Meanwhile, Tom McClintock (R-California), responds to the double standard of the Mexican president. Of course, there was no standing ovation for him.
Meanwhile, Tom McClintock (R-California), responds to the double standard of the Mexican president. Of course, there was no standing ovation for him.
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A leader of a country that for all intents and purposes is a sh*thole, and his people want to run to their nicer neighbor. He may want to spend more time making his own country a better place to live.
I know Mexico would let us in and they would never ask for identification.
#64 Ahh yes, Pedro. You’re incredible insight and opinions contributed here are impressive. Keep up the good work.
How should I describe… you;re like a paper grading ass-teroid with an irregular orbit.
“Dallas obviously has deep seated persecution issues with a sprinkling of self loathing.
Don’t waste your time on him. Your time is more valuable than he is worth.”
It’s worth saying again.
Dallas is a worthless troll who has the mind of a 12 year old.
I suggest to everyone here to boycott Dallas.
It will raise the level of discourse tremendously.
You really are dense. In many parts of the country, including many parts of Arizona and New Mexico and CA, Hispanics ARE the majority. In one town in CA, Hispanics represent 70% of the population. That “whites fear the Mexican” BS is your own brand of psycho that you cooked up. Did it ever occur to that many Hispanic citizens are ALSO strongly in favor of the bill?
Very difficult to criticize illegal immigration when USA does everything it can do to encourage it.
Not correct. When some people in the USA do everything they can to encourage it like many Democrats.
Boycott Dallas!
People are waking up and realizing he is nothing but an adolescent troll whose brain is full of psychotic, idiotic mush and who’s soul if nothing but vitriolic hatred.
Hopefully he will go play in his sandbox and leave us adults alone.
Fu**ing NAZICRATs – their grandchildren will hate and deny them (…if they survive!)!
TThor said,
Tom McClintock is crystal clear and nails it beautifully. Teddy Roosevelt’s words should be repeated again and again. And everybody should contemplate what the E Pluribus Unum really means.
What part of their culture did the founding fathers leave behind when they created the USA? Their language? nope. Their religion? nope. Their culture and traditions? nope.
If they didn’t leave anything behind when they came here then why should more recent immigrants to this land?
What’s shameful about it? Democrats do this all the time.
Moving toward the past would mean nationalization, expropriation, state control of the economy, and authoritarianism, while the future would represent the contrary: privatization, liberalization, market control of the economy, and political freedom.
Felipe Calderon speaking in Mexico.
#69 nobody likes a racist bigot like you claiming the high ground.
Go follow your bigot friend pigs alfred1 and Dr Dodd into exile. You can’t hide your bigot core no matter who you pretend to kiss up to.
#77 Pedrito.. Nope, curing gays with shock therapy was outlawed here in the US years ago but appreciate the thought.
However, shock therapy and witchcraft is still practiced in Christian Taliban businesses and they accept MasterCard and Visa from the concerned parents.
What part of their culture did the founding fathers leave behind when they created the USA? Their language? nope. Their religion? nope. Their culture and traditions? nope.
Are you suggesting everything in American society is home grown? What a dolt. So Americans all invented sauerkraut, sausages (including hot dogs), Christmas trees, Protestantism and Catholicism, higher education, genocide of aboriginals who won’t go peacefully, sushi, incarceration for longer than in law or as imposed by a court, bagels and cream cheese, the automobile and expressways, perogies, and the ubiquitous favorite of the far right, slavery.
If they didn’t leave anything behind when they came here then why should more recent immigrants to this land?
No immigrant ever landed on our shores without leaving a lot behind, unless they were born in transit. And they all brought something with them besides their bodies. To deny immigrant’s contribution to American society is to deny what America is today. Most immigrants tried to recreate something of the land they left. And that great melting pot called America became richer with their combined cultural and traditional contributions.
What does it matter what Calderon said? he was invited to speak to Congress on the relationship between our nations. This invitation has been extended to many other world leaders who have addressed similar concerns.
My big concern is why these “smaller government” types that keep claiming whether something is, or is not, Constitutional deny Calderon the right to speak. I’m sure if he spoke what they wanted to hear there wouldn’t be a problem. These tea baggers only denigrate those who disagree with their Constitutional rights.
Then there are those like pedro, the arch-typical wingnut. Never anything constructive to add, only denigrate the speaker while demonstrating how ignorant he is.
Mr. Fusion said,
Are you suggesting everything in American society is home grown? What a dolt. So Americans all invented sauerkraut, sausages (including hot dogs), Christmas trees, Protestantism and Catholicism, higher education, genocide of aboriginals who won’t go peacefully, sushi, incarceration for longer than in law or as imposed by a court, bagels and cream cheese, the automobile and expressways, perogies, and the ubiquitous favorite of the far right, slavery.
No immigrant ever landed on our shores without leaving a lot behind, unless they were born in transit. And they all brought something with them besides their bodies. To deny immigrant’s contribution to American society is to deny what America is today. Most immigrants tried to recreate something of the land they left. And that great melting pot called America became richer with their combined cultural and traditional contributions.
Ummm, that’s pretty much my point…
#83, pedro,
That was your error. Calderon didn’t criticize US immigration policy. If you bothered to watch the video, he criticized ARIZONA immigration policy.
My big concern is why these “smaller government” types that keep claiming whether something is, or is not, Constitutional deny Calderon the right to speak.
That’s a strawman. No one is making any such argument. However, many are arguing that such a man should not be afforded the privilege of speaking before Congress. It is called diplomatic courtesy. If a head of state wants to criticize another nation’s laws, let him do it to the press or in a speech that isn’t in front of that country’s leaders.
That was your error. Calderon didn’t criticize US immigration policy. If you bothered to watch the video, he criticized ARIZONA immigration policy.
That’s a ridiculous point since the AZ law is a near duplicate of the Federal law. Thus, if you are criticizing AZ law you are also criticizing other laws that are similar like US law.