A lot of newer TVs and most $99 set top boxes provide Interwebitube access and other features this will provide. It’s the programmablity that makes this one interesting. This is what the Apple TV should/could have been.

Google TV is a new experience for television that combines the TV that you already know with the freedom and power of the Internet. With Google Chrome built in, you can access all of your favorite websites and easily move between television and the web. This opens up your TV from a few hundred channels to millions of channels of entertainment across TV and the web. Your television is also no longer confined to showing just video. With the entire Internet in your living room, your TV becomes more than a TV — it can be a photo slideshow viewer, a gaming console, a music player and much more.
Because Google TV is built on open platforms like Android and Google Chrome, these features are just a fraction of what Google TV can do. […] Soon after launch, we’ll release the Google TV SDK and web APIs for TV so that developers can build even richer applications and distribute them through Android Market. We’ve already started building strategic alliances with a number of companies — like Jinni.com and Rovi — at the leading edge of innovation in TV technology.
We’re working together with Sony and Logitech to put Google TV inside of televisions, Blu-ray players and companion boxes. These devices will go on sale this fall, and will be available at Best Buy stores nationwide.

  1. Dallas says:

    ..It’s the programmablity that makes this one interesting…

    Don’t think so. This is about adding PC class SEARCH and an unobtrusive user interface to the TV. I see this as significant as the Mozilla browser was to the internet (at that time, Usenet).

    This is very significant and do expect EVERY part of that industry to move off the TV spreadsheet (program guide). That relic copied from the TV Guide book needs to die – or left to the neophyte Republicans.

  2. hhopper says:

    The iPad is not in the same neighborhood as this. Try taking your huge flat-screen TV in the bathroom with you when you’re sitting on the throne. The iPad is all about media portability.

  3. RLF says:


  4. McCullough says:

    No Thank You. Google has WAY too much power as it is. I don’t like their CIA NSA ties.

  5. sargasso says:

    Very, very impressive. A sort of “cloud” based Tivo.

  6. qb says:

    Did anyone watch the Google I/O keynotes? It’s going to be fun watching TV in 10 min chunks.

  7. Animby says:

    MILLIONS of channels?

    Jeez. I’ve got ten and can’t choose what to watch. On the other hand,I often find I have the TV news on AND my laptop simultaneously. I’m watching CNN and writing this message at the same time. Guess I am a multitasker, after all. Do I have to give that ability up in order to have another few millions channels I won’t watch?

  8. the haunted sheep says:

    I like this, more than I would have if it werent sticking it to that dick steve jobs. I have always liked google stuff but with them going against that ego maniac I find myself liking them even more. It would be nice if they could teach apple a lesson in the way ms did in the 80s.

  9. KD Martin says:

    This looks like an idea whose time will never come. I, too, have the TV going while on the computer. Why would I get rid of that two box functionality? I already have a DVR, why do I want one built into the TV? Those devices fail early and often because the HDD is always active. What, I’m going to take a 60″ TV to the shop so someone can replace the HDD? Yeah, right. Google is screwed on this one.

  10. Uncle Patso says:

    I don’t think this thing actually includes a DVR. At best, it will interface with the one you already have. I don’t think it will have a hard drive at all — maybe a few hundred megs of flash ram, the rest will be “in the cloud.” This is from Google after all.

  11. Dallas says:

    #11 Somewhat agree. These aren’t really Google products. What Google cares about are advertisement dollars that are generated by employing GoogleTV based products. After all, Google is an advertisement company. All their products are merely a means to that end.

    What is cool about this is it finally bridges the gap in combining search and access to premium content alongside internet content in compelling fashion.
    Consequently, the adoption curve is not going to be started by baby boomer neophytes.

  12. joe says:

    heres why it will fail.

    1. the networks are already suing google, I don’t really see them wanting to cozy up to a company that allows stealing of their content.

    2. if you say “but what about hulu?” the networks don’t want people watching their shows on hulu or from the itunes store, the networks fear losing “advertising dollars for advertising cents”

    3 its gonna require vast amounts of people to purchase new hardware, and right now, the new hotness i still 3D TV’s

  13. qb says:

    Don’t forget who Vic Gundotra is.


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