Al and Tipper Gore announced today that they were separating after 40 years of marriage.
The announcement came in the form of an e-mail message. Friends described the decision as mutual.
“We are announcing today that after a great deal of thought we have decided to separate,” the couple said. “This is very much a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together, following a process of long and careful consideration. We ask for respect for our privacy and that of our family, and we do not intend to comment further.”
The existence of the e-mail message was first reported by Politico. A spokeswoman for Mr. Gore, Kalee Kreider, confirmed its authenticity.
There is a global warming joke here someplace. Any ideas?
If they split what happens to their carbon footprint? Wouldn’t it double in size? Their divorce will help ruin the planet.
Sheesh, what happened to Tipper? Seems a few years ago she was semi-hot, but now it appears her eyes have dropped back into her head a little.
I can’t use my real name, lest the Dems get mad at me, so I’ll use my pseudonym.
John S Dvorak
I all started when the first things he said in the morning were comments like “This coffee will never win a Nobel Prize,” and “Nice dress, but no Oscar.”