Secret South African documents reveal that Israel offered to sell nuclear warheads to the apartheid regime, providing the first official documentary evidence of the state’s possession of nuclear weapons.
The “top secret” minutes of meetings between senior officials from the two countries in 1975 show that South Africa’s defence minister, PW Botha, asked for the warheads and Shimon Peres, then Israel’s defence minister and now its president, responded by offering them “in three sizes”. The two men also signed a broad-ranging agreement governing military ties between the two countries that included a clause declaring that “the very existence of this agreement” was to remain secret.
The documents, uncovered by an American academic, Sasha Polakow-Suransky, in research for a book on the close relationship between the two countries, provide evidence that Israel has nuclear weapons despite its policy of “ambiguity” in neither confirming nor denying their existence.
Doesn’t surprise me. They had a lot in common.
Say anything anti-Israel and you risk being accused as an anti-Semite. Israel does no wrong.
Just sayin’.
Meh. I’m not one for tiptoeing around such things. Besides, my grandmother was a Jew and I’m a Tottenham Hotspur supporter 😉
Hardly a secret. Watch the movie “District 9” which has scenes filmed in an (empty) nuclear weapons storage bunker in Johannesburg. They take tourist parties through there.
So which country has a leader that has threatened to kill everybody/nuke the people in the other country?
You want to stand up for an Iran with nukes and you meet my definition for insane. The odds are too good these people will try using the thing on somebody.
You say that’s crazy? So was North Korea sinking a South Korean ship for no obvious reason but they did it.
Until America gets rid of it’s nuke double-standard with Israel, our Iran nuke stance will never have credibility with the world.
Not really a surprise, everybody knew SA had nukes and that they were from Israel. Wasn’t the other side of the deal Uranium from SA to Israel?
I would also guess that Israel might have done some of their own fabricating and processing in SA
Honeyman (McCullough)–“Doesn’t surprise me. They had a lot in common.” /// Like What?
It doesn’t surprise me that an arm’s seller deals with arm’s buyers. Biggest World Armsdealer: USA.
But beyond that, both countries seems to have something to do with group disharmony as can be variously defined but I don’t see any real commonality.
Israel is all about religion, homeland, the bible. Seems to me South Africa is (was) all abut colonialization, the Dutch/English, plantation, apartheid, minority control, racism both ways. Again, not much in common.
So, what are you guys jerking off to?
Score one for Carter…
“Go ahead! Make my day!”
I was always under the impression that the Israeli nuclear program was a joint operation with South Africa. It seems to be natural that success would be shared.
ya it is revealed by British newspaper the Gaurdian on monday and revealed some document from 1970’s allegedly recording a meeting in which Israel makes deal to sell nuclear weapons to apartheid regime.
Israel and it foundation is unstable.The Belfour
agreement was phony.The Founding Myths of Modern
Israel by Roger Garaudy explain the western allies cover up for Israel.Latest news Israel
wanted to sell nukes to racist south Africa.The Goldstone Report like U.S. and its policies with Israel are corrupted to support the mafia cabal that rules the world.Dr.John Coleman in book.International communist fascist
The Committee of 300, and at You Tube explains who rules the world with its puppets.”1/7 Syndrome of Control” You Tube also.
Benjiman Freedman Speech WW1-11-111 You Tube.
Jonathan May testimony explains the International banking system.System 2000
Treason-The New World Order By Gurudas
Walter E. Haas Search Yahoo,
God Bless America
In another Dvorak post (linked), this bobo claimed the exact opposite.
I guess he gets paid to be a troll.
There was a book from the 1990s that discussed this called “The Sampson Option”.
Old news is interesting news? Sorry to be a jerk but I couldn’t resist.
Some priorities
Here we are with a thuggery racing in every means possible towards a nuclear bomb, ballistic missiles , threats of use, export of terrorism in a most obvious way and we are concerned and focusing on something that may of happened but in the end came to nothing
Jimmy Carter where is your apology for allowing North Korea to became such a proliferation – never mind what about North Korea and its exports as a focus instead of 1975
dowell said “So which country has a leader that has threatened to kill everybody/nuke the people in the other country?”.
That would be the USA (and Israel).
The Iranian leader never said any such thing: The “wipe off the map” statement was purposely mistranslated by pro-Zionist war pigs.
bobbo, I think the connection between Israel and SA is that they are (were in SA’s case) pariah states, condemned by most of the world. And both supported by the United States despite the protests of much of the U.S. population.
Regarding Iran and nukes: stop pissing your pants in fear, wingnuts, and change your Depends. Every country wants to have nukes, it’s the cool thing to do… all the cool countries have nukes. If the U.S and the other nuke countries start getting rid of our nukes, countries like Iran won’t want them any more.
Wake up and smell the propaganda, wingnuts… your leaders have got you whipped up in a frenzy of fear, they’ve got you convinced Iran is an insane evil country. Because fearful wingnuts are the easiest kind to manipulate.
I wonder why SA wanted nukes, other than just being cool? Were they in serious danger of being attacked by their neighbors? SA had internal strife, but nuking yourself doesn’t make any sense.
Tom Lehrer wrote a song Who’s Next? about this in the 1960s. Lyrics. There are also videos of him singing the song on youtube.
Middle easterns can be volatile in their pronouncements. Decades ago, I was in mail contact with a middle eastern guy in relation to recreation. Nothing earth shaking going on, but in some letters he was inviting me to have lamb dinner with his family, but in others he was threatening to slit my throat. So I wouldn’t necessarily lend credence to anything their leaders say. Evaluate them by their actions. Hey, maybe that goes for all leaders.
But I couldn’t resist the “three sizes”. White (small), Kosher (medium), and Black (large)? Old news and old jokes, a great combo for this Victoria Day Monday.
Bobo: “… both … have something to do with group disharmony”
Very clean words to describe colonization (settling civilians on occupied territories) and apartheid (systematic discrimination against a portion of population based on race). Can you also sanitize being a douche so elegantly?
Be careful, or some Jew in here say you’re a racist Nazi for ratting Israel out and he/she will use the death of a relative during the Holocaust to win the argument.
Interesting how the blind supporters of the government of Israel have avoided this thread. Smart of them.
Well I support Israel on this one. The whole bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you thing. I choose not to be anti-Semitic.
#19 – jbellies,
Tom Lehrer wrote a song Who’s Next?
Great song too. Here it is for any who haven’t heard it yet.
Doesn’t surprise me. They had a lot in common.
I’m with bobbo, what exactly do you think they have in common? Are you aware that there are Arabs in the Knesset? Were there blacks in government in South Africa?
Also, keep in mind that unlike apartheid South Africa which was mostly black and ruled by whites, Israel is actually mostly Jewish, 75% so. I am not personally happy with a lot of Israel’s behavior. But, comparing them to a minority dictatorship over an enormous majority is truly an invalid comparison.
1975 most of the folk on this blog my self included were to put it mildly youngsters. The rest weren’t even hatched yet. If this is news, so is the fact that I had a good movement this morning.
#13–Comacho==I read your critique carefully and “textually” I see agreement and not any conflict at all. In both statements, I say Israel was about “homeland.” Where is the conflict? Hopefully, conflicts when identified can be explained in context or deeper understanding gained by recognizing the conflict. If you are gonna run for Prenident, you are gonna have to explain these simple concepts to people like me in words and examples we can understand.
#17–Phydeau==pariah states? I don’t see Israel as a pariah, more a small, non-mulsim, threatened state? But I do see some could call Israel a pariah to all the Arab states around them===whereas I see all the states around Israel as pariahs. HA!!! Pariah status being in the eye of the beholder.
#20–bahramks==I did choose my words carefully-not to santize what happened but to cover two very different occurrences. In very broad brush, Israel was created by fiat and the area was flooded/invaded by displaced Jews under color of international law. In South Africa, it was a process of orderly immigration into tribal areas without any overarching government to control/object. In Israel, the jews immediately had numerical superiority facing a minority in revolt when they could. In South Africa, the minority took over the function of a government and brought stability to the area but kept power and profit for themselves over the natives who were kept poor.
Within that broad brush we have the movement and displacement of people, but other similarities are hard to identify.
How would you have phrased it in one sentence to capture the similarity between the two?
SA was in a perilous position due to apartheid and being a government from the minority. They were also sitting on huge natural resources (gold, diamonds, uranium). They also had the Angola revolution/invasion that was being funded by the USSR though Cuba.
SA was the last domino in Africa. All the other former colonial democracies had stopped being white, and were all falling into corruption, crime, and revenge on the whites that remained.
It was the cold war, the USSR was involved perhaps just to make things interesting. The Boers wanted to retain their power and land despite overwhelming numbers against them. Pretty much the same boat as Israel – surrounded by hostiles, perceived as interlopers, with an opposition funded by the Commies just for shits and giggles.
As it stands now, the only smart white South African has emigrated, their is no way that SA will not go like every other African nation and end up seizing all white property and either killing or driving them off. Then after 30 years of revolution and destruction maybe they reach a point they can grow from.
Apparently, not only does Israel have nukes. It has a surplus of them, that they can afford to sell them to other, non-Muslim governments. That secret agreement very probably forbids their resale, to other nations. Just so they don’t end up coming back to bite them on the ass, someday. So the nukes aren’t being sold, free of strings. It’s more like a lease, until consumed or recalled.
Nice attempt at comparing SA to Israel.
The truth is that unlike apartheid South Africa, Israel is a democratic state. Its 20% Arab minority enjoys all the political, economic and religious rights and freedoms of citizenship, including electing members of their choice to the Knesset (Parliament). Israeli Arabs and Palestinians have standing before Israel’s Supreme Court. In contrast, no Jew may own property in Jordan, no Christian or Jew can visit Islam’s holiest sites in Saudi Arabia.
#26 Bobbo
“Within that broad brush we have the movement and displacement of people…”
I see you have clearly illustrated one of the similarities.
#29 ethanol
True there are as many differences as similarities, but both states at the time, and Israel to this day, have a disgraceful record in the way they treat their displaced ethnic populations. I’m not the only one to have made the comparisons.
It surprises me that you focus on my comments rather than the documentary evidence that Israel offered nuclear weapons to a violent white supremacist regime. Clearly the Israeli government saw common ground.