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I say we nuke Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina, and the Vatican City. The world would be a better place for it.
#94 No. The sheeple need an organization to offer them safe passage to heaven, the afterlife, 21 virgins (inflation adjusted), Zeus’s castle or whatever.
What we need is one standard religion instead of all these proprietary versions. Open source religion!!
Excellent comment. In particular let me follow up on a former adversary who stopped fighting and started living.
“an annual economic growth rate of 7%, declining unemployment, a thriving tourism industry, and a 24% hike in the average daily wage. … an 18% increase in the local stock exchange, a 94% growth of tourism to Bethlehem—generating 6,000 new jobs—and an 82% rise in trade with Israel. … more than 2,000 new companies have been registered with the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Where heavy fighting once raged, there are now state-of-the-art shopping malls. … a 200% increase in agricultural exports and a nearly 1,000% increase in the number of trucks importing produce into the West Bank from Israel. …
The vitality of the West Bank also accentuates the backwardness and despair prevailing in Gaza. In place of economic initiatives that might relieve the nearly 40% unemployment in the Gaza Strip, the radical Hamas government has imposed draconian controls subject to Shariah law. Instead of investing in new shopping centers and restaurants, Hamas has spent millions of dollars restocking its supply of rockets and mortar shells. Rather than forge a framework for peace, Hamas has wrought war and brought economic hardship to civilians on both sides of the borders.”
#93 Its a famous saying now, do you disagree with it: “If the Palestinians laid down their weapons today, there would be peace tomorrow. If the Israeli’s laid down their weapons today, they would be gone by tomorrow.” or somtin’ like dat.
Sorry, that analogy is bogus. The Israelis would love for the fighting to stop now, while they’re on top. So what? The Palestinians think the Israelis stole their country, why should they stop fighting?
It’s like if you and I got in a fistfight, and I temporarily have my foot on your throat, and I say, “let’s stop fighting now, ok bobbo, now that I have the upper hand.” And you say “ok” and just stop fighting and you continue to lie there with my foot on your throat. You OK with that?
Anyone who supports Israel is an anti-semite. Israel is the worst place a Jew could be. Supporting Jews in Israel is a form of hate. When Hitler was making life difficult for Jews, they fled to other parts of Europe and to US. What did the Jewish diaspora do then? Ask their governments to close the borders to Jews fleeing Nazism. Many European governments cooperated with Nazis in bring back Jewish refugees back to concentration camps. Zionists collaborated with Nazis in sending the best of the crop to Israel. Otherwise, not many Europen Jews found have gone to Israel. Today, Israel is the world’s largest ghetto. It is basically a military base. Israel is a conspiracy against Jews.
Trivia: When the UN divided Palestine, Jews were offered 55% percent of the land when they owned only 7% of it.
Israel has encircled the Palestinians completely. Israel can decide who thrives and who starves. All the fertile lands of the Palestinians have been taken over by Jews from Europe. Israel does not have enough water. So, they steal the lands of Palestinians.
Isn’t anybody going to mourn the demise of “I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”?
…Because without that mindset in operation, none of what ANY of you have to say means squat.
In a country that actually valued free speech, Helen Thomas could say whatever the hell came into her mind, without getting put to pasture.
We should all be very sad that that premise seems to have gone by the wayside.
NO, we should all be PISSED about it. At least those of us who aren’t sheeple.
Phydeau–the analogy is not bogus, only your interpretation of it is bogus.
Its like if I said I was going to kill you and invaded your house to do so and you caught me and had your foot on my throat and had me completely subdued. Then a crowd formed and told you to let me go and you say “No.” And I say, please let me up, its not nice that you have your foot on my throat. And you ask: “If I let you up, will you promise not to kill me?” and I say: “No, its my plan to kill you as soon as I ever get a chance to do so.”
And the crowd says: “Oh, its so terrible that nasty Phydeaux has his foot on bobbo’s throat. Bobbo’s kiddies can’t go to school with Phydeau’s boot on his throat. Ohhhhhh, the humanity.”
AKA–its not Israel that wants peace except as the world demands it takes its boot off the killer’s throat. Good Example: the floatilla of last week. It was NOTHING ABOUT relief supplies getting in, and all about trying to kill Israel.
What do you expect anyone to do when a killer is on about their business?
“Israel has encircled the Palestinians completely.”
What??? Show me ONE Palestinian territory the Israel has encircled completely.
#93 Bobbo
Nah, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass for politics or history or anything like that. People are born where they are born, and if they can’t live together they kill each other. If it weren’t for all those people who are victims because of their context, children, old people, sick and infirm, people who got no choice but to be where they are. A blockade of humanitarian aid is a clear demonstration of Israel’s intent.
#94 Red Sun
Hey, why stop there! I can think of plenty more targets. Wouldn’t it be nice to return to stone-age anarchy? I’m sick of human society as it is. Even starting over from scratch seems more attractive than continuing this track that humanity seems to be stuck in.
Yea, amodedoma, Israels clear intent to NOT BE KILLED!
Hamas has openly declared war on Israel. The Gazans openly support Hamas BECAUSE they have declared war on Israel.
It’s open warfare! A declared, open war.
Hamas want to end Israel by any and all means.
You sound like the weak knee’d who would beg for mercy when the killer enters your home and savages your family instead of picking up a gun and taking care of business yourself.
What would you have Israel do? Talk? Done that. Wait for someone to bail them out. Been there. Negotiate a peace treaty? HAR!!
Here is the link to Hamas declaration of war.
Seriously, some of these posts supporting Hamas and Gaza is making me puke. Utterly devoid of reasoning and profoundly idiotic.
So, you just post in places like this without knowing the ground situation? I guess you and bobbo went to some class on “How To Defend Israel On The Internet And Get Five Bucks For Each Post”.
There is one part where the Israelis are not in charge. That part is manned by Egyptians. However, the Israel gets the US to pay billions to Egyptian politicos so that they guard the borders as only the Israelis could.
#99 Camacho said, “All the fertile lands of the Palestinians have been taken over by Jews from Europe.”
That is a lie. Before the Jews moved into the area Palestine was “….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.” (Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad, p. 361-362)
After the Jews moved into the area in 1948, the Jews made the area flourish by sweat and hard work. The Palestinians added nothing to the area. Everything they touch falls into decline.
And one more little thought.
America firebombed Dresden. Atomic bombed Japan, carpet bombed Iraq, etc.
And that was provoked by much less than what Israel has been forced to endure.
Israel has been the model of constraint.
Camacho. HAR!!!
I KNEW that would be your response.
The Egyptians are US puppets who do it for the money.
Again, utterly stupid response. Possibly the Egyptians do it because Hamas is just as much a threat to Egypt as they are to Israel?
“The close relationship that has developed between Hamas and Iran/Hizballah has only strengthened the perception of the threat posed by Hamas, especially after the uncovering in Egypt of Hizbollah cells that were part of a network smuggling weapons to Gaza. Evidence that these cells were planning attacks inside Egypt brought home to the Egyptians that their worst nightmare was coming true: Gaza was becoming an internal Egyptian security problem.”
Please Camacho, stop posting until you have learned something or have a few more IQ points.
That last post made me hurl. I don’t know if my health can take much more.
Maybe I didn’t make myself clear, I couldn’t care less about politics. I realize these two culture’s cannot settle their differences. So one of them’s got to go, of course it’s the weaker of the two. So kill them all and let Yahveh sort them out, right?
Weak kneed? You talk like that ’cause you’re not in front of me.
Israel will do what it is their destiny to do, let’s just hope their victims are few.
ammmaramadingdong–you say: “A blockade of humanitarian aid is a clear demonstration of Israel’s intent.” /// That is so ignorant a statement. You are sounding like a liebertardian. Clear intent not to allow weapons to be smuggled into gaza==yes. Most countries would sink all 6 vessels and tell Turkey to stop interfering. Instead, Israel offers the mildest of interference: land the vessels a few miles away, we will inspect and move the relief goods by truck at our expense.
Anyone actually interested in humanitarian relief would have no problem with this reasonable safeguard. Only fucktards with a hidden agenda ((ie–the destruction of Israel, gee, maybe not that secret at all?)) would complain about this announced blockade of an enemy combatants who is at war.
I’ve learned not to ask if someone is as seriously maladjusted as you post. You can be pro or anti anything or anybody you wish, but don’t argue like a fool. Its embarrassing.
#108–Benjamin==quoting Mark Twain on point and in context? Very well done. Keep taking those lit classes, they will stand you in good stead the rest of your life.
#99–Commanchie==nah, not worth the effort.
You seem to be a fan of Huffington Post, so read this article Settlers or Squatters.
This is another standard quote that pro-Israel trolls use. Mark Twain was not working for the US Geological Survey, was he?
European Jews can take over Palestinian lands because they are better farmers?
Jerusalem Post – 38.8% of all settlement land is privately owned by Palestinians.
Commanchie==whats your ox in this dispute?
As an alternative to fighting for their existence against many foes who have pledge themselves to driving Israel into the sea, what would YOU DO?
Please be as detailed as you wish.
# 110 Ah_Yea said,
Camacho. HAR!!!
I KNEW that would be your response.
The Egyptians are US puppets who do it for the money.
Again, utterly stupid response. Possibly the Egyptians do it because Hamas is just as much a threat to Egypt as they are to Israel?
Everything is a charade.
Israel is the #1 recipient of US aid. The #2 is Egypt. Almost anyone can understand why Israel is the biggest recipient. But Egypt or Jordan? Why are they so high on the list?
The ruling elite in all the countries of the Middle East including Iran are owned by the same people who own Israel and the United States. Islamic fundamentalism is an opium for Muslims. Zionism does the same for Jews.
Ayatollah Khomeini flew in from London. What was he doing there? Don’t be surprised when the people who created Israel make Iran nuke Israel or vice versa. That would be the end of everything. Peace.
Israelis should sue the people who created Israel. After taking away all their money, Israelis will be able to buy any place on earth. That’s the only solution the Israel-Palestine problem.
Commanche–you are in a close foot race with ammarangadingdong for idiot chasing a stick. What a grand and ambiguous conspiracy alter-universe you post from. What color is the sky there?
Bleech!! Bleech!!!
Ugghh, I just puked my guts out.
So, Camacho, you are now a conspiracy theorist?
So just who are these “ruling elite”, the Illuminati?
Show me something credible,
something other than you and Adam sharing the same websites…
You haven’t managed to dispute one single point either Bobbo or I have brought, nor answered any question with reason. Now you digress into insane speculation.
Like bobbo said, “don’t argue like a fool. Its embarrassing.”
112# Bobbo
Ok I can tell you feel strongly about this, so I’ll try to make myself understood. What weapons?, they boarded by force killed, injured, and incarcerated, what weapons? Political activists – yes, Nobel prize winner – yes, diplomats – yes, weapons – no. Nothing quite as subversive as humanitarian aid. As for the organizations wanting to distribute the aid personally, I’d say they have good reason to distrust Israel. I’ll say it again politics be damned, I prefer the people, those that couldn’t care less who’s in control and just want to be allowed to live in peace (the majority everywhere). In this society, the ambitions and obsessions of the few destroy the lives of too many.
Ruling elite means the regents or the dictators. In case of the US, it is the people selected by Diebold. Whether they are part of the Illuminati I don’t know. Ask them.
You are not making any points other than picking stuff out of some “book of standard responses.” It’s the same hackneyed arguments that trolls use all over the Internet.
I do wish Israelis are able to get out of there fine. I hate all these fools trying to put them there for life.
I guess she got tired after so many years of excuse-making for Israeli policies and blunders.
Wow. Just … Wow.
amodedoma–so you really think you have a legitimate position? OK, I’ll hold my breath, and my nose and respond in good faith.
The issue of imposing a blockade WHOEVER DOES IT involves issues unrelated to whether or not contraband is found during any given inspection. You focusing on the negative results ((irrelevant whether true or not, its been reported there were some night vision goggles found)) of the inspection means you do not care to address the only relevant issue. You are smart enough I assume you do this because “emotionally” you have stopped thinking about the situation logically and are in knee jerk mode. Prove yourself and address the relevant issues in a reasonable way AND stop raising irrelevant knee jerk concerns of irrelevant consequence.
If you think the humanitarians running an embargo have “good reason” to mistrust Israel, then you “should” agree that Israel likewise has good reason to distrust as well? So, rather than blow the ships out of the water when first sighted–they give instructions on how to perform. You fail to detail what the distrust factor is==what that all the relief supplies don’t get passed along? Wouldn’t some rather than none of the relief supplies getting thru be better and worthwhile? Your argument is unsupported and illogical.
Your appeal to politics be damned is all emotion running amuck and means nothing. Are you really this silly in real life? The Palestinians are real people electing leadership pledged to the destruction of the Israeli’s. The Israeli’s are real people electing leadership to keep themselves alive. Your bleating concern applies to both sides of the conflict. Fail.
And so, as I say, I don’t care about Israel one way or the other. I do care about the nonsense passing as commentary and the fact that such stupidity makes the rounds. Such stinkin thinkin leads to the USA being in Afghanistan to begin with or with needing oil causing us to support Israel and Egypt and so forth. Stupid thinking is bad for all growing things.
Yea, like thats going to happen.