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Did anyone read the bailout? No. Did anyone read the health care bill? No. Did anyone read the Arizona immigration law? No. Why? They dont care about doing their job. They care about “supporting their party’s position. That’s it. And this isn’t a democrat only thing. Republicans do the same thing when they are in power. They pass whatever drivel their party promotes blindly.
In other news, Rand Paul surges ahead of Sarah Palin.
It might be nice if it told us who these people saying “no” were or why they were being asked or why it matters if these particular people haven’t read it. You could just go ask random people out of the blue, “have you read the law” and get the same thing. Without knowing anything about the context the ad doesn’t tell us anything.
Every day, in public, I see these illegal aliens waltzing around, shopping, talking to one another (but never to me, and never in English). This is an invasion from a foreign country, nothing else. I’m a white man with plenty of balls and I don’t buy any of the touchy-feely leftist crap but I still feel helpless. It’s like America has been bound invisibly somehow and that’s why these creeps get away with what they do.
What the hell does it matter if you read it or not. The basic fact is that it requires state and local police to enforce federal immigration law. Is there anyone who disagrees that this is what it does?
Then the debate is about whether it should be the job of state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws. The US Constitution says ABSOLUTELY NOT!!, because it leads to abuse of power.
McCullough, if you want to post a substantive video, try this one:
You know, it’s perfectly legal to speak a language other than English in the USA. I dunno about waltzing in public, though.
#5 Rioch,
That touchy feely thing you fear is called a thought process. Until you learn to embrace it, things like constitutions and rights will continue to elude you and seem like a magical invisible force. Sounds like maybe you should join the christians and muslims, then you could have an invisible force that loves you and protects you. At least then you could feel warm and safe as opposed to racist and spiteful.
Rioch said,
Every day, in public, I see these illegal aliens waltzing around, shopping, talking to one another (but never to me, and never in English).
How do you know they are illegal? Are they wearing big signs that say that? I’ve got some friends that often talk in a language other than English when out in public but they are legal. Of course they are also from Poland so you probably wouldn’t accuse them of being illegal…
The Republicans are using this as a wedge issue for the fall. It’s almost a perfect issue, but not how they’re thinking:
– polarize race and make sure non-whites stay away from their party
– law enforcement doesn’t like it
– laws like this have never worked
– more local taxation to pay for it
– it does nothing about the 10 million+ undocumented illegals
– leaves them open to great attack ads (his grandfather came here illegally…)
– Will bring out Democratic voters
Short sighted win with the base. Long term loss with the majority. I’m not sure why they want to hitch their wagon to this when there are far better issues.
pedro, the US border patrol is the second largest armed organization after the US military with a budget of $10 billion+. It has increased 10 fold in the last 15 years. Add onto that the billions they are spending is Mexico.
What sort of things should they be doing besides this? Personally, I can’t even imagine how much it would cost to deport 10-12 million illegal aliens.
You have no hope until the US passes meaningful laws that make hiring illegals a criminal act. But like so many other things, business has you by the balls so you sit around like a bunch of fucking crybabies wondering it doesn’t work. Good luck with that.
A few months ago, I was visiting China, and every day, in public, I see these illegal aliens waltzing around, shopping, talking to one another (but never to me, and never in English).
How can a country like China allow all these weird foreign-looking people in the country?
#13 Now that is a good idea. Scenario: let’s say the Democrats propose such a law (e.g. send Al Franken after it since he is in favour of just such a law). How do you think the Republicans will play it? And the tea party? And Rush, O’Reilly, Beck and Fox news?
It would never pass.
The solution is simple.
Amend the laws to allow it to be easier to be a legal immigrant and halt the quotas.
There, problem solved.
“In these tough economic times, can we really afford big government putting yet more constraints on an already stressed business community?” Seems to be the standard response whenever anyone tries to reign in corporate abuses. They keep shitting in your bowls and most continue to believe them when they tell you it’s pudding.
pedro. I get that “someone has to do something”. My question is what would be the right thing? If what the US is doing isn’t working, is it a good idea to just do it harder hoping it will fix the problem?
And what do you do about people that subvert the legal immigration process? What does “halt quotas” mean precisely?
Cursor_’s jokes crack me up. Apparently I’m the only one.
#15, you might be surprised how many “tea party” people would support a democrat who actually wanted to enforce immigration laws.
I for one think the penalty for any business who hire’s an illegal alien knowingly should pretty pretty much have their financial life destroyed, and if the company did it knowingly they should be put out of business.
Seal the border, any way you have to, at least in the short term. After that we can talk about what to do with the millions that are here already. Deporting them all is probably not going to work realistically, and some kind of path to citizenship would have to be considered. But I am not even willing to go down that road until the cause of the problem is solved once and for all. Granting amnesty to lawbreakers every 30 years is not a good long term solution.
Does anyone really believe that Jan Brewer paid for this? These people have no shame. None.
you know they could do a better job of enforcing these if they had the money to hire more people but of course they might have to raise taxes which no one wants to do…
Bob, seal the border? You could put 100 ft high walls from the Gulf of Mexico to Baja – that would only make it inconvenient. It’s 2000 miles long.
#6 ArianeB ” The basic fact is that it requires state and local police to enforce federal immigration law. Is there anyone who disagrees that this is what it does?”
I disagree, it’s an Arizona bill not federal.
“The legislature finds that there is a compelling interest in the cooperative enforcement of federal immigration laws throughout all of Arizona.” So it follows federal law in part but there is a lot in the bill that has nothing to do with federal law.
I wish you would provide a reference to your statement below, I can’t find it in the Constitution.
“Then the debate is about whether it should be the job of state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws. The US Constitution says ABSOLUTELY NOT!!, because it leads to abuse of power”
Funny but deceptive.
Many critics of the law have read it. Most supporters have not.
You could end illegal immigration tomorrow if you wanted to. Tomorrow.
Jail the CEOs of any company that employs, either in their firm or as a contractor, any illegal alien.
You can be DAMN sure that every company will have immediate policies in place ensuring that everyone they employ is legal.
Until we do that, we’re not serious about immigration.
“Cripes, you know it’s bad when it comes down to this level.”
True words indeed! You know it’s bad when DU is reduced to baiting commentary from sock puppets.
You are exactly right.
But why just CEOs? How about individuals or small business owners who hire illegals to do roofing, fix cars or clean motel rooms?
Busting _ILLEGAL HIRING_ is WAY cheaper and WAY more effective than a big trillion-dollar boondoggle of a wall.
More to the the point — it doesn’t abuse our freedoms the way cops demanding our papers does.
This condescending video could backfire on Gov. Jan Brewer.
I just finished reading the bill and discovered it’s even WORSE the critics are saying!
I agree, jail the business owners, managers, etc, who hire illegal aliens.
Yes, everything would cost more. Yes the wages of employees would go up. Yes, people could earn a living doing those jobs as the value of those jobs would go up.
Most people don’t even realize the level to which illegal aliens are working. They’re doing skilled labor jobs as well, they’re not just picking fruit and mowing lawns…
#32 Good try Greg, but considering most Arizona voters support it, your argument doesn’t wash.