Feel free to add your comments and opinions. Here’s mine.

  1. Phydeau says:

    Ah_Yea, Benjamin, bobbo, thanks for playing. You guys have got it all figured out. Unfortunately, in case you haven’t noticed, reality doesn’t agree with you. The Palestinians aren’t going to roll over and give up just because you think they should. The Israelis will have to do some ethnic cleansing if they’re going to survive as a Jewish country (which is what they are). Lots more blood and death will ensue, until the children get tired of it and reject their violent religions.

    Have a nice day. I’m done trying to reason with blind Israel supporters for a while. 🙂

  2. Benjamin says:

    #181 “There would be no Palestinians clamoring for the death of Israel if the Jews hadn’t created Israel over the objections of the Palestinians in the first place. Got that? ”

    Bull crap. Israel has the right to exist and the boundaries were established by treaty. The only time they were moved was when other countries tried to attack and were defeated in war. There was the Six Day War, the Yom Kippor War, etc. Quit acting like the Palestinians didn’t bring it on themselves.

    Israel is going to defend itself and they have proven they can do so. I would not want to be on the wrong side of that conflict. A US interest is served by having a Western style democracy in the region. The Palestinians can’t provide that. Look what happened when they were given a bit of Gaza to govern: one group (Hamas) decided to slaughter their rivals (Fatah). Is that how Democracy works?

  3. bobbo, how literal are we being today says:

    #182–Benjamin==wow. Better than my response. Well done. You’re gonna raise my game. or . maybe I’m just tired or repeating myself and near up chucking?

    Phydeau–you don’t understand what fighting and losing a WAR means. The Palestinians keep fighting WARS against Israel, losing, and then want the land back as if they hadn’t lost the WAR. Why should the Palestinians be treated any differently than anyone else that has ever lost a war? If there was a strong Indian Rights movement in the USA demanding their land back pursuant to written treaties signed by sovereign nations only 130 years ago, shouldn’t all us Americans agree and return to where ever Helen Thomas thinks we should go? Or does the hand of History once written move on?

    How long do you want to uniquely pigeon hole Israel as a country that “does not deserve its land” against the competing claims of people that lost their WAR to keep it?

    “I” am not taking the 100% Israeli line except as every other single country on the face of the earth views its own sovereignty. You are taking the single case of Palestine and saying the losers of a WAR somehow have a claim against the winners—or who else do you think should get their land back?

    Please answer that question. I think it could resolve a lot.

  4. Benjamin says:

    #185 “Lots more blood and death will ensue, until the children get tired of it and reject their violent religions.”

    So when will the Palestinians reject their violent religion of Islam? Hamas’s goal is to drive Israel into the sea.

    Radical Islam is a cancer on humanity and needs to be stopped. Otherwise freedom goes away in exchange for forced conversions or dhimmitude. The goal of Islam is to convert the whole world to be under the authority of Sharia law. You might like the separation of church and state. It’s gone under Sharia law.

    There are moderate Muslims that don’t wish for a theocracy, but hw can you tell who they are. The Koran says it is okay to lie to infidels to advance Jihad.

    At least the existence of Israel focuses Islams energy on the other side of the world from the United States for now.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    “Bull crap”

    That sums up Phydeau quite nicely.

    Notice how he STILL could not answer a single question or offer any line of reasoning.

    Instead of trying, we get “I’m done trying to reason”. (Funny, since he never gave any reasoning in the first place…)

    Truly unhinged.

    Benjamin, you might like reading my post #39. It complements exactly what you have said about the Palestinians bringing it upon themselves. The links are an excellent refresher on why the Palestinians ended up where they are.

    It helps put the PLO and Yassar Arafat, King Hussein of Jordan, and the Palestinian pawns in perspective.

  6. bobbo, how literal are we being today says:

    Hey—Brain of London==if you have anything to add, comment, criticize, educate==please add. I’ll check back for a few days.

    Until such time as Phydeau might tell us if he is treating Palestine any differently by telling us what other WAR losers deserve their land back, it AMUSES ME that we argue here all the time about politics, religion, abortion, etc and yet this Israel/Palestine question is the only one that has caused long time posters to get their panties in a twist.

    I have to wonder why that is.

  7. Benjamin says:

    #190 “Phydeau might tell us if he is treating Palestine any differently by telling us what other WAR losers deserve their land back”

    Funny, he didn’t post anything on this thread:

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo, I wonder as well.

    I do get the distinct impression that certain posters, such as Phydeau, Perkel, Father, zybch, Fusion, etc. wouldn’t shed a tear should the Israelis be pushed into the ocean or burned with nuclear fire.

    “They had it coming!”

  9. Ah_Yea says:


    Right about now, with all the wacko’s and debt and such…

    It might be a good idea to give California back!

  10. Benjamin says:

    #192 “I do get the distinct impression that certain posters, such as Phydeau, Perkel, Father, zybch, Fusion, etc. wouldn’t shed a tear should the Israelis be pushed into the ocean or burned with nuclear fire.”

    They wouldn’t shed a tear if the Palestinians rounded up the Israelis and put them in ovens. They would probably cheer. It is amazing how many Islamics are Holocaust deniers as well as hating the Jews. The calls of some of the flotilla crew to the Israelis securing the ships were, “Go back to Auschwitz.” That is unforgivable.

  11. bobbo, how literal are we being today says:

    Ah Yea–I’m thinking they must be some kind of retards: religious or libetardians.

    The Religious would fall into many groups: straight up Muslims posing as rational people, End of Times Christians looking for the Rapture, etc. Then the libertardians who don’t like slavery imposed on them for the foreign aid going over there.

    Why a regular person would get so twisted is beyond me though.

    I’ve been looking at You Tube. Every pro-Palestine speaker regarding the Floatilla starts out by saying it was an illegal attack on freedom loving people in International Waters. Thats a fact dispute it seems to me. If you can’t accept that a blockade is a legal instrument of National Sovereignty, then you have no role to play in an honest discussion. I’d get tired of arguing an incorrect point too?

    Heh, heh.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    “I’d get tired of arguing an incorrect point too?”

    LOL! Yea!! Didn’t we blockade the entire country of CUBA for a while? Seems to me that was in international waters and was perfectly legal…

    “Why a regular person would get so twisted is beyond me though.”

    I also posted the same sentiments in #73. I believe the rantings of an unhinged mind is incomprehensible to those of sound reasoning. It’s like listening to Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse Now and trying to make sense of it.


    You’re right.

    I used to imagine when I was a kid that another Holocaust couldn’t happen today because we as a people are wiser and more humane.

    It’s an ugly and evil truth that those who pretend to be the most humane among us are also those most willing to be the most inhumane.

  13. bobbo's mother says:

    bobbo has stopped taking his meds. pay no attention to his nonsensical ramblings.

    honey, come home and go to bed. I’ve got a nice warm nipple for you to suck and envision your delusions of grandeur.

    p.s. he cant bake to save his life and knows shit about history.

  14. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and world history buff says:

    Maaaaa!! How many times have I told you its not seemly for you to come on to me like this? Have a little self respect?

  15. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and world history buff says:

    Here is a clever idea: “reverse Floatilla.”

  16. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and world history buff says:

    Yea! I get 200. Coupon Please.

    Brain of London–please post if you make it back.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    You win!!

    This has been an interesting and enlightening post.

    Interesting. I learned a lot.

    Enlightening. I didn’t appreciate how many truly unhinged post to this blog.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    And I would LOVE to see the “reverse flotilla”!!

    It would be a riot (hoot) or a Riot (clubs and such).

    I wonder which? (sarcasm).

  19. Bobbo (and anyone else still listening).

    Direct question: “Is too much of Israeli’s current problems/continuing conflict actually caused by itself in being too moral with its “death to Israel” enemies?”

    Jewish philosophy is the very definition of what we call morals in the West. Every aspect of right vs wrong that we think about today in the West flows from Judaism so yes, the only modern state run along the lines of this philosophy has a very strong tendancy to behave in this moral way. Of course the acts of individuals (or larger groups when people achieve leadership roles) may deviate, but the natural tendency of the secularly slanted Jewish state is to be overly kind to its enemies. The knee jerk Israel haters will drop off in horror at reading this, good luck to them. A true religious Jewish state would probably have sought to win war with some total “smiting” by now.

    Directed to all who live in the enlightened West and who think you know what Judaism is, or what Jews are and this includes the vast majority of Jews, Christians and all manner of Atheists and Humanists: Judaism (which I don’t practice to much degree at all from a religious observance point of view) is so deeply ingrained in YOUR own view of the world that you can’t think without out its influence.

    Almost everything we think of as being able to tell us right from wrong stems from Jewish philosophy. Numerous experiments on children show that they can be molded to believe right is wrong and wrong is right. It’s easy and happens every day 50 km from me when Fatah (yes Fatah not just Hamas) airs TV programs encouraging 8 year olds that their highest aspiration in life can be to walk into a pizza restaurant filled with Jewish mothers and children and detonate themselves. That is wrong in every way we consider in the West, but given enough time and a strong enough ideology, you can make people believe it’s right.

    The Jewish gift to the world, for which we have been mercilessly persecuted for thousands of years, is the very concept of personal responsibility and freedom. The ethos of Judaism is not rights, but obligations. I am obliged not to murder or steal. By my observance of those obligations, your rights to life and property are preserved. Where this philosophy runs into trouble is at its boundary with people who don’t follow those obligations (and there is a lot of amazing philosophy within Judaism about how to handle this and it culminates in rules of when it is correct to pre-emptively kill someone you believe is coming to kill you).

    Prior to the emergence of early Jewish philosophy, slavery was a natural state. It seems to have existed in almost every spontaneous civilization ever to have existed. It certainly exists in early Jewish history. However, and stemming directly from recognizing that man is created in the image of God it becomes, in the end, impossible to practice discrimination on physical attributes (at first) and then even beliefs if those don’t impinge on others’ freedoms (later). Thus slavery becomes an un-natural state. Now we are so passed slavery (and it really did take 5000 years) we can’t even remember why we think “All Men are created equal”. They’re only equal because a Jewish philosopher wrote that men are the image of God (or God wrote it down for Moses if you prefer).

    The entire Exodus story, whether you literally believe it as an historical account or not, is the modern definition of a transition from blind obedience and subservience to self directed, moral co-existance and personal freedom within the necessary limits needed not to impose your behavior on the freedoms of your fellow man.

    So once again I’ll say, of course Israel is flawed, of course it (as a collective entity) makes mistakes but I can tell you this for free: Jewish children across the whole spectrum of political and religious beliefs are not taught to hate anyone. They grow up to defend themselves in a way Jews have not done since the Jewish revolt against the Romans, but the drive within the society is not to hate and it’s sometimes amazing, under all this place has and continues to endure, that it is that way.

    BTW… Demographics: the Arabs have been lying for years. The Jewish state is not under demographic assault. Even secular Israelis are breeding quite nicely while the Arab birth rate is definitely declining even for the Israeli Arabs.

  20. Ah_Yea says:


    Excellent post. Worth waiting for. Us thinkers are still listening.

  21. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and world history buff says:

    I will second Ah Yea. Hmmmmmm.

    I think I have posted a few times that morality does not come from religion, that it has a more pragmatic organic impetus arising from simple necessity of what it takes a herd animal to survive. In a word: Darwin.

    For the first 5 minutes, I was going to incorporate more of what you say, but just writing that second paragraph, I need to think about it some more. Certainly kiddies can be taught all kinds of mischief and they are just as you say, so there could be some hubris in Jews taking credit for what might be a natural process. Would you also take credit for gravity? BUT, I like what you say. Just have to consider both/all sides before joining your flotilla.

    At #176–I post above wherein I muse that “if I had to pick a religion” it would be Jewish. I had to choose my words carefully because I was also thinking about Mennonites and Quakers who I admire for the same reason but they are too retro for me, although Pennsylvannia is nicer than most of Israel? I’m a green loving guy, not the desert. Course–you might say both those religion draw more upon Jewish teaching than Catholic or Protestant?

    I feel the “standard bobbo” rising within me. I could never accept that religion, any religion, is the font of proper thinking. They may get a fact here or there correctly, or as with the Jews quite a number of the most important fact correctly, but when the whole edifice is built on the notion of worshiping a god? No, the Jews have no special insights on the working of this world. And indeed, how close to being wiped out are they? If morality really comes down to taking a position that cannot/does not survive in this world, how “moral” is it? Can morality only be valid in an impossible vacuum?

    BUT–given you aren’t protected from the extreme interpretation of your own principles, as are the Quakers, you have decided when push comes to shove, WAR is justified.

    Yea, I think I’d still choose to be Jewish, but I’d back off on being self righteous. Like libertarianism–its a good idea, but it fails when it becomes dogma? Heh, heh.

    I like how you pirouette away from the demographic problem I sure hope that is true for the State of Israel AND for the Arab Israeli’s living there in greater peace, freedom, and prosperity than anywhere else in the Middle East.

    Thank you Brain for your thoughtful replies. We need more Brains here at DU.

  22. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and world history buff says:

    I’ll continue thinking about this one, so anyone please add your own thoughts.

    Brain did answer the question quite admirably==the Jews act morally because that is one of their central beliefs that they truly hold.

    My response really goes to a related but side issue.

  23. Benjamin says:

    #203 and bobbo: I will have to think about #203. As a Christian I agree for the most part about what you say. I believe morals about what is right and wrong come from God. Where we differ is about the ability of humans to achieve this by our own actions or through Christ transforming us.

    The Jewish law on slavery was unique among the ancient people groups. At worse it was an indentured servitude which ended after seven years.

    # 196 Ah_Yea said, “I used to imagine when I was a kid that another Holocaust couldn’t happen today because we as a people are wiser and more humane.”

    I used to have trouble imagining how people could be so cruel as to cause the first Holocaust. (This was not Holocaust denial; I just had trouble with imagining how people could do what the Nazis did.) Islam stands as an example of people who could be that cruel. They have the hate and the desire. They don’t yet have the control they need to implement the atrocities of the Holocaust.

    Can Israel turn the Palestinians from enemies into friends? Not while children are taught to hate the Jews before they can read. Something does have to be done.

  24. I swear I never typed Brain of London, but if you’re happy to address me as such … plain old Brian is good enough 🙂

    I tried to stay way from saying that it is the belief in a single deity of Judaism that leads to the other things. However, the more I studied, the more unique the single God “meme” really was (hell am I channeling JCD and AC?).

    The question, which is entirely analogous to the chicken and egg problem and possibly just as pointless to solve, is: would the ideas of Judaism have arisen spontaneously without the belief in a single deity (of the type proposed by Jews as opposed to other gods)? The answer is, who cares, it never did.

    That was the unique thing that started with Abraham. From that flowed much of the other thoughts that are now part of Judaism and by extension the West. Secular Humanism is a great idea but it’s very hard for people steeped in the legacy of Judaism to realize just how much it borrows from the Jewish religion.

    So I feel it comes down to whether you, as an individual, need the consoling and comforting presence of belief in something that isn’t tangible. I think there are personality types or even genetic types that need this. Jewish philosophy is big enough to realize this though one does need to find an enlightened rabbi.

    On another subject… if you don’t know Barry Rubin, you should. Read his latest piece on Obama. He really wanted to like Obama (he told me so) but he really can’t.

  25. Benjamin, you’re right about slavery in Judaism being at worst indentured servitude and the most important point is, even though the rules surrounding slavery are still in the Jewish books, they have no relevance today because Judaism contains within itself all the practicalities necessary to move forward.

    I would agree that some of the more literalist following of deeply orthodox Jewry (especially some of what goes on relating to the use of electricity on the Sabbath) is basically nuts, nobody (and I mean nobody) is calling for the literal application of some of the obscene punishments that were used at times in the past. It’s just not a thought.

    I can’t and won’t talk about whether we need to be in a post Messianic era or not. I think we have the tools for good and moral behavior and the method by which people find those is relatively unimportant. Whatever works for you! Just don’t put me in a room with Jews for Jesus: they rarely enjoy it.


  26. Benjamin says:

    #209 Brian said, “even though the rules surrounding slavery are still in the Jewish books, they have no relevance today”

    I did not mean to suggest they were. I was comparing ancient people groups. The Jewish viewpoint was enlightened at the time compared to their contemporaries. Obviously Western ideas have changed our views on this, but Western Civilization came from Jews and Christians.

    #209 Brian said, “some of the more literalist following of deeply orthodox Jewry… …relating to… …the Sabbath”

    I think that many of the orthodox rules are from the interpretation of the Tanakh as written in the Talmud. I am not sure if the Talmud has a Christian equivalent or not, so I cannot comment on what I don’t completely understand.

    #209 Brian said, “I can’t and won’t talk about whether we need to be in a post Messianic era or not.”

    That is the fundamental difference between Christianity and Judaism. I’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader rather than get into a discussion of the merits of each.

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    “I swear I never typed Brain of London, but if you’re happy to address me as such … ”

    It fits.

    Thanks again, Brain!

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #159, Bobbo,

    Freedom of Speech is no bar to Freedom of Association and the press community does not want the association of someone so out of touch. Freedom of Speech does not include the Immunity from Consequences for being Totally Out of Touch.

    Why not tell that to FOX?

    You imply that what Thomas said was wrong or something. Not one word typed here has refuted anything she has said. She was asked for an opinion which she gave. The operative word there is OPINION. We have a history in the country, and even more so in the press community, of tolerating OPINION. Your unsupported claim that Thomas is being ostracized by the Press is laughable. If anything, I imagine the majority supporting her against those who attack her for expressing an opinion. If you look closely, those screaming the loudest are the same that demand respect for their own OPINIONS.

    To sum up the opinions posted here, you either support Palestinian apartheid and abuse or you support the universal “Civil Liberties” we take for granted.

  29. Ah_Yea says:

    Also a good article #208

    I at first was also a supporter of Obama, until in the third – fourth week of his job. Even at that early stage he showed lack of spine when the first bailout was shoved past his desk by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid without any review or proper vetting.

    And it has gone from bad to worse. Where is the review process? Where is the transparency? Where is any true leadership? Where is the accountability?

    Obama, for all his teleprompter eloquence, is making George Bush look better every day.

    He’s just the wrong guy for the job.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #169, Bobbo,

    Big difference in using such apartheid methods when your own existence is not at issue versus when it really is? Very Darwinian: survival of those who will to survive?

    This is a constant red herring projected by the Christian Taliban and Israeli apologists. When someone drops a 500 Kg bomb from a F-16, on your apartment building the “will to live” is useless. All personal aims are irrelevant when you are defenseless and the enemy has pistols, rifles, RPGs, machine guns, helicopters, jet planes, guided missiles, and more than a few nuclear weapons in their back pocket.

    Second, this is a war against a people, something very illegal under international law. All of Palestine is entrapped by the Israeli ghetto. Permission is required to leave and not always given to return. Again, illegal under international law.

    Lately you’ve been signing your handle as “student of history”. I suggest you try reading some history on the story.


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