Al and Tipper Gore announced today that they were separating after 40 years of marriage.
The announcement came in the form of an e-mail message. Friends described the decision as mutual.
“We are announcing today that after a great deal of thought we have decided to separate,” the couple said. “This is very much a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together, following a process of long and careful consideration. We ask for respect for our privacy and that of our family, and we do not intend to comment further.”
The existence of the e-mail message was first reported by Politico. A spokeswoman for Mr. Gore, Kalee Kreider, confirmed its authenticity.
There is a global warming joke here someplace. Any ideas?
[violation of posting guidelines]
“I did not have sex with that woman!”
From: Obamaforever
To: pedro
Now can we get people to put the stress in the proper place when saying “Al Gore” ?
I really don’t care for either of them, but a breakup after 40 years IS a bit sad.
Al and Tipper Gore split up after 40 years. I guess his bed wasn’t big enough for him, his wife and his ego. One of them had to go.
Being true to his beliefs, he couldn’t live with a cow emitting so much methane!
#29 Dallas
You have such a one track mind I am surprised you can feed yourself.
If the press reports are correct that the split is friendly and harmonious then their example should be an inspiration to millions of others who succumb to the social pressures of living their lives in misery for the sake of pleasing others. After decades of living in a rut neither of them discovered who each one is. Now they got liberated and discovered their true selves and decided to pursue their interests and try to live the rest of their lives to the fullest. Requires understanding and courage. I hope with time it will become the norm rather than an exception.
So who will end up with the carbon spewing mansion I wonder?
I guess her carbon footprint was too big?? Anyway ,she probably got tired of being heckled about Al’s crusades.
Al is obviously suffering from “low T”.
#39 which part of my opinion did you find to be false?
#32 pedrito, i couldn’t be happier! I’m healthy, debt free and a multimillionaire.
My parents are and have been married for 55 years and still going!
I channel all my hatred to bigots and hypocrits much like you channel it to gays, non-christians and social liberals. Just how you like it!
There is no political significance to this story — both liberal and conservatives marriage fail.
It only become political when one political party claims to have “family values” and that the other party doesn’t.
But, the conservatives have been banging that drum a little less loudly than they used to. Thank goodness! — that “we’re morally superior to the libs” talking point was so smug and irritating. (Not to mention completely full of crap.)
#45 agree but that change in conservative sentiment happens when people push their high horse hypocrisy back onto their faces – often!
TWEET: @GrayWoof: If Tipper gets half the internet, I hope she takes Facebook and not Twitter.
I’m watching the special on Jesse James throwing his marriage away. Compare and contrast to the Gore marriage: I can’t because there is no info. But both short term and long term break ups can be very telling.
It occurs to me that a 40 year marriage may break up for the same reasons a middling marriage does, ie, those of 15-20 years. Asssuming the kiddies are gone, it just took more time to realize they’d rather be apart? Could stay together, but why bother?
Politicians lie all the time about everything and usually the two enablers find each other, get married and stay married for “political” reasons. Even accept the lies each tells the other. Weird dynamic.
This is bizarre. Wonder what the cause is. Al insists they live on a low carbon footprint? Judging from his own behavior, that is not likely. Was it all for political convenience?
Ya know…at all of Algor’s publicity events, he refuses to talk to the press or answer any questions. Can any of you recall an Algor press conference since he was VP? I can’t. Hmmm. Wonder why that would be…. Hollywood whores love this guy. I don’t.
Tipper learned of Al’s Really Inconvenient Truth: porn storms are not caused by global warming
We of Mizar are distressed to hear of Alcor’s parting.
One may therefore presume that Tipper and Al are not gravitationally bound.
This announcement probably means that Al Gore has no further ambitions for public office, which would be the only reason to stay together. Most likely, their marriage has been over for decades, but for political reasons they remained together.
Sad for them. Personally, I don’t know if the world is ready for Swinging Bachelor Al Gore, Hollywood’s Hottest Hot Date! Now his coverage will include We!, Us! and Okay! as well as the news weeklies and political mags. (Maybe hers as well.)
I guess Gore doesn’t like to cuddle in warm weather.
So was this a marriage of political convenience?
Was Al insisting on lowering their carbon footprint? Is he leaving Tipper for a younger woman?
#44 Dallas “#39 which part of my opinion did you find to be false?”
I was not commenting on the accuracy of your statement, just your obsession.
Hypothetical conversation with Dallas;
Did you see the new style for the blog yet?
Dallas, “It’s a Repug plot started by Bush and Chaney to ruin our eyesight.”
Their marriage has been cooling from the startuntil it was below freezing
Has anyone else noticed that there aren’t as many posts on here lately. I’m bummed. I used to check the site multiple times daily, but now I have to wait a few days to get some good stories. 🙁
Maybe she just got tired of having to take antidepressants in order to be around the idiot?
New season of the Bachelor coming.