• Facebook to simplify privacy controls.
  • XBoX hotshots quit Microsoft. Bad sign.
  • CEO of Foxconn concerned about the suicide problem?
  • Did 8GB 3G iPhone get killed.
  • Pac-Man on Google wasted time. Duh!
  • Dell Streak in the wild.
  • Net neutrality at risk.
  • Twitter banning third party ads.
  • Bezos not planning much with the Kindle.
  • Motorola Shadow coming to you.
  • Can MSFT win anything?

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  1. mobile games says:

    there were lot of voices against the facebook about there privacy policies, so i think facebook has done a right thing to simplify it.

  2. soundwash says:

    Hey John…not really sure how to send you news blurbs..

    BUT..since this is Tech5.. I thought this little diddy might give you plenty to talk about (esp with the potential for a pre-planned psuedo-outbreak/scam etc, or simply..turning off your “Mark” when he/she is no longer needed)

    RFID chip implanted into man gets computer virus (BBC is original source)

    The nefarious potential of this possibility is unlimited…esp given the complete and total corruption of both Governmental and Medical industries…



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