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The taxidermist should have had him growling.
Clearly he’s a big fan of “Psychomania” and plans to drive out of the grave as a biker-zombie.
Usually it is the motorcycle that is the cause of the need for a casket.
Difficult. Formaldehyde cross links muscle proteins, really firming up the tissues. It does takes a few hours for fill rigidity to set in. After arterial embalming they must of set the position and returned the deceased to a cooler. Ambitious embalmer, especially if this was a postmortem case. Very hard to control leakage in a post case.
On the meme timeline line is 2 weeks behind your grandma.
Way to go Dave! Just so they don’t bury him and the bike!
An F4i deserves to ride on.
#4 “Ambitious embalmer, especially if this was a postmortem case.” Well, I hope to God it wasn’t a pre-mortem embalming.
My my my. Think of the opportunities for morticians:
Playing golf
Sipping a beer
Surfing the net
Having sex (a twofer)
And on and on.
One more ghastly than the last.
This is disgusting.
Hey! How about making a lamp out of him???
Hey! He isn’t wearing his HELMET!
And so, after the wake, did they have to straighten him all out and stuff him into a casket?
This is exceedingly creepy.
All dressed up and no place to go.
When I die, just burn me and throw the ashes somewhere. I really won’t care what happens at that point.
#14 Floyd – Whoops! Wait a minute. I’m dead, burn me, too. But take my ashes and mix them into the concrete they’ll use for my statue. The world will undoubtedly demand a memorial.
He looks so natural.
Who needs a casket? Not Gary Coleman- he already has one
I am with #14…what do I care what they do with me when I am dead…I will be dancing somewhere with old friends anyway.
As far as I am concerned Hagens can have me for his bodyworlds…(just take a few pounds off me before you show me to anybody…lol)
He looks so natural.
I always wondered why people pay for enbalming after a post(-mortem examination). The family probably doesn’t know any better – and the funeral folks are oh so helpful in helping them decide, or by incorrectly telling them that enbalming is a legal necessity.
P.S. If you are ever told that you have to pay for enbalming, tell them that the deceased is jewish.
Another interesting way to go:
The Tibetan burial ritual – being fed to the vultures. Interesting pics included.
Good post. I will keep up with your blog.