Feel free to add your comments and opinions. Here’s mine.

  1. Tom says:

    In our completely PC nation, she said what needed to be said. Of course she was right!
    Any other nation that pulled what Israel routinely does would be bombed in to nonexistence!


  2. PcMonster says:

    Hey Marc,
    Do you ever proof read what you write?

  3. hhopper says:

    Legendary White House correspondent Helen Thomas has retired after 50 years of covering U.S. presidents, after controversial remarks she made about Israel. The 90-year-old doyenne of the White House press corps said that Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine” and go back to Germany and Poland.

  4. brm says:

    Right about what? That the Israelis are occupiers?

    News flash: that land was lost to the Brits when the Ottoman Empire fell, and any hope of the Palestinian Arabs gaining it back was crushed when the Mufti sided with the Hitler.

    No matter how you feel about Israel’s behavior, that land is definitely theirs.

  5. Marc Perkel says:

    The Gaza Strip is definitely not theirs.

  6. bobbo, this is really bad form says:

    Do I really have to look up some version of what she said? Really????

    As a general rule, I agree with your comment about religions gaining a “home state” but if any group deserves an exception, its the Jews.

    THAT plus I can easily think of 15 different “sects” or even whole religions that also have their own home states. So the comment fails for being an inaccurate wish rather than any relevant analysis.

    But on what I take would be the general theme: it does amuse me how often/uniformily Israel get criticized for staying in existence.

    My favorite is their bombing of the Iraq Nuke Plant some 20 years ago? Universal condemnation. Yea, what they “should have done” is what the USA is doing now–invade the country and bankrupt themselves with a general war rather than a surgical strike.

    Absolute insane for anyone to criticize Israel who is only doing one/third what any other group of people would do in the same circumstances.

    The blockade fiasco is more PURE BS. Turkey wants to give any supplies to Gaza? Thats fine==just have your ships inspected. WHO IN THE WORLD that is atually interested in providing needed relief would actually complain about being inspected======and you don’t even have to note that Israel got rocketed twice the next morning.

    You “anti-Israeli” types for the most part just talk out of your ass in a pure vacuum. Very hypocritical, and suicidally short sighted.

    Foolish dumbshits. ((And I’m anti-thesist!==and don’t care if Israel exists or not. Land is secured and held by force. Nothing else is relevant.))

  7. Father says:

    Disney should take the place over.

  8. Marc Perkel says:

    Actually I’d like to see the UN take over Jerusalem, and maybe enlist Disney to make it a religious theme park for everyone to enjoy.

  9. Father says:

    You pro Israel types are saying the equivelent of: “there should exist a Straight Christian White Man homeland because straight Christian white men are threatened by somebody” and “there should be a Black Man homeland because black men have been abused” and “there should be a Native American homeland because their land was stolen.”. I could go on and on.

    This is the complaint of a childish mind who believes he should be a king, and the world should serve him.

    We life on a planet that we have to share.

  10. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    How many other Jewish states could to Jews go to? 0
    How many other Muslim states could the Palestinians go to? 47-57

    Every time Israel tries to show good faith and give away land (by forcibly removing their own citizens) the Palestinians and surrounding Muslim countries return the favor by screwing them over. Palestinians have plenty of other places to go, but other Muslim countries want them to stay where they are and be used as a pawn against Israel.

    So I’d say she is way off base.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo got there first, and said EXACTLY what was on my mind!


  12. bobbo, this is really bad form says:

    #8–Mark Perkel==is that what you would really like to see? Such “ideas” fall apart immediately and are again pure nonsense. Way to support your initial nonsense. At least you are being consistent.

    #9–Father==no one posting so far has said anything remotely like that. I see several versions of “they exist” so live with it. No “should” about it. Want to rephrase your germ of an idea so you might be relevant at all? Or just join Perkel in his circle jerk?

    Again==not that I care. Just the analysis of the anti-Israeli position is so inadequate. I wonder what really drives it. I think further explication might reveal it to a careful reader if not to the poster himself.


  13. Father says:

    The Jews’ homeland is everywhere, Americas, Africa, Asia, Antartica, Australia, they spread themselves out.

    I’ll submit that they have a home planet, but that could change.

  14. aslightlycrankygeek says:


    Whether anyone should have a homeland for any particular reason is irrelevant. Israel is a sovereign nation and has the right to exist just like any other nation or people group. What you are saying may have been a relevant argument back in the 40s when the modern-day state of Israel was created, but the Jews have always lived in that region of the world. The Jews claim on he land predates the modern concept of nation-states by millenia. Modern day divisions were decided by Great Britian and the UN.

    You can debate specific boundaries and territories, but the reality is that most people who argue like you do just want Israel off the map because they hate Jews. Their religion is really not important in this debate – but for some reason you think it is.

  15. Glass Half Full says:

    You can’t say that! Only Israel gets to “take back ancestral” land by military force (67 war). When China invaded Tibet, it’s claim was that historically, this land USED to belong to China (not in the last century or so, but a long time back), so it deserved to take it back. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, it’s claim was reasonably that Kuwait used to be part of what is now modern Iraq and it should still be part of it. However when China and Iraq tried to “take back” land they claimed was part of their historical territory, they were met with laughs or military might. When Israel said the WWII land grant wasn’t enough and “god” wanted them to have the West Bank too (because god gave it to them a few thousand years ago) we’re supposed to applaud and say good job?

  16. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    #16–Glass==you ask: “When Israel said the WWII land grant wasn’t enough and “god” wanted them to have the West Bank too (because god gave it to them a few thousand years ago) we’re supposed to applaud and say good job?” /// No, we are supposed to (and do) tell shit from shinola and recognize that no one has a right to any land and such claims are made to and repeated by children, retards, and advocates who think their listeners are children and retards.

    Land is gained by and held by force. All else is irrelevant.

  17. Father says:

    B: I’ve started drinikg so you’ll have to help me explain myself.

    I’m just saying that I see nothing magical about having the Jewish people, or anyone, in Israel. It is a place, and if you’re religious, it is a place that God created like any other (He created the whole world).

    If the Jews want to live there, great, if not, great.

    BTW: my style is to introduce germs in the hope that they may grow into something, very perceptive of you to notice.

  18. zybch says:

    #6 You “pro-Israeli” types for the most part just talk out of your ass in a pure vacuum. Very hypocritical, and suicidally short sighted.

  19. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    Father–its a bit early, but I could open a six-pack. I agree with you that every argument has a continuum but you gotta start higher up than the germ stage. At least have a backbone?

  20. Milo says:

    Without her the rambling nonsensical questions part of White House press conferences will need some shoring up!

  21. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    Aybiotch==mimicry is the shallowest form of argument. I posted my thought process and governing principle. Can you do the same?

    Total fail. Like Perkel, you don’t have the facts, ideas, or willingness to have your ideas challenged. And yet you post?

  22. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    #22 is for #19==Since I doubt zybitch can decode my typo. I do apologize. I wish I were drinking?

  23. Isma'il says:

    @#14, aslightlycrankygeek:

    The Arab League has offered Israel recognition of their right to exist if they returned to their pre-1967 border (i.e., relinquish the West Bank, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights), but Israel declines the offer. The Arab League has offered them an olive branch several times, but they refuse.

    If you really want the truth vis a vis the Israel/Palestine situation, please visit

    The site was started by a woman who believed, at the time that Israel was in the right, but she had the courage to find out for herself if that was the case or not.

    I’m not saying that Israel doesn’t deserve a “homeland,” but the actions they are taking go way beyond the simple desire for a country of their own. That, more than anything else is what is fueling the animosity towards them.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    The Right Wingers have been gunning for Helen Thomas for YEARS. She finally gave them what they where praying for.

    Never mind that RIGHT WING TALKERS can say the most outrageous nutcase things and they are not fired — in fact their stock GOES UP.

    For example, are any Right Wingers calling for Pat Buchannan’s resignation after he complained that there where too many Jews on the Supreme Court? Of course not.

    Why? Because conservatives don’t really give a damn about the issue — they only care about gottcha politics.

  25. Father says:


    Jerusalem is just like Disney!!! Fake blood, fake religious sites (that no one seems to be in agreement wit). Hell, in Nazareth the are several Churches of the Annunciation.

    It makes people happy to be there, whether visiting or living, just like Disney.

    If the killing would stop, it would be Disney.

    I’d like to know how poorly the Jews were treated by the Palistinians before the war of independance. Was there killing of the Jews then?

  26. sargasso says:

    Israel is a secular state. You do not need to be a Jew to be an Israeli citizen.

  27. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    I have to laugh. Since the “anti-Israeli” knuckle draggers here have to argument to present, I thought I would present the best argument I could against the existence of Israel. I found I could not which is unusual for me. It is true: you don’t really understand a subject/position if you can’t argue both sides of the issue before you strike your own position.

    Then I recognize the nub of the block: land is gained and held by force and force alone. All else is irrelevant. Hoisted on my own historical insight. Good confirmation though.

    So that leaves: what is the best criticism of Israeli “policies.” I’m a bit stumped there too. If they blockade Gaza so that weapons are not transported in and they continue to get rocketed every other day, then the whole world will not love them. Well, except for the USA, thats the status right now. BFID. (BF -irrelevant- D). So==I think it comes down to an evaluation of what does Israel need to do/avoid to keep the USA on its side? Who knows what “private deals” are made on that point? Given the moral/religious morass that the Arab world presents to the USA, I doubt there is ANYTHING Israel could do to lose the support of the USA. So, given the incompetency of the Arab States, I don’t think Israel has much to worry about.

    I personally would criticize Israel for being too easy on their adversaries. By not blasting them into eternity, they provide a false hope that the Arabs can regain their land. Along those lines, if I were Israel, I would have long ago announce their own Manifest Destiny: they will not initiate strike on their neighbors, but any land occupied by counterstrike will become part of Israel with all non-Jews to be removed from the occupied areas.


    Land is gained and kept by force. All other claims are irrelevant.

  28. Father says:

    Actually it is not a secular state.

    Gays can’t marry, and the Muslims are treated like dirt.

  29. LongLiveThatCrazyGal says:

    Helen’s comments about Israel are just an excuse to push her out. The real reason, is that the Obama administration wanted her gone. She just won’t stick to the script, like the rest of the press corps, during the administration’s press conferences.

    The Bush administration just moved her to the back of the room, when she forced them off script.

    Although, she should count herself lucky, Rahm Emanuel was probably wanting her to be suicided with “two to the head” in the morning…


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