Obama today traveled with Mexican First Lady Margarita Zavala to the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School in Silver Spring, Maryland, where a second-grade girl asked her about how immigration reform would impact her family.

“My mom… she says that Barack Obama is taking everybody away that doesn’t have papers,” the girl said, sitting cross-legged on the gymnasium floor with her classmates, while Obama sat in a folding chair next to them. A large blue banner hanging behind them, adorned with the American and Mexican flags, read, “Welcome, Mrs. Obama! Bienvenidos, Sra. Zavala!”

“Yeah, well that’s something that we have to work on, right?” Obama said. “To make sure that people can be here with the right kind of papers, right? That’s exactly right.”

The little girl continued, “But my mom doesn’t have any papers.”

Obama replied, “Well, we have to work on that. We have to fix that, and everybody’s got to work together in Congress to make sure that happens.”

President Obama today said he agreed with Mexican President Felipe Calderon that the Arizona law, which makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally, could be applied in a discriminatory fashion. He called it a “misdirected expression of frustration over our broken immigration system.”


  1. Jose the Plumber says:


  2. Ah_Yea says:

    “Well, we have to work on that. We have to fix that,…”

    Fix what? What exactly is broken? That her mom came here illegally and had children?

    I’ve got a way to fix this. Bring back all our troops from overseas and invade Mexico!!

    Make Mexico the southern state of the US. After all, isn’t that what all these illegals want, to enjoy American prosperity? Do you know how much the US props up the Mexican economy by sending Dollars to families in Mexico?

    (Let’s see who can spot the sarcasm)

  3. Mouring says:

    @Ah_Yea – Make Mexico the southern state of the US.

    Can we do the same to Canada?

    I hate hearing all their smug newscasters thinking they are soo much better.

    We could help “liberate” them from the French oppressionists that has enslaved the honest English speaking people; forcing them to speak french in order to get jobs or even order a meal!!

    We must save our northern brothers and sisters! =)

    – Ben

  4. tom says:

    It’s interesting how the media has cleaned up the child’s grammar in their later reports… The initial transcript of the exchange included a number of [sic] comments where the child used incorrect grammar, wrong tenses, etc. It’s almost as if they are trying to make the child and mom more American and English…

  5. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #3. Didn’t we already try invading Canada. Did not end well.

  6. Ah_Yea says:



  7. Skeptic says:

    Re#3,”I hate hearing all their smug newscasters thinking they are soo much better.”

    Mouring, there aren’t any newscasters in Canada doing that. It’s your own subconscious telling you that Canada is better… because you realize it is.

  8. diane says:

    since when does the word “illegal” mean that they are immigrants? Seems to me that people who immigrate to this country LEGALLY should be the people pissed off — why’d they have to go through all that INS bullsh*t? Costs mucho dinero to apply, and then tons of time to go through the process, and potentially be rejected because…oh maybe they smoked pot 20years ago, and were cited…. so much better to swim across the Rio Grande and poop out a few kids illegally, and then let the Presidents wife say “we’ll fix that”.
    So much easier to come up here illegally, especially if you have murder, rape, and other arrests in Mexico…than try and come legally.
    We should be supporting Arizona for asking that the federal laws be enforced!!

  9. Skeptic says:

    Mexico murders people illegally entering their country. I’m just say’n.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    On a more serious note, this child does represent a conundrum.

    Do we deport the mom and leave the child here? Do we deport both?

    This is where Bush’s plan came in.

    Seal the border to keep future illegals out, but allow those who are settled with good employment to become citizens.

    This plan doesn’t break up families and allows those who contribute to continue to contribute and be a positive part of our society.

    But since Bush proposed it, the plan must be evil, Right??

    So what’s Obama’s plan. Cater to Mexico? Do nothing?

  11. John E. Quantum says:

    Plan B on immigration- Destroy the US economy so that any incentive to enter the US is eliminated.

  12. BubbaRay says:

    I get sick to my stomach watching Obama, Biden, and Congress applaud the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon denigrate Arizona for enforcing US federal law. Hey, Calderon, go back to taco bell and enforce your own laws, you two-faced jerk. Yeah, those Federales are doing such a great job keeping the drug cartels in check, right? And you shoot illegal immigrants to Mexico? Let’s hope you never come to Arizona. I doubt that loser Odumba would be welcome in Mexico or Arizona either. Maybe he should go to Mexico and force them into bankruptcy too.

  13. Max Bell says:

    Why wasn’t this child arrested and deported?

    Isn’t that the law?

    Why isn’t it being enforced?

  14. jescott418 says:

    Make them legal and make them pay like every American. Ilegal is ilegal. Look up the definition. Arizona is simply at its end waiting for the Feds to do anything. We don’t have hundreds of thousands of Germans or other groups coming into America illegally. We have Mexican’s do this. That is why the Arizona law is on the books. That is the problem. If the Feds would do something about it. How about telling the Mexican president to put up or shut up. Where is his boarder patrol???

  15. tigerjuju says:

    Of course Canada is MUCH better than Mexico. Then again, that really does not say much about Canada.

  16. tigerjuju says:

    Ah_Yea said “Do we deport the mom and leave the child here? Do we deport both?”

    Since when do we worry about breaking up families when prosecuting criminals? If someone invaded your home and robbed you, do you ask the judge not to put the robber in jail if the robber has family?
    In the case the deportation, these criminal invaders actually are much better off b/c they have a choice to prevent their family from breaking up. They don’t have to leave the kids behind. They can always take the kids with them. If they choose to leave their kids behind, it is not us that break them up. They decided to break up their own family themselves. Besides, I thought all the pro-illegal Mexicans love to tell us how proud they are about Mexico? Why wouldn’t you want to raise your kids in a wonderful country like Mexico if you truly think it’s so great?

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    tigerjuju you raise a lot of good points.

    Possibly being hard nosed and deporting a few families might get the message across that we are finally serious.

    The big fly in the ointment is the law that anyone born in the US is instantly a US citizen.

    So while we can deport the mother, we cannot legally deport the child.


  18. Grandpa says:

    And this is happening all over America. Millions of illegal people of every race and religion are invading us. They are now gaining superiority of numbers and are influencing our politics. And there are millions more wanting to cross the border!

  19. bobbo, why all this fuss about kiddies says:

    #18–Ah Yea==what exactly is the nature and consequences of this big fly?

    Parents rightfully have a big impact on all their kiddies. If they cross borders illegally to have birth in the USA and then they get deported, they simply have another choice: What is best for my kiddie? To stay with the family and return to Mexico, or to stay in the USA and be brought up by strangers?

    I know what I would do. Maybe Pedro will inform us on where most of the worlds flys are?

  20. Greg Allen says:

    >> Ah_Yea said, on May 20th, 2010 at 12:03 pm
    >> I’ve got a way to fix this. Bring back all our troops from overseas and invade Mexico!!

    Wars are such a cheap and easy way to solve our problems. We need even more than the two we got going now.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    >> Max Bell said, on May 20th, 2010 at 3:15 pm
    >> Why wasn’t this child arrested and deported?
    >> Isn’t that the law?

    What gestapo state do YOU live in?

    Where little children get arrested and kicked out of THEIR OWN HOME COUNTRY for a visa violation of their mother.

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    Hello Bobbo,

    Oddly enough, Greg Allen in #22 hinted at an answer to your question in #20.

    There is another problem. The child, being born in the US, is a US citizen and not a Mexican national.

    Mexico could actually REFUSE to allow the child to enter Mexico! After all, the child is a US citizen and needs a visa to go to Mexico, which Mexico can refuse.

    Don’t think this is too crazy. The Mexican government is even more full of crapheads than ours.

    It’s perfect for them. If Mexico does not allow natural born US children of Mexican nationals to settle in their country, then most parents will do their best to stay in America.

    Mexico doesn’t have to pay for services, and still gets all the money!

    Follow the money trail.
    “Money from Mexicans abroad is now second only to oil as a source of foreign revenue.”

  23. Thomas says:

    which makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally

    In other news, people are aghast that laws are making things legal. Does anyone else find this to be ridiculous? Isn’t something that is illegal a crime by definition?

  24. Thomas says:


    What do suppose happens to children of parents that steal, sell drugs or commit other crimes?

  25. bobbo, deep into new age philosophies says:

    #23–Ah Yea==I still don’t see the fly. There are a set of rules with a set of consequences if you don’t follow them.

    No flys. Just choices==all leading to the rational conclusion that ALL countries should enforce their immigration laws. It provides STABILITY that allows people to actually receive the fruits of their decisions.

    Who’s in charge of USA immigration policy? The USA–or anyone who wishes to violate the law?

  26. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    Why do we have people who do not believe in the rule of law making our laws?

    Politicians and the media have made everyone so fearful of being called a racist that no one is even asking this question.

    Working to change laws that you believe are bad is one thing, but ridiculing people who just want the current laws enforced (and allowing the Mexican President to do the same on the White House lawn) is completely unacceptable.

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    “Who’s in charge of USA immigration policy?”

    Apparently, no one.

    Fly in the ointment?
    Technically, none. Politically, this repeated over and over again…

  28. Cursor_ says:

    Again the 800 oound gorilla in the room is the immigration laws themselves.

    Read carefully:

    We would not have as many illegal immigrants in the US if we simply reform the process of immigration and remove the quota system.

    Until you and the rest of the citizens of the US recognise and deal with the gorilla, you will never end this problem.

    The laws need to change as the laws are prejudicial.


  29. jman says:

    for the morons spouting the liberal talking points about Mexicans being stopped for no reason in Arizona because of the law you are totally wrong.
    Federal law is much stricter than Arizona’s which bars police from doing that. Federal law, as unanimously decided by the Supreme Court, allows police to stop anybody for any reason and ask for immigration status

    Muller vs Menya

    unanimous that no reasonable suspicion is needed to stop and ask for immigration status


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