagging, women now have….dunking? Stuffing? Ramming?

  7. BWMc says:

    Cruel and unusual punishment, I say. That’d never happen in America.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    That Brazilian sugar cane sure makes some powerful liquor!

  9. JD says:

    Oh come on, women treat men worse than this everyday without even laying a hand(or booty) on them.
    Sign me up for this “butthead” dance. I’m a sucker for brunettes.

  10. Awake says:

    Jealous John?

  11. bobbo, too much of life is a dance says:

    What is it in the sexual dynamic that allows/forces/coaxes men to pretend they enjoy having their face rammed into the bottom of some chick? Much less on stage, in public, with a total stranger? And the mirror image for women to think that this is a come on? I often think it is as close to the reality of what either party wants as can be mechanically produced, but it is false. As satisfying to thirst as salt water.

    And this brusqueness broadens out more generally to all kinds of set dance routines. The relationship between the sexes. The fugue, and then we die.

  12. GF says:

    Dude, that was a man chick.

  13. ray says:

    gives new meaning to the word “pounding”.

  14. Zybch says:

    #3 You weren’t forced to watch it. Now go home to mommy and deal with your insecurities.

  15. Pat B. Hinds says:

    WOW! I’ve never seen the reverse atomic sit-up executed with such grace and enthusiasm.

    The term butt-head has a acquired a whole new meaning for me!

    Viva la dance!
    Bravo, Brazil!

  16. M0les says:

    Dunno – I would have thought that “beijando de bunda” would be a the more accurate name (But, y’know, I don’t speak Portuguese).

    Still. Anything a young Brazilian lass with a crop-top, perfect skin and tights wants to do to a heterosexual male spectator is probably fine by them.

    I’ll see if I can get one of these going at the after-party at my next Amish barn-raising gig.

  17. Phydeau says:

    I’ve given up saying “now I’ve seen everything” because I’m always wrong. 🙂

  18. bobsyeruncle says:

    Dude. I am SO going to Brazil.

  19. deowll says:

    #12 Well it helps if you are young but hormones and a sex drive is why men go for this kind of crap.

  20. duh365 says:

    Is that stripper torture? Could be a great tool for the CIA.

  21. RTaylor says:

    I think the older fellow had his tongue stuck out, thats why she warned him off.

  22. nauc says:

    where do i sign up

  23. Somebody says:

    Oh, and they do bar mitzvahs.

  24. Pinocchio de Bergerac says:

    Sure. It’s all fun and games , until someone farts!

  25. Jopie says:

    You should see what they’re doing during lunchtime in a Mexican school: http://dumpert.nl/mediabase/982661/b634254a/pauze_in_mexico.html

  26. qzqsxwedwed says:

    LOL. This is not really a okay dance. It hurts in the but and the face at the same time.

  27. Dude got aids in his mouth

  28. MarcoB says:

    God made Brazil a beautiful paradise, with great forests, plenty of fresh water and rivers, lots of good land, gold, precious stones, and nice temperatures, without volcanos, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornados, but in compensation to all of that richness, he gave it the worst people in the universe.

  29. Rick Cain says:

    I think this is a violation of men’s rights. Female abusive attitudes towards men must stop! I had a stripper do something similar to me just yesterday and I was offended. I was ready to give her a piece of my mind!

  30. Paul says:

    A hilarious write up about the phenomenon here



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