As seen from Airplane:

Close Up:

UPDATE: The hoax exposed.

Thanks to Li

The Norway spiral comes to mind received photographs and even an amazing video of the event. An object swooped down from the sky and then returned in a brilliant display on Friday night across the Western Canada areas.

Three different photographers have given their photos to in what looks like something out of a science fiction movie. We cannot see what would cause this one Earth. The Norway spiral was said to be caused by a missile launch in the Russian territory. But what is this?

The only known areas to launch on the Western coast are the Vandenberg Air Force Base and Alaskan areas. Vandenberg confirms no launches and Kodiak Island has to be ruled out due to the direction of travel (from the west).

  1. SG-1 says:

    Nice viral marketing guys… Guess Dvorak is being paid by the MGM now.

    Um, Stargate Resistance on Steam just launched! Anyone ever watch the Stargate series??… sheez that is a orbiting Stargate blue opening effect…

  2. Rufus says:

    That’s obviously a computer-generated effect.

  3. McCullough says:

    “Nice viral marketing guys… Guess Dvorak is being paid by the MGM now.”

    Don’t we wish.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    Seems to perfect to be real.

    For example, have you ever seen a film from an airplane that had no vibration whatsoever? Look at the one star (planet?) – it’s rock solid. You’d need a professional-grade tripod to make it that still even if filmed on the ground. Put from an airplane? No way.

    But still, pretty cool. I really liked the first one. Good job to whoever did it.

  5. cwitzel says:

    I’m With #30. There is no doubt that this was in fact something I saw on my computer today.
    As Myth Busters would say, “Confirmed” (currently watching the Sunday marathon)

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    SO fake even the cricket soundtrack in the video are saying it’s fake.

  7. KMFIX says:

    Not bad for student work…

    Pros would have at least added camera shake and tracking…

  8. McCullough says:

    I just love posting these videos. Between the people who say “how come we never get a clear picture of one of these things, it’s always some shaky or grainy footage shot by some Goober from Dick Cheese, Mississippi”.

    Or “man that’s just gotta be fake, because it’s too steady and the shot is just perfect!”.

    And besides…nobody is claiming it’s a Flying Saucer from Outer Space now are they?

  9. FukR23 says:

    wow, looks so real, what kind of computer was this filmed with?

  10. N74JW says:

    There is clearly some kind of aircraft in the frames, but the distortion is way too clear, especially for at night. Even with a low-light, high-definition camera, it just wouldn’t look that good. Fake…

  11. deowll says:

    I don’t know if it is fake or not but the last part, the expanding circle, is what you get under ideal conditions when a sonic boom causes water vapor to very temporarily become visible. We heard two sonic booms.

    The spiral seems to be the sort of thing a rocket or maybe a ram jet/high altitude jet engine might produce.

    Some of the drones that are replacing the blackbird come to mind. Without a gut sack to limit performance they should be able to do so very remarkable things.

    It might be a fake but they at least seem to be trying to be plausible.

  12. Lou says:

    Looks like BS 2 me

  13. blizzard5314 says:

    I’d really like to believe it’s true, and I was open to the idea for a bit, but the fact that the expanding ellipse at the end of both videos is oriented perfectly even with the camera lens in both shots, like elevations and angles were identical when filmed. That alone tells me that it was planted into the footage separately on both ends.

  14. dg says:

    Totally fake. For one thing, how come the camera PERFECTLY framed the thing, even though they didn’t know it was going to happen.

  15. Grandpa says:

    I was hoping I was wrong and it was the second coming of Christ. Very disappointing…

  16. bs says:

    The “booms” appear at between 30 and 40 seconds in. Anyone who watched lighting as a kid knows that it’s about 5 seconds per mile (4.729 seconds/mile if you want to be anal). So, this “big explosion” that was visible from an aircraft high above the clouds was only 5-8 miles away? Even vertically, that’s only ~25 – 40k ft…

    The spirals are really nice, though. I’ll have to figure out how to do that in After Effects.

  17. BubbaRay says:

    The bright “star” in the sky is the planet Venus. I can’t believe this guy actually got the sky to record so well on a digital video. That’s pretty tough unless he has one really expensive video camera.

    The sky looks real, but the “ship” is totally bogus. Yeah, 3 camera angles all at the same target and the same time frame. Right. I wouldn’t even give that and the hokey effects a “C+” in a B-rated sci-fi movie. That’s like 3 pitchers pitching a perfect baseball game on the same night. Not gonna happen.

    If I were that lucky, I’d just be getting back from Vegas as a multi-millionaire.

  18. overtemp says:

    Denial. Doubt. Disbelief. Exactly what the invading Man-Bear-Pigs were hoping for.

  19. TThor says:

    Pathetic – Pixar does it better!

  20. SomeDudeInPA says:

    this is so clearly fake I am not sure why I am even pointing it out.

  21. Special Ed says:

    Swamp gas, nothing to see here folks – move along!

  22. Kelvington says:

    I can tell you for absolute FACT that the end flair is an “Art Beats” animation, I have that collection and it’s pretty cool. I’ve even used it in a few of my videos. Can’t wait to see the first local news stories talk about this.

  23. Li says:

    The hoaxer has come forward! Didn’t take long.

    I wish his ‘proof of hoax’ video didn’t suck so much. Perhaps another hoaxer is responsible, and this guy wants credit? The story. He says he is part of the 9/11 hoax social experiment too. Apparently social manipulation and deception is the new hot idea for the kiddies.

  24. Ben_Franklinov says:

    So much more attractive than the old mushroom cloud.

  25. Uncle Patso says:

    I’ve seen better special effects in Syfy channel original movies.

  26. amodedoma says:

    He made two glaring mistakes,

    1. Nobody ever catches a UFO using a tripod – unless they know it’s going to be there in advance.

    2. Airliner windows are scratchy.

    All these hoaxers make the study of unidentified aerial phenomenon much more difficult.

  27. Zagn'thrup says:

    Earthlings need to expect real sightings of our vehicles to look fake because our craft are perfect. Even breaking up of a “saucer” in your stinking atmosphere results in a beautiful explosion of pretty patterns. Expectations of imperfection on the part of your fellow galactic inhabitants will not help you get full recognition. Let us mourn Grnabel’snep whose heavy foot led him to exceed recommended atmospheric speeds.

  28. Troll says:

    There is a reason to record a certain direction and timing lately, that being Venus. The object entering felt left out and made its appearance.


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