Man, that’s gonna be sore, In The Mornin!

  1. Greg Allen says:

    Wow, I did not need to see that video! Can you please put a warning on snuff videos?

  2. Chriswsm says:

    People who indulge in dangerous sports that do harm to non human species deserve a reminder of their cruelty now and then. Bet that poor bull is dead by now and that idiot bullfighter is probably some kind of hero.

    Stupid humans

  3. GregAllen says:

    >> Chriswsm said,
    >> People who indulge in dangerous sports that do harm to non human species deserve a reminder of their cruelty now and then.

    I don’t like to see anyone hurt. The bull or the fighter.

    But is the bull is being cruel? He is just following territorial instinct which humans have goaded and prodded even further.

    In any regard — I hate bullfighting and think the fans of the sport are crude and barbaric. Same for NASCAR.

  4. Bobkat says:

    You just gotta love those other cultures!

  5. Matt Day says:

    What is Spanish for “I have no sympathy for people maimed by bulls after they insert sharp objects into the horned animals.”

  6. Lou Minatti says:

    Good for the bull.

  7. Dallas says:

    Barbaric sport and animal abuse. Too bad as Spain has such a great culture and people.

  8. Grey says:

    you mess with the bull, you get the horn

  9. McCullough says:

    #8. Now you will be ostracized as a vegan weenie…watch for it!

  10. deowll says:

    I wonder if the guy lost any teeth?

    The bull should be saved for stud duty.

    I have no personal interest in this sport.

    I suspect that from the bull’s view point getting a shot at the guy that kills it is more sporting than just being slaughtered. It’s a guy thing.

    Getting the hots for the matadors is a female thing.

  11. jbenson2 says:

    $$$ The guy’s dentist is jumping for joy. $$$

  12. chris says:

    #11 Interesting. Divide the sport itself from the public fascination with the sport.

    The matador is famous for his way to artfully kill things. The crowd is enraptured because this is a highway car wreck on steroids: prolonged, violent, and bloody death.

    Discerning the bull’s interest is more problematic. Unless you were reliably able to determine that an individual bull wants to go out like that it is an indefensible act. An animal that is ostensibly honored for it’s power shouldn’t be made a death spectacle of by a guy in a tight lacy outfit.

    It’s just undignified.

  13. Barack McCain says:


  14. DaveO says:

    #1 It says “Bullfighter gored in neck,Through mouth” That is a warning.
    Now pull your panties out of your crack.

  15. bobbo, a building block on the way to inhumanity towards man says:

    Its all a continuum. Spaniards for some reason are right up there with the Japanese for having a culture of violence towards everything but themselves.

    Don’t know why the Japanese are (were?) like that, but have always suspected the combination of Monarchy/Serfdom with the Catholic Church as having much to do with the Spanish.

    Killing animals for food is supportable. Killing for sport is highly suspect even if only considering what it does/says about the people involved. In USA, Michael Vic went to jail for it, cock or dog fighting is illegal too, as is torture.

    Yes, some cultures/values are better than others, even those with a long history.

    Stoopid Hoomans.

  16. frankie says:

    Now that’s gonna leave a scar…

    ….ON HIS PSYCHI!!!!

  17. Animby says:

    Went to a bullfight in Guadalajara many years ago. People on horses jab the bull with spears to cut the muscles in his neck (which is why his head is mostly down in the charging position). Then the picadors go out and tease the animal while they stab it some more. So the bull is bleeding like crazy and furious at being taunted and injured and getting weaker by the moment from loss of blood. Send in the bullfighter – the matador which means the killer. What a glorious sport! I hope the bull was awarded both ears. Sadly, I suspect his only reward was to be dispatched quickly by the stand-in killer.

    Anyway, as I’ve said before: no ball = not a sport. Bullfighting is a combination of dancing and butchery.

  18. Hot Bull says:

    Some sport
    Did you notice all the daggers in the animals back, in deep bleeding
    No wonder the bull was pissed off

  19. Tippis says:

    Meh. The bull should have aimed lower down on the throat and further back and deeper into the skull.

    Bull fighters deserve every injury they receive and then some — bunch of troglodytes.

  20. mobile games says:

    i watched it, it was a funny one.

  21. Personality says:

    We need to see more fighters F’d up by bulls.

  22. TThor says:

    Good – i like an even game. Poking spears on the neck and the back of the animal…. the dude had it coming! Good riddance. And good riddance with spectator sports like this bull slaughtering.
    Why anyone watch this crap anyway? Don’t even try to start on culture. That pisses me off immensely!

  23. amodedoma says:

    #6 Matt Day

    “I have no sympathy for people maimed by bulls after they insert sharp objects into the horned animals.”
    No tengo compasión para gente que reciben cornadas después de que estos inserten objetos puntiagudos en animales cornudos.

    It’s all part of the show. He was lucky to survive. More often the bull goes for the crotch, where it is easy to section the femoral artery. Many bullfighters have died in this way.

  24. meetsy says:

    Guys…the bull was killed.
    Meanwhile, the guy was a FAMOUS matador…and he’s in “stable” condition. Hazard of the profession.


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