There is a line literally around the block for this new grilled cheese sandwich shop that just opened in San Francisco. It looked to be at least an hour wait so these millennials could pay $7 and more for a grilled cheese sandwich then blog about it. It’s right in the middle of where all the Internet start-ups are located on Second Street.

  1. Somebody_Else says:

    Didn’t Dvorak complain about ageism towards older people not too long ago? There are hipsers and pricks in every generation.

  2. Cursor_ says:

    The best cheese sandwich is deep fried.


  3. huskergrrl says:

    Agreed, Cursor, but first it must be dredged in egg and milk and rolled in crushed cornflakes. Mmmmm…

  4. Winston says:

    That $7.00 grilled cheese sandwich must be made by Apple.

  5. KJohnstone says:

    #26, Billy Goat Tavern on Lower Wacker

  6. bill says:

    You want gravy wit doas fries?

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    There is a place in NY that sells just peanut butter sandwiches. Same sort of place like this one.

    I guess these people think that if you pay more it must be better, same sort of people I guess who will pay $500+ for a enlarged, 4th gen, iPod Touch…

  8. Personality says:

    #1. So that explains Apples success.

  9. Rick Cain says:

    You apparently get a free small baggie of unknown green substance handed to you with every sandwich.

  10. TK417 says:

    Gourmet Grilled Cheese = Boring. After the initial hype the restaurant will be out of business within a couple months.

  11. Anon says:

    “Children of boomers are suckers” “Dog bites man”


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