Finally, some real law enforcement in practice!

  1. Ralphie Boy says:

    Kalifornia is retarded! The parents are retarded! The little girl has an uphill battle and the radio station didn’t even get a plug during the report.

  2. Rabble Rouser says:

    TWO BUCKS A GLASS?!?!?!?!
    The kid should have been arrested for ripping people off!

  3. wygit says:

    OK, their response was that it wasn’t about the permit as much as that the dad plops the little girl on a busy intersection with no curb or gutter for people to safely pull over and buy her lemonade.

    Looking at the film of the intersection, I kind of agree with them.

    I also don’t see any houses around there… is dad just leaving his daughter there all day alone?

    Makes a great Nanny State story though.

  4. ScotterOtter says:

    “For a good cause”, yeah right

  5. People’s Republik of Kalifornia??!!? I thought this was a local town decision based on the child’s own safety at a dangerous intersection. What part did I miss?

  6. #2 – Rabble Rouser,

    TWO BUCKS A GLASS?!?!?!?!
    The kid should have been arrested for ripping people off!

    Why don’t we get to that right after we arrest bankers for charging ATM fees, usurious credit card interest rates, and other ridicufees?

  7. Benjamin says:

    They are just upset that they didn’t get their cut. At least the kid has learned how to start a business.

    1.) Think of something to sell.
    2.) Move away from California.
    3.) …
    4.) Profit

  8. The0ne says:

    If this was consistent in CA think of the money LA could be bringing in with all those street vendors. Maps anyone? That little girl in Bad News Bear should definitely be handcuff and sent to jail as well.

  9. Lisa Simpson says:

    They want cheap sentiment? I’ll pump ’em so full of sap they’ll be blowing their nose with a pancake!

  10. Rider says:

    Seriously look at where the kid was. We are not talking about a kid setting up a both on the front lawn.

  11. Cursor_ says:

    2 dollars a glass and it goes to a trip to Dizznee land?

    She has learned well the self-absorbed route.


  12. GF says:

    Location, location, location. Her dad is teaching her well. Next lesson, red tape, red tape, red tape.

  13. drewkane says:

    How about the dad work hard and save up to take his little princess to Disneyland. You probably shouldn’t set up a lemonade stand at an intersection with truck route signs.

  14. jescott418 says:

    Who thought 2 dollars was a good price? Do you get a bag of weed with that Lemonade? I think the rest of the country should make a stand and do just the opposite of California. Because all the nut jobs seem to live out there.

  15. Gilgamesh says:

    Stupid dad demonstrates ignorance of basic rules of commerce and then coaches his daughter into a public display of self-entitlement and feigned victimhood. Brilliant.

    That was a Mickey Mouse story if there ever was one.

  16. chuck says:

    Just a thought:
    do illegal immigrants, selling fruit on the side of the interstate, need a permit too?

    Is it racist to ask roadside vendors for proof of citizenship or residency?

  17. Chuck says:

    $2 a cup doesn’t seem overpriced to me. Let’s break it down. A child’s single day, single park pass to Disneyland is $62. She needs to sell 31 cups of lemonade to reach this. When Disneyland opened in 1955 single day admission was $1. At that rate, to reach the goal by selling 31 cups of lemonade, she would need to charge 3.125 cents per cup. This seems pretty reasonable according to my non-scientific, probably non-accurate knowledge of the market value of 1950s lemonade.

  18. admfubar says:

    Well!!!!! i think they should all take tips from Dr. Tran on lemonade stand sales

    make sure you watch all 3 parts!!!

    i wonder if this little girl had a segway ,big hair & boots!!!

  19. ramuno says:

    Tulare is a medium sized (57,000) agricultural city. Originally farmers from Oklahoma. They vote Republican and California has a Republican governor.

    Let’s assume the Dad was with her during her selling and had her a safe distance from the road, not where the TV camera was placed. The cops thought I was still unsafe and shut her down.

    A nothing story, but TV and the internet loves to run with this stuff, finding a Communist spin.

  20. Steve says:

    Asshole dad tries to teach daughter to exploit her cuteness by hanging out at busy intersection coaxing people to give her money for her service. I can see where this is heading.

  21. ray says:


    Every bit of this story is classic. Thank you for uploading this.

  22. bobbo, beer in the morning is bad for posting says:

    Cute kiddie. I hope her dad isn’t the asstard he presents himself as: “There’s no free ride?” when raising your 7 year old and been doing it a few years?

    “MY DAD” used to pay me and my sisters for book reports we wrote on movies we went to, camp, vacation visits and so on. He never scored them or gave negative feedback. He just said it was mutually rewarding. Took me 30 years to figure that one out.

    Imagine that.


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