I wonder what the equivalent would be in Arizona against illegal Mexicans.

A female lawyer allegedly ripped another woman’s burka off in a clothes shop – and told her to ‘clear off to your own country’.

The 26-year-old Muslim convert said the 60-year-old lawyer made ‘snide remarks’ about her Islamic veil. An argument followed during which the older woman is said to have ripped the veil off, before the Muslim woman allegedly punched her. Both women were arrested.

The row happened in Trignac, near Nantes, France, as the country prepares to introduce a ban on the burka.

A police officer said: ‘The lawyer said she was not happy seeing a fellow shopper wearing a veil and wanted the ban introduced as soon as possible.’

At one point the lawyer, who was out with her daughter, is said to have likened the Muslim woman to Belphegor – a horror demon character well known to French television viewers. The lawyer’s use of the name ‘Belphegor’ was particularly inflammatory, said police, because the demon was portrayed by classical writers as ‘Hell’s ambassador to France’.

  1. ECA says:

    1 way to get a SACK over their heads..

  2. Improbus says:

    Dear Muslims,

    Don’t piss off the Christians. Remember what happened to the Jews? It could happen again.

  3. M0les says:

    I suggest they ban hooded tops first.

  4. some guy says:

    Uncle Dave, you’re a Moron.

  5. Dallas says:

    Uncle Dave.. You mean a Mexican with a face mask on? You do the math.

    The Republipuke recovery strategy is no different than before, it’s just becoming more bolder.

    It’s – Divide and Conquer. The best way to retake control is to have the sheep hate each other, divide them and go after the majority.

    The majority is always the white, hetero, Anglo, bible thumper closeted bigot.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #4&5: The burka is only the excuse. The real rage is against Muslims in their country, like the anger against illegals in this country.

    As for me, I have no problem with Muslims or with anyone else, but if you’re here illegally, no matter where you’re from, you’re here illegally and should be dealt with accordingly. We have mechanisms to be here legally, so follow them.

  7. Milo says:

    Don’t forget, Everybody Draw Mohammed Day is tomorrow, where I am, and for some places has already started!

  8. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and social critic says:

    #7–Unc Dave==that is very close, but let me quibble. Its not simply that Muslims are in France, or any other country, its that the Muslims are actively trying to change the country they are in into a Muslim country by dress, religion, and culture.

    The same animosity exhibits itself with Mexicans in the USA. Its toned down a bit because the mexicans are not actively trying to change the USA into Mexico. Hmmm? I was going to say except for a rabid minority, but thats probably just the same in France?===or not.

    I think my croissants are about ready.

  9. bobbo, a dedicated follower of fashion says:

    I meant to say that the French are very fashion conscious and like to think they lead the world, and perhaps they do. They indeed are repulsed by Muslim Fashion.

    Not so with the Mexicans. They come across with huaraches and serapes, and they look cool, so we adopt their fashions. Big difference.

  10. lynn says:

    At my local grocery store last week, I saw two parents with a little girl about 3 years old and one they were holding in arms who looked not old enough to be walking yet. Both girls were wearing veils. I was tempted to say, “Wow, they really hit puberty early!” but I didn’t want to be rude. As you can imagine, I won’t be having public fisticuffs or pulling off burkas any time soon.

  11. Dallas says:

    #7 Uncle D: I agree with you – Illegals are illegals and should be dealt with accordingly.

    The mask situation is all about fear and bigotry and accentuated because a mask implies concealment of an already “uncomfortable to be around” demographic.

  12. Benjamin says:

    This will end nicely. If I were running a business and someone came in with their face covered, I would assume they were robbing the place.

  13. MikeN says:

    Do the Muslims in France want all Jews to go to Israel to make their extinction easier? That is the position of people in the Muslim Students Association, as David Horowitz revealed awhile back.

  14. Dallas says:

    #15 Perhaps true for France that the root cause is Jewish/Muslim conflict but what about here at home?

    Quick test
    Do a quick test…. Have a group of young kids spot the boogie monster in this group of 100.

    50 ordinary westerners (half are black)
    49 Priests in nice robes(all are pedophiles)
    1 woman in a burka like the one above.

  15. Special Ed says:

    I’m always compelled to yell out, “trick or treat!”

  16. Phydeau says:

    #15 Interesting articles Ah_Yea, especially that “Direland” one… yikes. Looks like the French have, how you say, sown the dragon’s teeth, and now they’re reaping the whirlwind…

    But Sarkozy (left) only poured verbal kerosene on the flames, dismissing the ghetto youth in the most insulting and racist terms and calling for a policy of repression. “Sarko” made headlines with his declarations that he would “karcherise” the ghettos of “la racaille”– words the U.S. press, with glaring inadequaxcy, has translated to mean “clean” the ghettos of “scum.” But these two words have an infinitely harsher and insulting flavor in French. “Karcher” is the well-known brand name of a system of cleaning surfaces by super-high-pressure sand-blasting or water-blasting that very violently peels away the outer skin of encrusted dirt — like pigeon-shit — even at the risk of damaging what’s underneath. To apply this term to young human beings and proffer it as a strategy is a verbally fascist insult and, as a policy proposed by an Interior Minister, is about as close as one can get to hollering “ethnic cleansing” without actually saying so. It implies raw police power and force used very aggressively, with little regard for human rights. I wonder how many Anglo-American correspondents get the inflammatory, terribly vicious flavor of the word in French? The translation of “karcherise” by “clean” just misses completely the provocative, incendiary violence of what Sarko was really saying. And “racaille” is infinitely more pejorative than “scum” to French-speakers — it has the flavor of characterizing an entire group of people as subhuman, inherently evil and criminal, worthless, and is, in other words, one of the most serious and dehumanizing insults one could launch at the rebellious ghetto youth. Kerosene, indeed.

    And Sarkozy is in charge now… dang.

  17. Skippy says:

    How long before the lawyer is tracked down and killed by some poor offended Muslim?

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    “And Sarkozy is in charge now… dang”

    Well said! From bad to worse!!

  19. yankinwaoz says:

    The outfits that some Arab women are forced to wear are embarrassing. I see them in L.A. They usually show their face. But the outfit is about as sexy as a burlap sack. They wear these neck-to-toe moo-moos, usually in some god-awful dishwater brown color.

    I know… they are designed to prevent men from having lust in their hearts if they see the women. Well guess what? It works. They look about as attractive as pile of cow dung.

    I fail to understand how any woman with an ounce of self esteem would allow herself to go out in public looking like that. Might as well were a dirty bathrobe, soiled slippers, and curlers in your hair when you go out shopping.

    Sometimes I see them with their husbands or boyfriends. I can’t help but wonder WTF is going on in the man’s head. If my wife wanted to out for dinner dressed like that I would refuse.

    And would these same women tolerate there husbands dressing like some street bum? Wouldn’t they be embarrassed? So why do they allow themselves to be treated that way?

    I just don’t get it. But to each their own.

  20. Phydeau says:

    #32 Well ya know, it’s not just the Muslims. There are some Christian sects in the US (the Hard Shell Baptists come to mind, as well as the Amish and Mennonites) in which the women have to wear “modest” clothing. They apparently work on the belief that men have no self-control, and will attempt to copulate with any woman who shows any sign of, well, being a woman.

    Like you said… to each their own.

  21. Phydeau says:

    #23 Sorry, that was referring to 23, not 32…

    That way of doing things makes sense if you think of women strictly as property and not really as people. If one man leaves his property out unsupervised and unattended, it’s only natural in a dog-eat-dog primitive society that another man will try to take it.

  22. Holdfast says:

    I am divided on this.

    Those garments are seriously offensive and should not be found in any civilised society.


    People should be free to make a choice about what they wear.

  23. Benjamin says:

    #24 “in which the women have to wear “modest” clothing.”

    I consider it modest as long as it covers the ass crack and by that standard I see women out and about in immodest clothing.

    As for burkas and veils, they are crazy. Muslim women in veils are already soft spoken due to male domination. It gets worse when they cover their face, especially if you rely on lip reading. If you refuse to interact in such a way that society can interact with you, don’t be surprised when people get angry at you.

  24. MikeN says:

    Let’s just tear clothes off woman on the street. Much too modest.

  25. spsffan says:

    Well, silly as the Burka is, it beats stretched polyester pants on a 400 pound Walmart Mama, and we have literally tons of those here in the USA, even in California!

    I hate to say it, but I agree with Benji. If someone came into my shop dressed like that (or with their motorcycle helmet covering their face) I’d assume they are going to try to rob the place..or worse.

    As for France…well the people there don’t smell much better than the average Muslim, so what’s the point?

  26. bobbo, I enjoy picking cotton, I really do says:

    People fight wars over the very thing Muslims are doing. Easy to “tolerate” when the numbers are small at one end, to you have lost your country at the other end.

    We don’t know what attenuates a culture to meld but having dogma that states “Thou shalt never meld.” does not help the process.

    some things are flour and water and make great cakes. Other things are oil and water and are better at totally other projects.

    I see trouble in the future. You see it now with “disenfranchised”/stressed Muslims who have melded in various societies return to their roots, to retrograde under stress, to assume their original form under heat.


    That which cleaves man to god, separates him from his fellow man.

    1. There is no such thing as a multi-cultural society. Its components are mostly language closely followed by religion–another language if you will.

    Seriously–do small things that have tremendous down stream impacts. Start by “freeing” the women. Outlaw the burka. Strongly enforce illegal honor killing. THEN MAYBE Muslims in a free society can be free themselves.

    Without it, conflict will ensue.

  27. GregAllen says:

    This story touches on yet another conservative hypocrisy.

    Conservative LOVE to insult France yet they have exactly the same mindset as the French regarding immigration and national identity.

  28. headshaker says:

    #21 – Well said.

  29. Gildersleeve says:

    There is an advantage to having a set “uniform”, or dress code: it reduces costs and simplifies the wardrobe. When I first started working, (mostly large firms), the dress code was always dark slacks, white shirt and tie. Two shirts, two pants, same tie – I was set for the week. Once the “business casual” thing started, gah – my clothing budget went gang-busters. And I don’t look better, but I’m more comfortable.

    But I’m afraid that there are standards and limits, and covering the whole head, or wrapping towels around the head, or whatever, sorry, but there are limits.

  30. deowll says:

    The French are really hung up on how wonderful it is to be French. They are upset because they are starting to figure out that in a few more decades the majority of the population in France will be Muslims and French culture and values are going to die. They are going the way of the Neanderthal and they know it.


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