1. pwuk says:

    Does that say Ladies or Laddies?

  2. noleftsignal says:

    That’s not a mugshot, that’s a business card…

  3. Simon Cowell says:

    How did Mensa miss him??

  4. WmDE says:

    Eduardo “The Lizard” Garcia

  5. Urotsukidoji says:

    M is for Mustache

  6. Dale says:

    Trumping the race card with a joker

  7. dskrtic says:

    Acme Mustache Depilatory – Strong Enough for a Man, Gentle Enough for a Woman

  8. cfk says:

    So baby, do you like me better with or without my ‘stache?

  9. N74JW says:

    Wow! This is the most stupid person I have ever seen…

  10. GregAllen says:

    Something tells me that the ladies love him less after that tat.

  11. Phydeau says:

    No mustache, but the ride is still good!

  12. revdjenk says:

    Sorry, I can’t caption this.
    I never took lip-reading classes!

  13. just me says:

    Ladies love shopping

  14. Reverse Engineer says:

    Sandra Bullock’s new beau?

  15. HeeHee says:

    #12 – Now THAT was funny!

  16. Elwood says:

    guess he got tired of his “Mustache Rides 5¢” shirt.

  17. Li says:

    Self-defeating prophesy.

  18. brm says:

    this guy is NOT going to enjoy prison.

  19. Skeptic says:

    A “Ladies Love it” sign, below 2 snot dispensers.

    I wonder if he’s had any customers?

  20. Cristina in Tampa says:

    Yet another misinformed Mexican idiot!

  21. Cristina in Tampa says:

    ….Pedro was just so stupid that he had both orifices labeled…

  22. Faxon says:

    Fucking stupid wetback.

  23. cakes says:

    Am I the only one who notices the scars shaped like lips on left face and neck?
    “Real women bite me” should be his next tat.

  24. my back is wet says:

    Gonna work out great when he’s tossing salads. Hope he likes jelly and syrup.

  25. cakes says:

    Although “Bitches bite it” would complement “ladies love it” more.

  26. Tasteless (or tasty) says:

    If something smells fishy, it’s often my upper lip.

  27. John E. Quantum says:

    The Mexican Gene Simmons and his concealed weapon

  28. Airsick says:

    I have the same tattoo! Just not in the same place.

  29. Frank Gaydos says:

    Esperanto for I’m really stupid.

  30. There’s something to be said for advertising as close as possible to point of service.


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