Yeah, this no sex ed in the schools is really working out well.

A growing number of teenage girls say they use the rhythm method of birth control, and more teens also said it is all right for an unmarried female to have a baby, according to a government survey released Wednesday.

About 17 percent of sexually experienced teen girls told researchers for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that they had used the rhythm method — timing their sex to avoid fertile days to prevent getting pregnant. That figure is up from 11 percent in a similar survey in 2002.

And then there’s this:

The students at school-sponsored dances, he told them, weren’t exactly doing the fox trot.

“There would be a tight cluster of students . . . and in the center we had no idea what was going on,” said Susan Nolen, copresident of the Parent Teacher Group and mother of two students at Penncrest. “Clearly, there was inappropriate touching; that was obvious during the cleanup of the dances.”

Whoa – wait. What?

“The custodial staff were,” Nolen explained, uneasily, “cleaning bodily fluids off the floor.”

The parents were speechless, too.

  1. qb says:

    Note to self. Don’t go to dvorak’s blog at breakfast.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Contraceptives should be used on every conceivable occasion.

  3. Mojo Yugen says:

    “The Pull-Out Method” – Best band name I’ve heard in a long time.

  4. Benjamin says:

    Um. Gross. According to the article all they know how to do is grind. I am still not sure where the body fluids came from. Ick. No 5 second rule at these dances. Pretty sad that all students knew how to do was grind.

    Seems like they should have ballroom or salsa lessons an hour before the dance so the students can dance decently. It’s not that hard to learn real dancing. The basics can be learned in about 15 minutes.

  5. Moe says:

    Meanwhile STDs are making a huge comeback.

    e.g. 1/3 of all New Yorkers have genital herpes.

    Turns out cunnilingus is a great way to get cancer of the mouth, if the broad has HPV.

  6. Anon says:

    So much for sex ed. STDs are higher amongst teens than before public schools started teaching it.

  7. tcc3 says:

    What do you call a girl who used the Rhythm method?


  8. Improbus says:

    What breeds pregnancy and STDs? Ignorance.

    We really need to start teaching useful stuff in school like public health, how to balance a check book (or online checking account) or how to buy and cook a nutritious meal. That doesn’t sound too outrageous does it?

  9. bobbo, the three ring circus rolls on says:

    I think the school nurse should be trained to provide abortions on demand. I mean, “lets get real.”

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Anon #6…the approach funded by the Fed is a failure. Comprehensive sex ed works. Abstinence-only (funded by the fed) is a total failure.

  11. bobbo, the three ring circus rolls on says:

    Who knew that riding dinosaurs was a natural contraceptive???

  12. Anon says:

    “Comprehensive sex ed works. Abstinence-only (funded by the fed) is a total failure.”

    Which is why more teens get pregnant now than 50 years ago, before there was any sex ed. Keep working on getting your logic gene repaired.

  13. Maricopa says:

    Three or four years ago, the media were all astonished that teens were using oral sex as a form of birth control.

    Couple of years ago, the big news was that teens were using anal sex as a form of birth control.

    How did those enlightened teens give way to a generation of Catholics???

  14. Luc says:

    I am truly disgusted. Dance contracts?!!!

    I saw “Footloose” on TV a few days ago, I thought it seemed so foolish. Would any school ever prohibit dancing even then, in the 80s? So I laughed at the idea of that happening now. I thought that movie had become as outdated as a typical Doris Day comedy.

    I was so wrong. What a reality check. And to think that it’s my generation that is cracking down on dancing now…

  15. Benjamin says:

    # 12 Anon said, on June 3rd, 2010 at 8:22 am

    “Comprehensive sex ed works. Abstinence-only (funded by the fed) is a total failure.”

    Abstinence-only works WHEN YOU ARE NOT HAVING SEX. Comprehensive sex ed never works. WHEN YOU ARE HAVING SEX, contraceptives work better than anything else.

    I thought the rhythm method was to find out what days you are likely to conceive and not have sex on those days. Couples trying to have a baby do the opposite and that works. If you really don’t want a baby then use contraceptives or don’t have sex.

  16. bobbo, the three ring circus rolls on says:

    #15–Benji==and the only way our blessed little kiddies can learn what you accurately post is to have a good sex education program that explains abstinence and birth control options.

    Otherwise all you have is “Just say no.” How can you post against the very idea you demonstrate?

    Must be some kind of dogma.

  17. spsffan says:

    The sex ed classes are combined with the “drug ed” classes. The kids finally figured out that they were being lied to about the drugs and concluded that they must be being lied to about the sex, too.

    Oh, and add to that learning about sex and reproduction from reading Facebook pages and watching what’s allowed on broadcast television and radio these days (not to mention cable), and see what you get.

    Idiocracy here we come! (Make that cum)

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Anon, I was cutting you some slack, but you missed an opportunity to hide your ignorance. Perhaps you should reserve your comments for topics on which you have some knowledge.

    Benjamin…I agree with your last statement, but comprehensive sex-ed works where abstinence-only provably has not. There are lots of studies to back this up, I’ve posted links to them several times in the last couple years.

    Heh, this would be funny if it weren’t sad:

  19. Anon says:

    Pull-out method worked for me for a year then I wised up to protection. Still I think it is much safer than people say. If you understand the biology behind it, and exercise control it seems to work. Maybe I was lucky.

  20. Higghawker says:

    What about “YOU” parents, teaching YOUR kids about safe sex, and the dangers of STD’s etc. Isn’t it just like this generation to blame the schools for not bringing up their kids. Pitiful, no wonder we have such a problem.

    It is this culture of lazy, govt. take care of me, please raise my kids, ignorant generation that is the problem, not the schools!!

  21. Luc says:

    Teaching sexual abstinence to teenagers… Ha! Where do people get these ideas???!!!

  22. Luc says:

    @19, you were lucky.

  23. Benjamin says:

    #16 “Otherwise all you have is “Just say no.””

    I never got anyone pregnant who said no to me.

    “How can you post against the very idea you demonstrate?”

    What? That sex education doesn’t work for preventing STDs and pregnancies. That is self evident. Learning about abstinence or contraceptives doesn’t really prevent anything. I can learn all about contraceptives and abstinence that there is to know, but if I go out and have unprotected truck stop sex with strangers I might get the girl pregnant or get an STD.

    You must practice what you are taught be it abstinence or contraception usage. I don’t have truck stop sex so I never got a disease or caused a pregnancy from actions taking place with strangers at truck stops. Abstinence works in that case because I practice abstinence and just don’t learn it and ignore the rules.

    However if I really had to have sex with someone and didn’t want to get her pregnant I would use contraception.

    #13 “How did those enlightened teens give way to a generation of Catholics???”

    “That’s what being a Protestant’s all about. That’s why it’s the church for me. That’s why it’s the church for anyone who respects the individual and the individual’s right to decide for him or herself. When Martin Luther nailed his protest up to the church door in fifteen-seventeen, he may not have realised the full significance of what he was doing, but four hundred years later, thanks to him, my dear, I can wear whatever I want on my John Thomas..” – from Monty Python and the Meaning of Life

  24. deowll says:

    Unless the floor is awfully crowded tell them not to clump and send adults through to break up clumps. Since they don’t want you anywhere near them they won’t clump to the point they attract the adults or at least the smart ones don’t.

    Of course they have to believe the the adults will actually enforce the rules. If they think you’re a door mat they’ll test you.

    It sounds like the adults playing admin are more naive than the students.

  25. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Benji–I’ll just lump you together with Anon for being able to even understand what you post yourself.

    Education. Its a terrible thing to waste.

  26. Benjamin says:

    #25 How about we just teach dancing in gym class like we used to and let them learn ballroom and salsa. Then play that kind of music at school dances instead of hip hop. Hip hop encourage students to grind. Not ballroom or salsa.

  27. Improbus says:


    If you work (teaching or administrating) in a school system you are by definition not the sharpest tool in the shed.

  28. tcc3 says:

    We should also ban jazz and rock music.

  29. Pregnancy Miracle says:

    I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years but nothing has happened. I am getting pretty down that I haven’t become pregnant yet…I always figured it would be SUPER easy to get pregnant, but now I see that is not true. Help me please…


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