- Safari 5 kicks butt they say.
- China going overboard with censorship.
- MSFT Windows Phone 7 does biz apps. So what?
- NYT has head up its own butt.
- Bing turns one year old. Read my column.
- Ford to use Google maps.
- iPhone can run Android 2.2.
- Microsoft has a debt? What?
- Weird news from down under.
Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.
“MSFT Windows Phone 7 does biz apps. So what?” – tablets are huge! Microsoft offers the only tablet OS untethered to either a specific hardware manufacturer (cf. Apple) or a specific cloud service (cf. Google). There is no Linux in Tablet-land, probably never will be.
Sargasso, see the 15 million results in a Google search for “Android tablet”, and rethink that opinion.
Microsoft’s TechEd conference, which is their equivalent of WWDC, is going on in New Orleans right now.
1. This is why they are talking about WinPhone7 biz features.
2. Did anyone notice that TechEd is going on?
The highlight of TechEd so far is a hooker with a sign that said “talk nerdy to me”.
Maybe I’m getting old but I don’t see what all the excitement is about with the latest browsers thing. They all can get me on line and then I use the web sites.
Every freaking one of them loads fast on my machines. They all work just fine. I’m not setting there with a stop watch trying to see which one can load a few nano seconds faster and getting hot and lathered about it.
IE works fine at work. No problems. Firefox works fine at home no problems. The two or three plug ins I’m forced to use don’t seem to slow my computer with an intel core I7-920 processor and 9 gig of DDR3 down at all. Of course I haven’t noticed any issues on my netbook either.
If I can’t see it I don’t care which browser is faster. I’m inclined to think most of the people that claim they do are doing the old I payed more for this wine so of course it tastes better than the cheap stuff! Safari 5 is the new cool browser so of course it’s faster and I see the difference! I have to because I’m cool! Either that or they crapped their old browser up some way.
Install Safari 5. I don’t care. If you are using Safari then of course run the latest version. That is normally the one that is most secure and the new install often gets rid of some crap done to the previous version.
Changing to a weird thing to me. Iphone sells are about to go through the roof. Who are the people that are going to be buying the new Iphones? So far as I can tell most of them will be people who already own an Iphone that just have to have the latest version. The advantages of the new Iphone are? Well it looks nice. It sets flat, it has a camera in front, it does have longer battery life. You can video conference using Wi-Fi with another G4. Gah!
What am I fussing about? If these people didn’t blow their money on a new Iphone they’d probably waste it on drugs and sex or something. The money is burning a hole in their pockets and they are going to spend it on something “cool”.
I am so with #6 for the browser hype, who cares? I didn’t use safari 4 much, firefox was good enough but once I changed my laptop I tried to get used to safari las week, which wasn’t impressive then. I have not seen much improvememt when I updated version 5.0. What is it so better about? I prefer to use Opera on my virtual Windows 7 than Safari in its native OS.
Safari is cool because you can synchronize your bookmarks with your iPhone/Pod/Pad, what else?
It’s interesting that Google is throwing down the most browser hype now. Most devs don’t care nearly as much now as long as it ain’t IE6.
The wars have shifted to the mobile market.