Thanks Cineádh.

  1. Bubb says:

    Damn you I had almost forgotten the rest of the world can get diesel Toyotas.

  2. sargasso says:

    I love my diesel Hilux. But I’m not sure about that commercial.

  3. Floyd says:

    I have a ’99 gasoline Toyota Tacoma that looks just like the Aussie Hilux in that commercial, though mine is 2WD. It’s been pretty sturdy over the years, has been used on western ranches, and could probably take out fenceposts with the right tires.

    I don’t think I’d use my Toy to pull stumps, knock down outhouses, or I extract that steer. Bugger…

  4. WTF says:

    Very controversial when this ad was released in NZ many years ago.

  5. me says:

    Can I assume “bugger” is the equivalent to “oh sh*t” or “oh fu*k”?

  6. HeeHee says:

    In England “bugger” refers to anal sex.

    Common phrase – “Bugger you and all”.

  7. honeyman says:

    Crikey! Good to see you yanks have caught up with 4 year old Aussie news. 😛

    [Bugger off!!! – ed.]

    [Another Ed. – I can’t believe you buggered this site with that post! Now cut that out! (Just joking, it was pretty good!)]

  8. martfin says:

    Another English use of the word bugger, “You’re well and truly buggered” or “We’re buggered now” and yes it refers to anal sex.

  9. zybch says:

    #7 a LOT older than 7 years. I remember the stupid social do-gooders were complaining about it almost 10 years ago. Stupid jerk-offs.

  10. Awake says:

    While we are on the subject of videos, here is one of a younger JCD giving a motivational speech!

  11. Top Gear says:

    @Floyd search for Top Gear and Hilux on youtube, and see how tough they really are.

  12. Floyd says:

    #11: Found it on YouTube. Why yes, Toys are tough.

  13. LDA says:

    #5 me


  14. KD Martin says:

    Awake said, on May 21st, 2010 at 5:43 pm edit

    While we are on the subject of videos, here is one of a younger JCD giving a motivational speech!


    Never give up? I would guess when the top of your head starts caving in it’s time to find an alternative motivational speech. But I could be wrong. Hmmm…

  15. MIckyG says:

    The ads were also shown in Australia where I believe it was made.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    All the whining aside, I thought it was a good commercial.


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