From a CNN web page.

  1. sargasso says:

    A swim suit competition, something we can all agree upon, is better than nine years of war over a Saudi hermit.

  2. Max Bell says:

    I would in a hot second either way, so I fail to understand the relevance of the question.

  3. Mr Anderson says:

    One star for dances with poles.

  4. Phydeau says:

    Geez… you can see how far to the right the “center” is skewed when CNN ponders whether a Muslim beauty contestant is a spy.

    A related article

    In the year and a half since Barack Obama was elected president, Republicans nationwide seem to have given up on the whole governing thing and chosen instead to play a long, rancorous game of “I’m More Conservative Than You Are.” They’ve been playing it in Utah, where incumbent Sen. Bob Bennett—lifetime American Conservative Union rating: 84—lost a primary battle this past weekend. They’ve been playing it in Florida, where moderate Gov. Charlie Crist was forced last week to abandon his bid for the Republican Senate nomination and run as an independent instead. And they’ve even been playing it on the national stage, where the RNC recently toyed with the idea of imposing a purity test on potential GOP candidates. Comply with eight of the party’s 10 “Reaganite” principles, the thinking went, and you’re worthy of funding. Fall short, and you might as well be Leon Trotsky.

    Conservatives would claim that the Republican Party can only regain power by “returning to its roots” and banishing heretics. But a funny thing happened on the way to winning national elections again: the GOP has drifted so far right that it’s retroactively disqualified the only Republicans since 1960 who’ve actually managed to, you know, win national elections. Based on their public statements, policy proposals, and accomplishments while in office, none of the modern Republican presidents—not Richard Nixon, not Gerald Ford, not George H.W. Bush, not even Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush—would come close to satisfying the Republican base if they were seeking election today.

    When Reagan and Nixon are lefty liberals, you know the Republican party has gone off the deep end…

  5. GigG says:

    No link to the story… Come on.

  6. jccalhoun says:

    racist assholes or bigoted scumbags?

  7. Milo says:


    Islam isn’t a race

    and being bigoted against beliefs, like for instance racism, isn’t a problem for me.

    However, those who dislike Islam but are attacking a woman from a Muslim background who’s obviously leading a lifestyle that is not in line with Islam are, at best, not keeping their own interests in mind.

  8. Dallas says:

    Cheney will have that bitch confessing to being Al Qaeda in 30 seconds. He knew his stuff.

  9. Glass Half Full says:

    I’m getting tired of having to be “nice” to the scumbag lunatics and racists and worrying about “offending” these folks. I know there are KKK (actual and wanna be) who don’t like the Jews, gays, blacks, immigrants, etc. But I’m just too old and too tired to constantly try to “understand” them and worry about offending them. They’re a**holes and the worst of humanity.

  10. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Doesn’t matter, I’d still bury a bone in her backyard!

  11. bobbo, do electric sheep dream says:

    “We appreciate and admire all faiths.” /// Ha! That usually means, “I’m not religious at all (which is what she also says, aka “being spiritual”)) and please don’t get me involved in your stupidity.

    But I post because I thought a couple of the other two BLONDES were better looking. The world is getting darker. Heh, heh. The judge panel seems to have a few unqualified people. It all fits. The judges tell us what is being selected. what with women and gays on the panel, I do have to wonder why there is a swimsuit section anymore.

    I watch with the sound off until the Q&A. Actually good questions this year with some good answers. Pretty encouraging what with 18-21 year olds in competition. How soon gravity takes over.

  12. Winston says:

    How could a _Miss_ USA have a first name of Al? Sheesh…


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