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This is a BP “service station” that does not provide any service and passes any liability for spills onto their customers.
Just like what they are doing now in the Gulf.
I see “repetition” not irony.
Speaking of irony, how about BP paying Rahm Emanuel’s rent for his swank DC house? SuWEET! “Nothing to see here!”
(Shhhh! Don’t call it another bribe from BP to the Obama administration.)
Graffiti Ready!
#3. If true…(and I don’t doubt it) a link would be appropriate.
If you read any EULA,
They pass ALL to the problem, of the USER.
Hey! what goes around comes around or something like that!
Ironic irony I’d say!
Here is Oregon, we don’t allow self-serve gas and it’s nice for the consumer and, I presume, safer with less chance of spills.
I can’t tell that it raises prices as all — at least compared to across the border in Washington State.
And it hires Mexicans! 😉
So… if you’re the last person to gas up at 11:41PM, you have to stay there until someone else comes along?
#8, it’s the station employees that pump it.
#7, where did Mexicans come into the picture? I don’t have a problem with them, but want them to be legal U.S. citizens or at least given residency. Try to stay on topic.
#9. I like my irony better.
Seems a reasonable position, lets hold them to it.
As long as i just have to pay for what gets pumped onto the ground and not for the cleanup
#7 Greg Allen
I’ve bought gas in Oregon albeit over 10 years ago.. they want to pump some on the ground.. so they can sell you more gas than you can hold
i always buy enough gas to drive through oregon
the gas jockey chicks were almost worth the waste
they may pump your gas in Oregon, but I have to pump my own diesel there.
New Jersey also wouldn’t let you pump your own gas. Made for hellish long lines to get to the gas pumps on Friday afternoon on the turnpike.
#7 “Here is Oregon, we don’t allow self-serve gas and it’s nice for the consumer”
It’s also nice if you don’t want to wait too long. Just pull in with out of state plates and reach for the pump handle. They literally run out of the station to help you pump your gas. It’s really nice.
In Oregon, where my grandmother lived the last 50 years of her life, she commented, “They pump the gas for you, but you still have to get out of the car and go into the little store to pay.”
Now, back in 1980 when I worked for a summer graveyard shift at a self service station in Calif., we would occasionally get a drunk that would spill a couple of gallons of gas on the ground. This was not fun, as you had to shut down all the pumps and wait for the gas to evaporate, hoping all the while that it didn’t ignite.
One drunk old lady even slipped and fell into the puddle. I went out to help her up and you could smell the gin over and above the gasoline!
More on topic, now we have commercials with the CEO of BP, with his snotty accent, trying to make everyone feel good. It ain’t working!!
I haven’t had the time to check out “No Agenda” in a while. But can anyone tell me if the possibility of deliberate sabotage has been raised, about the oil rig fire? Are we to assume that terrorists only plant bombs in their underwear? Seems to me, if someone really wanted to do severe damage to the US, this would be the way. And BP was lacks enough about safety. So who knows they weren’t totally clueless about security too? And if true, maybe only admitting to the former, at the government’s request. Is designed to keep expensive and intrusive security measures from being introduced at all oil rigs and processing plants.
Good pic.