
  1. catfud says:

    Why did they have to bring dinosaurs into it? Bad enough having the leprechauns and pots of gold…

  2. frankie says:

    What is this LOST you speak of?

  3. RASTERMAN says:

    … and found.

    Now that it’s over, I’ll get the DVD set and have a go at it for the first time.

    Maybe the same for 24.



  4. Howard Beal says:

    Ok the ending was satisfying (better than expected) but I liked not knowing better. Now I need a new show, I feel lost

  5. mal says:

    lol, what is there to discuss? i hope lost gets lost and i won’t be bothered again by it. They lost me within 10 minutes of the first show and i never looked back.

    Can we have something nice now, please? Lost, Fringe, Flashforward, Warehouse whatever, csi evenmorewhatever, generic etcetera…. phulease!

  6. Animby says:

    Don’t Spoil it. I won’t check back on this thread. I have the last three seasons all saved on disk. I’m gonna watch ’em someday.


  7. bobby, just so many distractions says:

    #6–Be careful about that Animby. I’ve still got Season 2 of Poldark I haven’t gotten around to watching.

  8. Michael says:

    Don’t look over here…..

    Oooooh look at LOST!!!!

    $$#&(# mindnumbing &^@#($*& stupid (*&#$ escapism

  9. jescott418 says:

    Never watched a episode. Did I miss anything?

  10. TruthBeTold says:

    I made it! Never watched an episode. Hopefully I can say the same thing when they finally kill Survivor.

  11. mightbiteyou says:

    I know how it should have ended.

    2 seasons ago!

  12. Dale says:

    No spoilers here: I watched all 6 years..but if I got last night’s finale right, I had it figured out before week 3. I have to say I was a bit disappointed with the end. I’m done and happy to have one less indecipherable, complicated amuser in my entertainment lineup.

  13. Lou Minatti says:

    It was “A Very Special Episode” of Lost.

    Big disappointment. Damon and Carlton are known for shocking endings and they give us this? A tearful reunion?

  14. Rufus says:

    The Lost writers couldn’t think of anything clever, so they chose a religious ending.

  15. scadragon says:

    The ending was predicted from the very first episode-I said words to the effect of:
    “Nobody walks away from a plane crash like that”
    And I was correct.

  16. spinedoc says:

    But they *did* walk away from the plane crash, at least some of them who went on to live their lives. It wasn’t a lot of them, the ones on the plane who escaped and hurley/ben who stayed on the island and guarded it for who knows how long.

    In case it wasn’t apparent, when they all met up again after having died time did not factor into it. Some of them died on the island, during the last episode or before it, some of them made it home and lived their lives and died of whatever they died of, and some of them stayed on the island and also died of whatever. But putting aside time and location, after they all died they met again.

    Personally I thought it was a great ending. It allowed the show to kill off most everyone, but at the same time gave us a happy ending. It’s nice to leave on a good note like that. The only thing I had an issue with was I had a hard time believing the MIB was really “evil”. If he left the island what would have happened that was so “evil”? Would people have come to study the island? Been there done that with the Darma initiative, and besides only the protector can actually locate the golden light. I’m probably the only one, but I feel bad for the MIB who was much maligned.

    Good stuff, thought provoking and metaphysically satisfying.

  17. mobile games says:

    i lost where i was finding the meaning of what this lost if for.

  18. Personality says:

    I hated it while I watched it, maybe cause I’m not religious. But, if I look at it from that angle, I spose it was OK. Not good though.

  19. Mr Diesel says:

    I liked the ending and I liked the show. I am pretty sure I never missed a single episode.

    There isn’t anything religious about the ending, the people just chose that church as a place to meet. They could have easily have chosen one of Hurley’s chicken joints.

  20. Skippy says:

    Those of you who think you figured it out in the first few episodes and that they were saying they were dead all along need to watch the last half hour again. That’s not at all what happened.

  21. lynn says:

    I’m not a fan – too lazy to devote as much effort as I’ve heard the show required – but from the buzz about the ending, sounds a little like Wm. Golding’s “Pincher Martin” – one of the most horrifying books I’ve ever read, by-the-by.

  22. Derek says:

    Yea. It was a simple cop out episode. I mean it was a good episode, but it barely answered anything. Also, if they were dead, then basically everything from the first to the last episode was meaningless. Great show, but it went out with a whimper.

  23. skunkman62 says:

    starbuck was an angel?

  24. Cephus says:

    Never could stand Lost, saw a good part of the first season, it never interested me in the least and when I’ve seen things on Lost intended to bring people “up to speed”, I just shake my head at the utter stupidity of the show.

    I’m glad it’s over. Now I don’t have to hear about it anymore.

  25. Skippy says:

    @Derek – They were NOT dead all along… sheesh… watch the last half hour again and pay close attention to Jack’s Dad’s description of what’s going on.

  26. McCullough says:

    It was all a dream…….

    Actually, never saw the show.

  27. sargasso says:

    When it is over and the Lost fans are out of therapy, we will all fondly look back on it as the greatest piece of theatrical fraud to have hit the small screen.

  28. the haunted sheep says:

    An amazing ending to what might be the best series ever on television. Just outstanding!

  29. Buzz says:

    We will be announcing the next series from JJ and me in three days. Just to give you a heads up, it will be titled “Over.”

    We like the idea of a five-part trilogy of series with four letter names.

  30. chuck says:

    #23 – no, no, starbuck was a cylon!


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