Here’s what President Obama did yesterday:

President Barack Obama used the growing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to renew his pitch for alternative energy Wednesday, arguing that the unfolding environmental disaster “gives you a sense of where we’re going” without comprehensive reform.

The federal government is “going to bring every resource necessary to put a stop” to the spill, the president said during a visit to a solar panel manufacturing facility in Fremont, California. “We will not rest until this well is shut, the environment is repaired, and the cleanup is complete.”

But, he added, “a lot of damage has been done already. The spill in the Gulf, which is just heartbreaking, only underscores the necessity” of seeking alternative fuel sources. A failure to enact comprehensive energy reform, he argued, would pose a threat to national security and the economy, as well as the environment.

And this:

The Obama administration, under pressure to act over the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, is expected to announce Thursday that it will suspend consideration of any applications for exploratory drilling for oil in the Arctic until 2011.

The decision is a major blow to Royal Dutch Shell PLC, which had planned an ambitious oil-drilling program in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas off Alaska this summer. Shell has been arguing to regulators that its operations in Alaska would face a lower risk of the kind of problems faced by BP PLC in its ill-fated Gulf of Mexico operation.

Is this enough? Not enough? Too much? Do you agree BP should be running the cleanup instead of the government? Given BP is the most knowledgeable on such things, despite never having tested some of their methods, is there a choice? What do you think about suspending drilling? Are you in the conspiracy camp that says the explosion was on purpose to further alternative energy? What other steps would you take?

What Should Be Done In The Gulf?

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  1. OmegaMan says:

    Time to use a low yield nuke or very powerful conventional. Russians did similar back in the 60’s to stop such a leak.

  2. Gern Blanston says:

    Hey Sarah, How’s that “Drill Baby Drill” thing going ??

  3. Zybch says:

    People are actually choosing option 1? Let BP continue (not) to deal with it??
    How freaking ignorant and stupid do you have to be to believe they are doing anything at all other than smiling all the way to the bank because this event has pushed up oil prices.
    Their liability is limited to a mere $70 million thanks to the wonderful oil lobby inside the US government, and they have already made far more than this out of the needlessly increased price of oil coming into the US. BP and every other oil company CAN’T be trusted to do a god damned thing when stuff goes wrong, not when they actually stand to benefit.
    The sooner we can get away from fossil fuels to more renewable energy sources the better, and the faster these evil corporations will fall.

  4. fargonaz says:

    I agree with #1; the safe and clean option to clean this spill up was exhausted when they struck oil.

    Now our only choice is which method to prevent any more spillage is going to be the least toxic.

    Other than that, I believe that anyone beside the US Gov’t or BP should be tasked with the clean up at BP’s expense. Obviously that would need some oversight.

  5. Shawnx86 says:

    Why do people believe that the government is better equipped to solve this problem? Truth is that the government really can not solve all problems. When they try they usually just complicate the matter with further red tape.

  6. LDA says:

    Dearest Uncle Dave,

    I just read a report saying “‘Top kill’ halts flow of oil and gas”.

    If that is true I am impressed (but I will wait and see).

  7. Awake says:

    Why is it being so difficult to pass a law that makes industrial organizations like oil companies 100% liable for ALL costs that are a consequence of their activities? They have tried in congress twice now, and been stopped by you-know-who.

    As far as who should fix the leak, it should be BP… they have the equipment and mechanical skills. But the government should have jumped in and taken control of damage control weeks ago… then just send BP a bill for the costs.

    I honestly think that the government did not intervene because the government was being fed a stream of lies, both in the quantity of oil involved and the ability and timetable to fix the leak.

    One thing that we all learned is that you can not trust Corporations at all. Their interests do not include yours. This should be the “let them eat cake” moment for corporations, and it is time to start the revolution against our corporate overlords.

  8. amodedoma says:

    This problem began the day they decided to boldly drill oil where no man has drilled oil before. It certainly doesn’t seem reasonable to allow those who caused the situation to be responsible for it’s solution, especially taking into account the legal considerations. The Obama apologists just keep crying that the US gov is not in the business of shutting down oil wells, that we don’t have the equiptment necessary, that the US Navy doesn’t have subs or equiptment for the job. When in reality he’s just afraid of the political fallout from taking responsibility for the job and not getting it done fast enough.
    I’m sick of the lot of them. If I could’ve swum to that depth and blocked the leak with my dead carcass I’d’ve done it by now. The consequences of this spill are already surpassing those of Chernobyl, only here we don’t have brave souls willing to sacrifice themselves to get the job done.

  9. amodedoma says:

    Has anybody seen an all out prohibition on drilling oil so deep that if something goes wrong they don’t know what to do to fix it?
    Should be common sense, no?

  10. admfubar says:

    hhmmm lets see
    #1 bp oil execs need to be held accountable for their terrorist acts. (yes terrorism!, they have done more damage to the u.s. then any other terror group!)

    #2 after their trial, summery execution. no dilly dallying around with wimpy prison time!!! you, elections are coming up! get tough on crime!!!!)

    #3 make sure to the rest of the oil companies that are drilling of u.s. shores that this fate awaits them for such screw ups !!!!

    3 simple steps to ensure shit like this never happens again!!!

  11. chuck says:

    #8 “The consequences of this spill are already surpassing those of Chernobyl…”

    Really? How many people have died because of this oil spill?

    For those of you who answer “Let the government take over” – what do you suggest the government does to stop the leak?

    Talking about alternative energy and drilling moratoriums won’t fix the leak.

  12. Buzz says:

    Top Kill apparently worked.

    Now the question falls into the “Decaying Underwater Metal” category.

    How’s that going for the long haul?

  13. Dale says:

    These questions should have been asked and answered before permission was given to use experimental extraction techniques.

  14. Benjamin says:

    #8 “This problem began the day they decided to boldly drill oil where no man has drilled oil before.”

    You know why they drill so far out? Because shortsighted people made rules against drilling closer because they didn’t want it in their back yard. Regulations made the situation more dangerous.

    #8 “It certainly doesn’t seem reasonable to allow those who caused the situation to be responsible for it’s solution, especially taking into account the legal considerations.”

    Do you really want BP to take their toys and go home and let the government fix it? Where is the government going to get the experts and equipment?

    Apparently they stopped the leak, so your point is moot. This is despite the fact that the Obama ordered the oil platform to be blown up just to cause the disaster that will limit future oil exploration.

  15. Nobody says:

    @# 3 Zybch
    If the alternative is for the government to take over and contract the fixing it job to Haliburton – then yes.

    Remember BT are running the contract for the rig – it was Haliburton that were doing the casing pour.

  16. Dale says:

    I doubt the govt could fix it, for one. And if they did it would cost taxpayers – BP’s efforts will be paid for by the companies involved and their customers. I know, most are the same folks, but it’s still the best idea so far.

    And Benjamin, by shortsighted people, I assume you mean the tree-huggers who weren’t forward thinking enough to know that oil companies and their legal depts would find a way around their stupid laws? I’m pretty sure that even close and shallow water oil extraction has had more than its share of mess to deal with.

  17. Anon says:

    Bear in mind if the government takes over, the taxpayers will pay for it.

  18. Rabble Rouser says:

    They could suck up the oil on the surface in no time flat. Why weren’t they there a month ago?
    They did it outside Saudi Arabia, and recovered 85% of the crude. Why the heck are they not doing it here?

  19. mikiev says:

    And exactly what should the government do to “take over” the response to the spill?

    Send in the National Guard?

    Sign an emergency, no bid, contract with Haliburton?

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    Don’t even think the Government isn’t responsible in more ways than one.

    Both BP and the Obama administration is guilty.

    A Chicago thug with deep pocket connections.
    “While the BP oil geyser pumps millions of gallons of petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico, President Barack Obama and members of Congress may have to answer for the millions in campaign contributions they’ve taken from the oil and gas giant over the years.”

  21. Benjamin says:

    #20 Ah_Yea said,

    “Don’t even think the Government isn’t responsible in more ways than one.”

    Obama ordered the oil well blown up to increase our dependence on Saudi Arabia. Don’t believe me? Here is proof of Obama meeting with his Saudi paymasters.

  22. The0ne says:

    A disaster that never should had occurred, happened. I love this disaster because it shows how pathetic most bright minds are when it comes to energy issues. As with nuclear plants, when something happens it really is the sht that happens.

    Spare me your afterthoughts. I’m so disgusted by the harm and the lives lost in the years to come.

  23. Skeptic says:

    What you see pluming out of the hole is the mud they are trying to force in. It’s the battle of opposing pressures.

  24. Skeptic says:

    They could always try stuffing the leak with carbon credits.

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    Or Al Gore.

  26. The0ne says:

    BP is the 2nd source of income for our government behind IRS. There are high level corruptions involved and negligence everywhere.

    Even with the government taking in money, BP still owes them quite a bit from the corruption issues. In the end, both sides are just as bad.

    Many of you really don’t know how some government regulators/inspectors are. You’re too naive. I’m very optimistic but I’m not naive enough to turn a blind eye to what does happen. At times it is no different than doing business in China where bribes and incentives are all what you need. Hence my refusal to ever play business golf.

  27. Skeptic says:

    I just saw Obama address the issue on TV. What I found most surprising is the comment by a reporter after the speech. She said that despite the anger and dismay over the damage to the fishing industry, there is a growing fear that Obama will stop drilling in the gulf causing the other half of their economy to die.

  28. deowll says:

    The Federal government doesn’t have the hardware nor the expertize to stop this thing.

    BP may be doing something nobody has ever done but they at least have a clue about how it could be done and some hardware and I don’t think they are actually directly charging us for their efforts.

  29. Hey Zybach says:

    Did no one pick up on the fact that stupid moron zybach got it backwards?? since this happened the price of oil has gone down down down. It’s only started to recover the last two days. If you are going to formulate a theory, at least get your facts straight.

  30. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #3 Zybch

    Actually oil prices have gone down almost 20% since the oil rig explosion.

    The oil production from this one oil rig is such a tiny fraction of the oil supply, this is not going drive up prices. It is significant for BP though, and they want this stopped more than anyone. You are kidding yourself if you really think the law is going to prevent them from paying more than $70 million.

    EVIL CORPORATIONS!!!! Yeah, just keep telling yourself that. If there is any conspiracy here, it is going to be related to who blew up the rig, and it wasn’t BP if there was foul play involved. Just remember, corporations can be selfish in the sense that they want to make money, but the government not only wants to make money, they want to control people, and will use any disaster necessary to further their agenda.


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