Suggested by Luc

  1. honeyman says:

    Check out my bro, ‘bro.

  2. LDA says:


  3. Derek W says:

    i was out of clean shirts, and the place I get my booze says NO shirt No service. this is the best I could do.

  4. donnacoz says:

    I just luv summer

  5. brm says:

    not trying to caption this, but is he holding a bottle of vegetable oil?

  6. bballhead says:

    Luc was always embarrassed by his ugly boobs.

  7. nolimit662 says:

    It’s Dvorak’s new character……the TECH TRANNY!!

  8. robublind says:

    Damn, booze and drugs have taken a toll on Lindsay Lohan.

  9. nolimit662 says:

    LMMFAO!! #8 Good one!!

  10. brm says:

    “Ron Paul hits rock bottom”

  11. macnamee says:

    Got milk?

  12. Gasbag says:

    Dad! You stopped taking your medication again?

  13. AC_in_mich says:

    Some good comments on this one! Now I gotta go get another shirt – spilled coffee all over this one LMAO

  14. Me-Mongo says:

    “What? It’s laundry day!”

  15. How can i contribute an article to this blog?

  16. Dallas says:

    #10 Pedrito…. Very funny, albeit a false stereotypical assumption.

    It turns out most cross dresser are by a HUGE margin (>70%) are heterosexual. Look it up.

    By the way, are you wiping the beaches down yet with your dig dig dig tee shirt? I’m sure the oil has already reached your fishing village.

  17. cheapguyct says:

    John on holiday

  18. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Does this dress make my butt look big?”

  19. jman says:

    Uncle Dave’s day out

  20. Edward says:

    Fruit, Vegetables & Eggs

  21. qb says:

    John C Dvorak wakes up in a 7-11 in Peepekeo after a 12 day ether and tequila binge.

  22. Sumfun says:

    “I’m Pregnut”

  23. Mr Anderson says:

    The Russian bride you ordered, just walked in

  24. Buzz says:

    “…and nothing cooks like a dame…”

  25. haymoose says:

    “No, it’s a ‘Mansseire'”

    #8 FTW!

  26. User7 says:


  27. dskrtic says:

    “Can you point me to the feminine hygiene aisle?”

  28. twright_il says:

    “What would ya do oo oo for a klondike bar”

  29. Dallas says:

    #25 It was an easy guess because you’re fascinated with me.

  30. Ichris2 says:

    The ugliest woman in the world.


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