Jarrod Wyatt also cut out his friend’s tongue and ripped off most of his face in a brutal assault that police said looked like a scene from a horror film. They found the 26 year old standing naked over his friend’s body with body parts, including an eyeball, strewn around the blood splattered room.
Wyatt told police he had drunk a cup of tea spiked with hallucinogenic mushrooms and became convinced his close friend Taylor Powell was possessed.
According to an autopsy Powell,21, bled to death after his heart was ripped out. The coroner said Powell had been alive when the organ was ripped out after his chest had been sliced open with a knife. Wyatt told the police he thrown the heart into a fire along with other organs that he had removed from the body.
Hmmm…I’ve heard of various visions on mushrooms. This one is a bit unusual.
found by Trevor Pressman
Oh gawd John, my name is “Jordan WYATT”, and I felt my heart literally thud when I read “JARROD Wyatt”…thinking “great, just what I need, another JORDAN Wyatt, around the same age, who rips people apart while on drugs appearing when people search for my name!
Jordan Wyatt
No Agenda Vegan In Residence
Bled to death after having his heart ripped out?
I wonder if he knew he was drinking shroom tea? Or if he had any idea what to expect?
Normally shrooms don’t screw people up to the point where they don’t know that they are hallucinating. Unless they mix it with something like an amphetamine, that can have unpredictable results.
If he is coherent enough to do what he did, he was not beyond just thinking “hey, I’m on shrooms, this will pass”.
But when you give psychedelics to people who don’t know that they are getting drugged, and have no prior experience of that kind of drug they will on occasion do some crazy shit.
Jesus fucking christ…
The guy clearly had it coming to him.
this is totally weird. if your flat mate is a self medicating neurotic sociopath with schizoid psychopathic tendencies, it might be a good idea to hide the kitchen knives in any case.
Musta been da ‘roids.
Better info here:
See now, this is another basic problem with religion: It makes people believe in this retarded concept of “demonic possession”.
There is no such thing… It’s bogus, invented to control people.
Anyway the only honorable thing for the “cage fighter” to do would be to commit suicide. But of course he won’t, he’ll rationalize the whole thing away.
But people, be honest, most of you would rather have your beating heart ripped out and face torn off than go see Sex in the City II.
Sounds like some kind of religious fundamentalist to me. Perhaps a Glenn Beck viewer as well?
He betrayed Shiva.
Probably his first trip, his buddy thought it’d be funny to try to scare him and boom, psychotic episode. First time trippers should always be adequately ‘guided’, also you really don’t want to play around with hallucinogens at all if you’re already f’d up in the head.
How do you spell ‘roid-rage ?
Germany or Florida?
#12, Moe said
“But people, be honest, most of you would rather have your beating heart ripped out and face torn off than go see Sex in the City II.”
Wait, there’s a difference??
“Wyatt’s MMA career is still in its earlier stages.”
I’d say he just about wrapped it up.
In over 20 years of doing shrooms and seeing probably at least 25+ close friends on it, I’ve never seen anything even remotely close to this.
Seen some people freak out but still, nothing even close to this.
I’m not buying it was drugs alone, Something was wrong with this guys head in the first place.
The problem wasn’t that he took some mushrooms, it was that he was a cage fighter. Most of those guys are fucked in the head and should be locked up.
‘roid-rage’ & mushrooms & mental instability = one mean cage fighter.
And I also like the comment:
Bled to death after having his heart ripped out.
Technically, it’s correct I guess.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas quote
“One of the things you learn from years of dealing with drug people, is that you can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug. Especially when it’s waving a razor-sharp hunting knife in your eye. “
Should OUTLAW CAGE MATCHES !!! Proponents NUTS !!! Don’t encourage them !!!
Seems like the story line for CSI episode.
And what were those ‘shrooms dipped in?
Pikachu, I agree Organized religion has caused much death and suffering except for true followers in Christ.
There is no such thing… as nothing It’s bogus, Luciferianism, Talmudic Judaism, Catholicism, Freemasons, Islam, Satanism, Taoism, Mormomism, Scientologist, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Atheism, Evolutionism, Wiccans way too many to list were invented by Satan to control people .
Anyway the only honorable thing for the “cage fighter” to do would be to ask Jesus into his heart and repent.
#23 Green
Hunter S. Thompson quote!? Excellent! I like ‘when the going get’s weird the weird turn pro.’
#12 Moe
I heard that that film was like psychological castration for guys, so it’d be more like having your balls ripped off and shown to you. Close though.
This type of thing does occasionally occur with PCP.
With freinds like that…