Five young teenagers got pregnant after playing games with their school mates from a lower secondary school in the town of Ostroda, northern Poland.

Students, aged 14-15, played a game called “the sun” or “a star”. “Girls lay on the floor in a circle with their heads together and eyes closed and boys copulate with them, taking turns. The winner was the boy who managed to finish the intercourse last,” one of the students revealed.

The game resulted in several pregnancies. “This year five girls got pregnant, two of them have already given birth,” said Anna Czarnocka, the school’s headmaster.

The prosecutors who are investigating the case complain that parents and teachers of the teenagers from Ostroda are not willing to cooperate. Nobody talks about sex at school and there is no psychologist who would explain to the students that such games can lead to pregnancy.

Guess that’s what happens when there’s no sex ed.

  1. fargonaz says:

    Games like this have always been with us; seems to me this is just another variation of playing Dr.

    To think that, because the Gov’t doesn’t provide sex education and this is the outcome, is an extremely sad comment; also unsupported. The parents in any society are responsible for the raising of children; the article does not state that this is an orphanage.

  2. amodedoma says:

    At that age I never got past stinky finger.

  3. OldManWandering says:


    If you think the majority of parents today aren’t raising accidents who were likely results of games similar to this or heavy drinking at a club, then you’re living under a rock. I’d wager than at least 80% of parents never intended to become parents, or at least not when they did or with whom they did.

    As a result, few of them have any desire to actually rear the children they’ve produced. When the school system tries to offer sex education they get upset because that’s what they think they should do as parents, get up set at this evil school teacher trying to educate their children for them. When there is no sex education (in a situation like this) they blame the school for not teaching their children not to have sex.

    You seem to be out of touch with reality. Are you also one of these people who think that a teacher making $50,000 a year after 20 years (having started at $20,000 a year) is living the high life too and should have their pay cut?

    What I continually hear as a teacher is “Woooah they get a decent health care package because schools are some of the worst breeding grounds for disease and illness… that’s not allowable… I make $100,000 a year and the state isn’t giving me a pension or healthcare! I have to pay for my own and put into a 401k and after all that plus taxes I bring home $50,000 a year!”

  4. MPL says:

    Wrong guess, there is government mandated sex ed program in Poland

  5. Zybch says:

    This is kind of the reverse of a story posted here on DU about a year ago where a couple went to the doctor after years of trying to have a kid or two. The doctor asked them how often they had sex and was more than a bit surprised to hear that they had never had sex. The two hicks (from a sex-hating religious background, what did you expect) had never had any sex-ed and just assumed that a child would turn up out of nowhere.

  6. JoaoPT says:

    So what?
    Poland is coming fast into the “developed Nation” club, which means that it’s population growth will become negative… maybe they’ll need every baby they can produce…
    OTOH, playing a bit of the “idiocracy” game, maybe these are not the babies they’ll need after all…

  7. fargonaz says:

    OK Oldman, I’ll bite.

    I’m out of touch with reality because I state the obvious? Parents ARE responsible and should teach their progeny about human reproduction.

    Let’s concentrate on the article and stimulating discussion. I don’t believe I attacked our underpaid educators, although I would be more than happy to attack bloated school administrations.

    Thanks for reading

  8. jccalhoun says:

    I call bullshit on this story. Most of these stories are bullshit and I see no reason why this one isn’t as well.

  9. amodedoma says:

    #7 fargonaz

    Luckily I only had 3 boys, so at age 13, I give ’em the man to man and tell them about condoms and how important they are and just how bad it can get without ’em. I keep a box of them in the medicine chest always. So far, so good. It’d be more difficult if I had daughters but I’m sure I’d find a way to get the same result.
    Sex Ed begins and belongs at home.

  10. Airsick says:

    I don’t think this is a sex education problem. The seem to know exactly how to do it and what to do.
    Also, I would bet that even if they had condoms – even free ones – in the schools I would bet that most of the kids wouldn’t use them.

  11. MPL says:

    #8 – quite possible. I did some research and many articles contradicts the orgy story (including police statements). One constant confirmed 5 teen pregnancies, however considering size of the town, number of schools and national rate of teen pregnancies – 16 per 1000 per year (Germany 11, Finland 8, Canada 16, Russia 30 , US 53) at least statistically it is a “non event”.

  12. Stian says:

    I don’t see why sex ed have to stay at home. Parents aren’t always the most knowledgeable individuals when it comes to STDs, how and where to get treatment and details about the reproductive system.
    But when it comes to the kids in the article, I don’t think any amount of sex education both at home and in school would ever keep them from getting pregnant.

  13. Li says:


  14. mck says:

    HOAX. They say there was no orgy. That kinda makes sense, since some of them already had the babies while the other ones are still waiting.

  15. Benjamin says:

    The closest game to this we played was spin the bottle and that only led to kissing.

  16. Bob says:

    Sex ed is not going to suddenly cure stupidity. I am also willing to bet this school had sex ed and it didn’t change the outcome.

    You want to blame someone? Blame the parents, they are the ones who raised their kids to be idiots.

  17. Jetfire says:

    For all those blaming the State, Schools or Parents, you’re forgetting what is was like to be their age.

    Ben Stein had said once that you can have the best schools, best teachers but it the kid doesn’t want to learn he’s not going to.

    How many kids are taught this stuff but believe it only happens to the other kid but not me. Quit making excuses for these kids.

  18. spsffan says:

    Not “hoax” rather, “hos”. Also, insert standard degrading “Polish Roulette” joke here.

    I don’t think sex ed would make much difference. We had sex ed in 6th grade (age 12). All the boys, at least, knew how babies were made before the class started. Even if they might have been a bit sketchy on the details, they knew that f*cking lead to babies.

    Oh, and #6, you actually think that lowering population growth is a bad thing? Isn’t it as obvious as the nose on your face that the planet is already grossly overpopulated with human beings?

  19. Improbus says:

    Wow, talk about pro-life. This is what the leaders of the devoutly religious want. Stupid prolifically breeding followers no matter the cost to people or their lives.

  20. deowll says:

    If it wasn’t for unplanned pregnancies the human race would go extinct. Western Europeans are going extinct. So are white Americans and Canadians.

  21. Holdfast says:

    Why are your schools forbidden from teaching this important subject?

    My parents taught me various things that my school taught me as well. Sex Ed should be in this group along with such things as speaking, swimming, cycling and personal behaviour. I got input from my parents and school.

    Forbidding sex ed in state schools is religious interference that surely is supposed to be against your constitution.

  22. wirelessg says:

    Add bright colors and shouting and it sounds like a Japanese game show.

  23. SimonSezz says:

    I’m Polish and I had my first sexual experience with a girl when I was 14 years old. I think in Europe it’s pretty common. We didn’t have sex ed though. Looking back, I don’t know why we did it, I think it was just out of boredom. All my friends were having sex too so it wasn’t an odd thing. I don’t remember any girl getting pregnant though and if they did get pregnant it was usually around age 16 – 18 and then the parents would make the kids get married ASAP. I think I read somewhere that Polish men usually have the most sex partners in their lifetime out of any nationality so I think that’s why we need a head-start.

  24. SuperMappy says:

    Is there anyway I can blame this on the Clintons?

  25. Patrick H. says:

    “Nobody talks about sex at school and there is no psychologist who would explain to the students that such games can lead to pregnancy.”

    Really?! A psychologist.

  26. Uncle Dave says:

    #24: Only if I can blame it Bush & Cheney.

  27. joaoPT says:

    Overpopulation is a problem. So is underpopulation.
    In the Western hemisphere, the so called developed world, all countries, except USA, have negative population growth. That, coupled with longer lifespan, is a problem, for instance, for the Social State, when ever fewer people must be paying an ever increasing non productive population. And that puts pressure on the system and eases the “import” of people. In fact, migrant workers are paying the bill of the developed world.

  28. Fed Up says:

    This poster more often than not comes to the most brainless of conclusions. I think a new award category is in order.

  29. ECA says:

    The human body DOES ITS THING..
    trying to STOP the natural order of how NATURE WORKS, makes things worse most times.
    How many of you understand that upto and EVEN AFTER 1960, the age to get married started at 12?

    AND dont tell me that the RISE in age limits comes from CHRISTIANS and the pope.. Those folks would HIDE behind claims of NO SEX, PERIOD. Then go out and PLAY with little boys.

  30. MattG says:

    Why the hell are there prosecutors involved? If its consensual, which seems likely from the description, what would police or a prosecutor need to be involved at all.

    Yet another country trying to criminalize things to appear to be “doing something about the problem”


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