• Most News is about Apple. The iPhone 4 is released.
  • AT&T crashes.
  • Sprint sets record with EVO sales. Where are the numbers?
  • Why are Facebook and Yahoo in the news so much?
  • HP scheme to network printers is underway.
  • The Safari browser is gooder.
  • Apple drops Cashback and I write about it.
  • Does the Internet make you smarter? Does the Internet make you dumber?
  • Kindle versus iPad showdowns.
  • Multi-touch pad leaked.
  • Sculley thinks he sucked at Apple. What?
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  1. Rufus says:

    Dumb because of the Net?
    It’s the Rockefeller dynasty at it again through the numerous insidious tentacles.
    They hate the Net because it helps people learn the truth.

  2. sargasso says:

    It’s just a phone.

  3. dusanmal says:

    Safari? On my Mac I run Firefox 3.0.15 , typically 5-7 windows, each with few tabs, one with 10 tabs. I leave machine on all the time and it is stable and snappy. Recently I decided to put Facebook on separate browser. On Mac, Safari is obvious choice. After couple weeks of usage, results are clear, repeatable and bad for Safari. After it is left on with just one window and 3 tabs (all three different facebook pages) for 2-3 days it takes over the Mac (memory leak?) as everything slows to a crawl. Killing Safari restores normal working order immediately. Crap.

  4. Anthony says:

    John I think you meant Microsoft for the “Apple drops Cashback and I write about it.” item in the list.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Yahoo wants to cash in on some of that Farmville action — story in my local paper mentions that part of the deal Yahoo made was with Zynga.

  6. rezyde says:

    I have to say that I am psyched about getting the new iphone.

  7. JoaoPT says:

    I just ralized that front facing cameras and video calls are not usual in the US.
    Here in Europe we’ve had that since the introduction of 3G and the first 3G nokias some 8 years ago or so…and I can tell U one thing:
    NOBODY uses it! Why? Because it’s ridiculous… nobody wants to walk the street holding a phone in front of your face while broadcasting the whole conversation on the speakerphone…
    That feature is moot.


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