1. Personality says:

    I would say that about 30% of those were answered.

  2. billy wayne says:

    Congratulations, America. You’ve been pwned.

  3. Benjamin says:

    I have never watched an episode of Lost, so I have an unanswered question: should I try to catch up starting at Season 1 or should I just watch something else?

  4. tom says:

    Who cares?!

  5. Personality says:

    #3. Watch seasons 1,2,3,6. Done.

  6. Dale says:

    Ben, I watched all 6 seasons and can’t say I didn’t enjoy some of it, but in the end, I could have spent those 200+ hours (120 hours of show, ~80 hours of reading, researching and discussion of shows) entertaining myself better, moreover, in a much more productive and satisfying manner. I suggest reading some of the classics the writers based the scripts on, etc, for example.

  7. chuck says:

    #3 – you could watch the initial pilot episode, and then watch the series finale episode. You will then be as confused as anyone who has watched the entire series.

    All the “unanswered” questions in the video can be answered with “nothing in the series actually happened – Jack (and everyone else) got killed in the plane crash”.

    Or, (from the Simpsons), “it was all the dog’s dream”.

  8. Phydeau says:

    lol I’m with you Benjamin, I haven’t ever seen “Lost”. But I don’t have a TV, so I haven’t seen anything else either. But the conversations I’ve heard about it are very strange… smoke monsters? time travel? pushing a button to save the world? wtf???

  9. tcc3 says:

    WTF indeed.

    I was a big fan, became unsure and was giving them the benefit of the doubt until the end.

    Benjamin don’t waste your time.

  10. ray says:

    the title of the show is called “Lost” so their intent was making everyone lost in the end, including the writers.

  11. TheMAXX says:

    Imagine people from different times coming across this mysterious island with a strange power source at its heart. Thousands of years ago people on the island used their understanding of how the world works to explain and use this power then time passed and their civilization died or changed and others came with their own version of what this power is, and so on. Darma initiative shows up in the 60’s or 70’s and uses their scientific knowledge to describe the force and to protect the world and study it. Then they have a war with natives and are decimated. Modern times a plane crashes on the island and the survivors come across various artifacts and strange happenings and people who seem to know more than they actually do and there are power-plays between different groups of people trying to either protect or use the island. All throughout we and the characters only know as much as they know and what they can put together from the limited evidence left behind and they all form their own conclusions based on how they see the world. So many mysteries and very few answers along with very soapy drama, some action, suspense and very TV-type production equals an interesting ride that could easily have been told in a feature film-length movie and probably would have been more satisfying that way.

  12. Benjamin says:

    #8 “But I don’t have a TV, so I haven’t seen anything else either.”

    I watch shows via Hulu or wait until the DVD comes out. I can’t schedule my life around when TV shows come on. I just wondered if Lost was worth it. The consensus is no, so I guess I will skip it since I got a stack of DVD box sets of other shows that I haven’t watched.

  13. MikeN says:


    The closing footage of the plane crash does not mean that they were dead all along. That was added by ABC as a better visual finish.

  14. MikeN says:

    Why weren’t Nikki and Paolo in the church?

  15. jman says:

    #7 you are incorrect.

    It all did happen and they were only “dead” in he last few minutes and in the “flash sideways” this season. If you couldn’t even grasp that, you shouldn’t be commenting

  16. jman says:

    BTW most of those questions were answered, some are just stupid questions that have nothing to do with the story. just picking stuff at random and wanting to know why, doesn’t mean it’s a question that needs to be answered.

    Why was Cinderella’s step mother so wicked? why did the Wizard of Oz need the elaborate hologram and fire to scare people when he said they made him the ruler willingly when he came from the sky in the balloon? what was the lion a coward? why were the munchkins short and what was a lollipop guild?

  17. fATTY says:

    blah blah blah…I superior to you because I don’t have a television/don’t care about this television show/understand what happened on this television show…blah blah blah

  18. joaoPT says:

    Go Lost yourself

  19. Awake says:

    And then there is this:

    “… for many of you, a big part of your understanding has included an interpretation of the series’ final scenes of plane wreckage strewn across an empty beach, nothing but the white noise of crashing waves cutting through the deadly silence. Well, turns out ABC just threw those final scenes in there as a “visual aid,” and they didn’t actually have anything to do with the show’s plot.”


  20. KMFIX says:

    I now know why I never watched it… Thanks!

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Hey, TheMAXX,

    Wasn’t that Gilligan’s Island??

  22. deowll says:

    I think the plot of Gilligan’s Island computed better but that’s just me.

    The plot doesn’t have to compute as long as they got a large audience.

  23. chuck says:

    Easiest answer to all the questions:

    It’s a TV show. None of it was real. Actors had parts to play and lines to read. That plane crash at the start? — it was fake. All special effects and CGI.

  24. Carcarius says:

    Are people still talking about Lost? wow

  25. Faxon says:

    I watched the show the first year it was on, only because my kid liked it, and I wanted to know what he was watching. At first I kind of liked it, but it quickly got just STUPID. So I stopped. Then, the other day, my kid recorded the finale. I tried to watch the stuff, but, really, it was still STUPID. Think of how much time I saved. Plus the four or so hours that ran on the weekend. Apparently, the show got more and more ridiculous as the years went on. And the recap stuff the other day seemed to be a self serving love fest of actors telling us how great the show was. B O R I N G.

  26. Matko says:

    It doesn’t really matter which way you slice it, LOST was a great show and the proof is in the pudding. You can dislike it all you want, it will go down in history as one of the greatest television shows of all time (and at least of the decade) and that will be that. You can say it sucked but history will say you are wrong.

  27. ggore says:

    I watched the entire series, every minute of it. After watching this video I have to agree that most of these questions are quite valid, due to the fact the show made such a BIG DEAL of how important most of these questions are. And yet the creators say they aren’t important, that we should focus on the “characters”, as it’s their story, the island and it’s story have nothing to do with them.

    That is all well and good, except for the fact that it is horrible storytelling and violates EVERY writing convention ever invented. They MADE the island part of the story by making it so weird, objects out of place in a normal world, strange beings with strange powers that made/make no sense, etc. And they tell us that this is not important and won’t be explained? Please, I won’t waste my time on any other series written by these people (and evidently no one else will, as Flash Forward has been cancelled), as they have just told me that nothing they write has any meaning at all and should be disregarded.

  28. SparkyOne says:

    Simply. On November 5, 1996 56% of voters approved Proposition 215. Soon there after medical marijuana was introduced in California. Whelp you watched it, I did not…

  29. MikeN says:

    I think they did answer most of the questions. They just didn’t spell out ALL the answers like they did with Jack’s dad saying everything that happened was real. You have to figure out some of it by yourself. They probably could have added in another few episodes to make it more obvious, but who wants to see an episode devoted to Mrs Widmore?

    The link I posted above is a good starting point to figuring things out.

  30. admash says:

    Why? Because footballs don’t have feathers. Duh.



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