Hang in past 2:00 minutes when he starts reacting to the crowd. In your face Dave Grohl!

  1. The DON says:

    He fumbled the chopsticks!

    awesome – he plays drums better than I do. So cute the way he almost has to stand up to use the pedal the bass drum.

  2. Micromike says:

    That made me smile. and that made me glad I looked at this blog today.


  3. KD Martin says:

    That little guy really gets into it, doesn’t he? Nice find!

  4. hhopper says:

    Awesome! The kid must have been a super drummer in a past life. There’s probably not another 3 year old in the world that can do that.

  5. FRAGaLOT says:

    EPIC \m/
    Rock on Howard Wong!

  6. Dallas says:

    That was cute.

  7. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I just hope he can cope with his instant celebrity without turning to drugs.

  8. honeyman says:

    OMG that was awesome.

  9. Mark Baars says:

    Imagine what that kid can do when he’s, say 16… and on… Very cool clip and it made me smile too!

  10. Skeptic says:

    Wonderful clip. I suspect he’s 4 or close to it in that video. I saw another video of him posted last September where he was also 3 and looked it. He was just as good then however.

    Here’s a 2 year old complete with soother and diaper. It gets interesting at 2:30 into the clip where he stands up to use the base drum with the heel of his foot. Not nearly as heartwarming as the posted video, but damn impressive.


  11. chuck says:

    At age 4 he drives a Rolls-Royce into a swimming pool. By age 6, dead from choking on his own vomit. Just tragic.

  12. deowll says:

    The kid obviously loves what he’s doing.

  13. admfubar says:

    his parents are hoping his drumming pays off so they can afford the hearing aids for the whole family..

  14. sargasso says:

    Electric shocks. That’s all I’m saying.

  15. Urotsukidoji says:

    He’s a future Neil Peart (Rush)/ Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater).

  16. harry says:

    Train a kid to do anything these days.

    Back in the days, we had monkeys for such a dog and pony show. Wait, I think we had dogs and ponies…

    If the drugs dont do him in, his parents may just push him over…

  17. Fritze says:

    He’s doomed, my wife said the golden rule is never to date a drummer, lol.

    Very cool find, thanks for sharing.

    BTW-She won’t let me get drums, or bagpipes.

  18. Slatts says:

    I wonder what happens to these child prodigies when they grow up. There have been several great child guitarists over the years but they never seem to do anything as adults. I wonder if having been pushed so hard, so young, by their parents, do they once they get a mind of their own decided to become accountants…?

  19. Carcarius says:

    It doesn’t always pay to be an early boomer.

  20. Carcarius says:

    oops… bloomer.

  21. ubiquitous talking head says:

    In the 70’s Roland had an ad for their electronic drum machines with the punchline being something like “your drummer will never be late for practice again”, which for me was hilarious because every band I had been in had an undependable and chronically late drummer.

    So I picture this kid missing practice for the 1,000th time, saying it wasn’t his fault because it was past his bedtime.

  22. honeyman says:

    Q. What do you call a unreliable drug addict that hangs around with musicians?

    A. A drummer.


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