Van der Sloot is the main suspect in this week’s slaying of 21-year-old Stephany Flores Ramirez, who was found Wednesday in a Lima, Peru, hotel room registered to the Dutch man. Chilean police told CNN that paperwork showed that van der Sloot entered Chile on Wednesday.

Peruvian Interior Minister Octavio Salazar Miranda said Thursday that Peru has made arrangements with Interpol to extradite van der Sloot. Van der Sloot, 23, was traveling alone in a taxi near the Chilean central coastal city of Vina del Mar when he was detained, said Douglas Rodriguez, spokesman for the Chilean Investigative Police.

Van der Sloot was transported Thursday afternoon to police headquarters in Santiago, Chile’s capital. TV images showed him emerging from a black police SUV at the police station. His hair, which had been black in previous images, was red and worn in a close-cropped crew cut.

In Peru, a wake was held Thursday in Lima for Flores, who was scheduled to be buried later in the day. An uncle of Natalee Holloway said he was saddened by the Flores family’s loss. “We are disappointed that Joran has been able to do this to another young girl,” Paul Reynolds told CNN. “He was not held accountable for what happened to Natalee and as a result has been able to repeat his actions. Sorry this other family has to go through the same thing we have.

The woman’s bludgeoned body was found in Room 309 of the Hotel Tac in the Miraflores section of Lima, police said. She suffered blunt trauma to the head, breaking her neck, and to her torso and back, Peruvian police said Thursday.

Van der Sloot had been staying at the hotel since arriving from Colombia on May 14, police said. Room 309 was booked in his name, authorities said.

A hotel guest and an employee witnessed the pair entering the hotel room together at 5 a.m. Sunday, Guardia said. Police have video of van der Sloot and Flores together the previous night at the Atlantic City Casino in Lima, he said.

How will he worm himself out of this one…will daddy come to the rescue again?

  1. whoppercheese says:

    His daddy died a year ago. So no help from him.

  2. amodedoma says:

    I hope by now his family is wise to him and cut him off. I’d really like to see him rotting in a peruvian prison.

  3. deowll says:

    This isn’t his country. He’s a long way from home. I don’t think any amount of money is going to get him out of this unless he has a few billion to part with for bribes and even then I think they’d just take his money and nail his bleep.

  4. Skeptic says:

    We really must find out why he did this. The poor tortured boy must have been abused in some way, or had a bad reaction to drugs. Perhaps he played too much Halo, or he was bullied in school. We should spare no expense to find out why, because he is a victim too. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!

    … oops.

  5. Curtis E. Flush says:

    Makes you wonder if there are other victims we’ve never heard about.

  6. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    They will love this guy in a Peruvian PMITA prison.

  7. If they don’t jail him, I predict he’s gonna be the recipient of a two-to-the-head award

  8. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Nancy Grace just won the lottery. She will be running with this on every show from now til Labor Day.

  9. Animal Mother says:

    The Peruvian system doesn’t fuck around with gringos who come down and raise hell in their country. Just ask Lori Berenson.

  10. Nancy Grace's Vibrator says:

    PAR-TEE time tonight, send the Marines in at dawn to pinch hit during my battery change.

  11. Angus says:

    the “well duh!!!” crime story of the decade…

  12. GregAllen says:

    If this story is as it seems (and they often are not) then this guy is a real psycho.

    He dodged a bullet once but couldn’t resist the compulsion to kill again. Like others have said, there could easily be more victims.

  13. GregAllen says:

    Clearly, Matt Damon needs to play him in the movie.

  14. bobbo, this looks like a set up to me says:

    SlootMan already knows how to kill and get away with it: hide the body.

    NOBODY would leave a dead body in a hotel room under their own name.

    I mean, lets get real? OTOH, maybe he’s a thrill junkie wanting to see how many clues he can leave behind and still get away with it? Dead body in your hotel room would be the master play.

  15. yea says:

    @ 15# bobbo

    Hes a sociopath, probably flew into a rage killed the gal, then figured he was safe if he could flee the country before they found the body, no need to hide it. Worlds a big place, lots of hiding spots if you put in some effort.

    The again, hes so narcissistic that he probably figures he can get away with anything.

  16. Buzz says:

    It makes you wonder how long you have been on this planet without accidentally becoming a suspect in several murders yourself.

    Or–maybe this guy is into something.

  17. chris says:

    A friend of mine who has spent some time in Aruba said the locals have a theory about what happened to the first girl.

    On one side of the island there is an area that’s rough and without beaches. The resorts put meat in the water here to attract the sharks away from the tourist areas.

    Aruba is home to a number of dangerous and illegal businesses. When somebody needs to disappear they are dumped out at the shark spot. The sharks are thus habituated to consuming dead people.

    The area has tended to attract more sharks and dumped bodies over time. Pretty nice, huh?

  18. amodedoma says:

    #20 pedro

    Quick, write the screen play before somebody beats ya to it. Yeah, somehow I doubt this kids THAT unlucky. I really doubt the Holloway’s would have the will or the resources for such a complicated plan. If Natalee was my kid I’d pay somebody to kill him, not have somebody else killed to frame him. But the story’s still good enough for a miniseries.

  19. GregAllen says:

    You can really tell the guys who watch too much junk cable TV — they have a creepy infatuation with cases of murdered young white women.

    I’ll guess these same guys couldn’t come up with a single name of a murdered old black person.

  20. remi says:

    I think he was set up too..not that it matters…the truth will come out about Natalee now…Stephany’s dad even says so himself….he should have fessed up when he had the chance…instead of concocting all of those stories….he could have after his Dad died, he could have fessed up then with less consequences…most people thought she died of an OD and he freaked…we all know his dad paid big money to keep his azz free instead of telling the truth…now the truth will only be the truth…he will soon die at the hands of Peruvian prisoners…probably after much torture…but only after he has told the truth about Nat and where her body is…set up? probably. Does it matter to anyone? Not really, people just want the truth…for Nat’s Mom’s sake and for Nat’s sake….May she RIP.

  21. mangoband says:

    WOW…This case sure has a lot of timely coincidences..Now its solved and wrapped up in a neat Bow…Things that make you go HHUuuummm


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