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That should be “unlike the rest”
Since you seem to have some money, but no job, why don’t you go live in Israel for 3 months. Then, instead of talking about things you don’t seem to have any hands on experience in, you’ll be able to drone on with a semblance of knowledge.
Be warned though, though it is a welfare state, it is very expensive. If you decide to live on a kibbutz, you’re a wuss.
Or you could just continue to be a postwhore.
#24. I agree with the Wacko…did I just say that?
#25–Isma’il==you disengenously say: “I’m not saying that Israel doesn’t deserve a “homeland,” but the actions they are taking go way beyond the simple desire for a country of their own. That, more than anything else is what is fueling the animosity towards them.” /// BS. Your core position is the acceptance of the Arab Peace Initiative:
which reveals a “right of return” as well as all strategic land won with blood in response to cowardly attacks by the surrounding Arab Countries.
You are a poser.
#34–Father==another germ? Ha, ha. Why don’t you address the thread rather than me?
Bobbo, Just giving you the Helen Treatment.
Bobbo, let me take your baton and run one step further…
The “Oh pity me” Gazans have declared war on Israel by electing a government bent on the destruction of Israel.
Well, if the Palestinians want to push Israel into the sea, why can’t Israel do the same?
How about this??
Have Israel open a corridor allowing free passage of any Palestinian to any Arab country they want. Blockade over.
The Palestinians live where they do for a reason. They stay there because no one wants them. Not in my backyard, let the Jews take care of them.
Here is a little history lesson.
“On 20 July 1951, Prince Hussein [Later King Hussein of Jordan] traveled to Jerusalem to perform Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque with his grandfather, King Abdullah I. A Palestinian extremist, fearing the king might negotiate a peace with the newly created state of Israel, opened fire on Abdullah and his grandson. Abdullah was killed, but the 15-year-old Hussein survived, and turned to pursue the gunman. The assailant turned his weapon on the young prince, who was saved when the bullet was deflected by a medal on his uniform given to him by his grandfather.”
Turns out the assassin was a relative of Yasser Arafat, and the PLO was plotting to take over Jordan, which led to this…
“September 1970 is known as the Black September (Arabic: أيلول الأسود) in Arab history and sometimes is referred to as the “era of regrettable events.” It was a month when Hashemite King Hussein of Jordan moved to quash the militancy of Palestinian organizations and restore his monarchy’s rule over the country. The violence resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian. Armed conflict lasted until July 1971 with the expulsion of the PLO and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon.”
The Palestinians have earned their situation because of what they have done. They first backed the loosing side in WWI, then again in WWII, and then AGAIN when they took advantage of their host and tried to take over Jordan!
Father–we are all strangers here. By definition: I can’t be insulted. Just time wasted and the failure to have a better exchange is the downside.
I have never liked Helen Thomas. Milo at #21 said it best.
Father==if you think making ad hominem attacks is worth your time, then go for it. To me, its just an admission you don’t have a viable argument otherwise.
Same with Original Posters who won’t defend their tripe.
Again: I don’t care one way or the other about Israel. but the logic and facts of argument are always of interest = and the lack thereof.
It’s sad to see these two religious secs (with a looming 3rd, the Christians) who all have the same roots in this part of the world, yet had veered off so much over the same land that has been stained with blood, shit, and craters made from explosions.
So many people have died over this “significant-only-to-them” land, now they are all terrorists, extremists, and out-right batshit crazy.
They don’t even know why they are fighting for it anymore. Why can’t the human race grow the fuck up?
I’ve got to laugh at the people in this thread debating whether the Jews should be given a homeland like it’s 1950.
Guess what the modern state of Israel has existed for 60 years now. Face the facts Helen Thomas and all the other haters the country isn’t going anywhere.
I guess anything can happen though. There are Mexicans that still dream of taking back Texas and California.
The only reason Mexico and United States are peaceful is because the U.S. became really, really powerful. It’s not because of peace talks.
Ah Yea–its nice to be on the same side for a change. But I must quibble. Just as I could care less about Israel, I do care about the Palestinians. Pick your own percentage of how many of these people are just sheep being misled by their leaders. They could have had “peace” (the conditions precedent of the conflict to follow) had Arafat not sabotaged the Camp Davis Accords—blah, blah, blah, and so forth.
In the main, all we good people of the earth share more in common than the little bits that cause conflict. That conflict being in the main the leaders that take charge of our pyramidal power structures and rule their people for their own personal eccentricities.
I cry for humanity.
#26 Greg Allen,
Way to come up with a post that is both wrong and off-topic. For some reason I just clicked on your link. If you read what he said in context, it is obviously not anti-Jew. Pat Buchanan is (quite successfully) making a case for the hypocrisy of the Democrats who claim to do everything for the sake of diversity. In the next sentence, he says the same thing about over-representation of Catholics on the supreme court, and he is Catholic! Do you even think for yourself, or just let Media Matters do it for you? And what do you want Pat to “resign” from, his “post” at MSNBC?
And as far as right-wing commentators, if anything they were praising her before this flap for being the only one willing to ask tough questions to the Obama administration while the other reporters spend their time fawning and throwing softballs. I never really noticed her before, but I suppose she was probably just as tough on the Bush Administration, though. But as #31 says, the current administration is probably not too sad that she is gone.
I wish I knew a percentage.
Neither do I know a percentage of good Germans or Japanese dead in WWII. Nonetheless, their governments declared war and they bore the sacrifice.
Now it’s the responsibility of the Palestinians to understand they are pawns, and take control of their own destiny instead of Hamas, the PLO, or Israel deciding for them what is in their best interest.
Until then, business as usual.
As Bobbo says: land is acquired and held by force. If the Arabs want their land back, better take it back, or just resign themselves to be just like all the other “occupied” people who have been taken over throughout human history.
Of course, now that we are so “civilized” and have already staked our claims to territory, we also like to play this game through the UN that war is bad. How very convenient.
Say, Ah Yea–since the “anti-Israel” posters got nothing beyond their vacuous nonsense one post on the subject, any ideas why people are anti-Israel?
I can understand rabid Muslims and jingoistic Palestinians wanting to push Israel into the Sea, and thinking about it, if the Perkel’s in the world just think they can save tax dollars by not having Israel around-even that makes sense.
But why a “thinking person” would be against Israel, or any other Nation State, from existing on any basis of “fairness” or history is beyond me.
Any ideas?
This woman is a hero. She spoke FREEly in our FREE country where men and women have died fighting for our FREEdom, saying exactly how she FREEly feels, and immediately the Nazi’s in journalizm get upset, condemn her, and put her speech in the gas chamber. This is classic!!!!!!!!! A very great moment in history.
Just when I thought John C Dvorak had gotten rid of this idiot, he posts again. I wish JCD would just drop kick this fool, who’s only contributions to this site are to show how dangerous his mind is to himself, let alone the internet (refer Marc’s WordPress tagline. You might want to fill in your “About” page BTW. Oh wait, don’t bother!).
I see that Helen has “retired”. Maybe you too, Mark Perkel should retire? Step aside and let some real contributors post.
Helen Yeah!
I’m sorry, bobbo. I am at a loss.
The only thing I can come up with is mistrust and cultural history. Jewish society is somewhat of a members only club, and history has taught us to hate what we don’t understand.
Sounds like Racism to me. I wonder how that is any different from hating Blacks or any other ethnic group.
“Hating what we don’t understand.”==I guess that makes sense although I would think if you don’t understand something, then that should be your position: ie, I don’t understand it.
“But” empathy is a quick analogy I think most people would go with?—ie==what would I do in the same situation: Surrounded by people who want to kill me and my kiddies who have attacked me 5-6 times in the past, who are smuggling arms and weapons into Gaza to attack me with again, and just yesterday they launched 2 rockets into Israeli civilian areas.
Do I “understand” all the history and causes behind all this? No. What do I think if I put myself in the situation? Legally, I’m not allowed to move anywhere and I’m stuck where I am. I guess I will just invite all my enemies back into my country, neighborhood, house if that is what they want and hope for the best given my obvious good will?
Yea, that’ll work.
Maybe just “free floating hate” for reasons that can not be uttered?
Silly hypocrites.
>> Tom said, on June 7th, 2010 at 2:04 pm
>> In our completely PC nation, she said what needed to be said. Of course she was right!
You seriously think she is right, that the Israeli Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine” and go back to Germany or Poland or wherever?
What about all the Israel-born Israelis? Where are they supposed to go?
While I certainly don’t support all the crap Israel does, I support its existence.
If we send Jews “back home” out of Israel is absurd.
And if the Jews go back to Germany or America, do we expel the Gentiles now living in their old homes and give it back to the Jews?
If the worldwide jewish conspiracy actually ran everything, do you think they would have allowed the muslim population to shoot up past 1 billion?
>> aslightlycrankygeek said, on June 7th, 2010 at 4:22 pm
>> #26 Greg Allen,
>> Way to come up with a post that is both wrong and off-topic. For some reason I just clicked on your link.
I am absolutely correct in saying that the conservatives have been gunning for Helen Thomas for decades. They hate her as much as Dan Rather. She’s an unrepentend old-school liberal and it drives them crazy.
But since you never really noticed Helen Thomas before, you probably are unaware of this.
I’m also correct in pointed out the fact that right wing commentators can say stuff every bit as nutty as Helen Thomas and never fear for their jobs. In fact, they get paid MORE for saying nutcase stuff.
If you don’t like my Pat-Buchannan-complaining-about-the-Jews example, there are a zillion others. Dan Rather got drummed out for getting one story wrong but Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh get stuff wrong ALL THE FRIGGIN’ TIME with no fear of losing their jobs.
It a gigantic double-standard that needs to be called-out.
Off topic: Does eye shadow and lipstick enhance or detract at 89?
I think all blacks should return to Africa. We would have less crime and less welfare.
Bitch looks like a gargoyle that belongs on a pillar at Notre Dame
Beacon I think it was said, “Everyone has the right to say what ever they want and every other man has the right to knock him down for saying it.”
Jews in Israel are from lots of places. Why did she suggest they go back to Germany and Poland?
How about we send Helen Thomas back to Lebanon?
One thing that I’ve noticed is that any discussion of Israel/Palestine that is the very least bit unflattering to Israel is automatically categorized as “Israel hating.” Why must this be so? If you believe in Israel’s actions then you should be able to defend your position without resorting to what amounts to name calling at best. I say “at best” because the effect is worse than garden variety name calling. The effect is to designate the utterer of the less than flattering statement as a bigot, sympathizer and enemy. It marginalizes the person and therefore ends all serious discussion of Israeli policy.
That being said, I’m a confirmed heathen; I have no horse in any religious race. I’m neither pro nor anti Israeli/Palestinian.
I do however have an interest in the U.S. and would like to point out that while, “Land is gained and kept by force,” the U.S. subsidizes that force (both sides although unequally). U.S. citizens have a right to speak frankly about what is being done with our dollars without being branded as bigots.
p.s. Helen Thomas has been corresponding with presidents since 1960. If you haven’t seen her then you haven’t been paying attention.
This 9-part playlist on Palestinian life in apartheid Israel says it all:
If Gaza is a de-facto Palestinian state, then the Israeli blockade has its own problems. How can they justify having a blockade against another country? What happens when Iran escorts ships through the blockade?