A federal judge has dismissed a plaintiff’s lawsuit against Apple that accused company employees of waiting like “vultures” to spy on her every time she used an Apple laptop to access the Internet.

Leslie Carr sought to recover $60 million for trauma, which she said kept her from publishing on the Web. She alleged, among other things, that each time she used the laptop to go online, “there would be a mass number of Apple employees waiting greedily like vultures to survey and monitor my life.”

But U.S. District Judge Richard Berman said the complaint “fails to state a plausible claim for relief. Where, as here, a complaint is asserting unrealistic and unsupportable claims, a court may dismiss it.”

Carr did not return a call seeking comment.

I heard Gizmodo offered her $10,000 for her laptop.

  1. bobbo, int'l Pastry Chef and Film Critic says:

    “Where, as here, a complaint is asserting unrealistic and unsupportable claims, a court may dismiss it.” /// You know–when a court dismisses a claim without even allowing a person to submit proof, such claims really are “unsupportable.”

    While we all might “pre-judge” THIS case, the judge misused his power at this too early stage of development. Better to have let the plaintiff be challenged by proper discovery and then fine her for the waste of time.

  2. riker17 says:

    Bobbo, I disagree. We need more judges like this one to throw out cases and charge the people who file them. Our justice system is broken and the best solution is to empty it and start over.

  3. Å∏∏Ò€ says:

    I showed the judge files from his own webcam and threatened to show them on YouPorn unless he caved.


  4. Buzz says:

    Apparently Ms Carr targeted the wrong organization.

    It’s Google that has the team of people waiting with baited breath for every keystroke.

    And the reason she could not be called by phone is that the wiretap has screwed up the line.

  5. Floyd says:

    “Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep….”

    The question is whether Ms Carr’s allegations are real and that she has evidence, or if she’s just another nutcase with imaginary persecutors that can be treated with the right meds.

  6. bobbo, int'l Pastry Chef and past Jeopardy Winner says:

    #2–riker==yes, I know. As stated, its THIS case that we all agree with==but meritorious cases are thrown out all the time because of bias/corruption at the initial trial court level.

    No “day in court.” Not even the “chance” to present evidence.

    Think of the Pentagon Papers, or the Watergate: Crazy to think our government would ever do such things. case dismissed.

  7. Rabble Rouser says:

    It’s called pathological narcissism, or maybe delusions of grandeur. Many New Yorkers suffer from it. Some of them even take pills that’s supposed to make their BM smell like roses.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    # 8 RadioNed’s link is broken. Try this one:


    Although I think the Toronto woman has more of a case. (She had a cell phone in her maiden name and when her husband ordered phone and cable service, they included her detailed cell bill in his account without asking or notifying her.) The suit mentioned in this post is obviously on the face of it the work of a person suffering from a not uncommon mental “disarrangement.” I’m sure if she had included any kind of credible evidence in her filing, her case would not have been dismissed so quickly. To pretend that the dismissal is ominous is completely disingenuous.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    Ah crap! Now my link is broken as well. Apparently posting it here breaks it. Tell you what, copy the link, paste it into a text editor, add another dash between 810236 and toronto and it’ll work. Or just Google it.


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