This Episode’s Executive Producers: John Richert, Steven Staff
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Lawrence, Bradley Ledden
Artwork by: Sir Randy Asher

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  1. deowll says:

    You guys are right about one thing. The Dems seem to want to pass laws just because they can. They want to regulate everything and require a fee and some paper work to do anything. They want to chip us like dogs. Despite all their rich man’s burden bull I think they regard the lower classes about like dogs.

  2. BubbaRay says:

    Nothing like “progressives” to ruin it for oalcommon men. Sure, take more of my money and stomp my rights. Pretend the constitution is outdated. Kiss my entire … Just wait until “net neutrality” is passed. Geez! deowll has it about just right.

  3. nicktherat says:

    how did the show end? what happened?

  4. ECA says:

    35000 feet?
    PLUS 5000 feet

    7.5 miles??? NOPE..we cant do that..UNLESS we found a hole…a BIG HOLE…FULL OF OIL..
    WHICH would drop the price of oil by 50% at the LEAST.

  5. BubbaRay says:

    Jabroni. Here’s the


  6. ECA says:

    ID TAGS??

    WHAT a way to hijack your ID.
    Anyone hear about the Chinese business man and his EXPENSIVE CAR. Parked in a Car park at work, the Thieves WAITED FOR HIM. AS the car checked his FINGER PRINT to open and START the car.
    They told him to open and START it, or LOOSE the hand. He did as asked.. They drove him 5 miles away and dropped him off, ALIVE.

    I would rather be the HACKER scanning you as we pass in a MALL. Duplicate your ID and MEET YOU AT YOUR HOME in the middle of the night. Or CHARGE your ID to anything they let me BUY.
    AT LEAST with a CC, I can hide the thing or HAND over those WIRELESS PUCK to start my car.
    Picture ID and RFID?? LMAO.
    Do you understand the the USA gov has problems with CENTRAL Locating SERVERS?? That single CLIENT systems can NOT run independently on the THEIR setup.
    THEn we wont even THINK about the Storage needs on an independent/Client system.
    THEN some IDIOT will make it HACKABLE because its interconnected threw the NET.

  7. Lou Minatti says:

    Adam was more paranoid than usual in this episode. I like when I can hear Adam firing up his lighter… it tells me where he’s getting his inspiration. 🙂


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