• Google I/O conference underway with a lot of Google apologies.
  • Facebook banned by Pakistan because Facebook created a contest to draw Muhammed.
  • Installing Android on the iPhone unveiled.
  • Germany has a criminal inquiry over Google spying.
  • Climate change on the attack.
  • Twitter app from Twitter will kill small companies.
  • MSFT suing Salesforce.
  • Hotmail back in the news. Why?
  • Yahoo buys SEO content maker. Gak.
  • HTC EVO cell phone in the news.

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  1. Uncle Patso says:

    Let me get this straight: aside from just logging the location and SSID of open wi-fi links, Google also (“accidentally”) recorded whatever communications were happening on those networks as their Street View vehicles were driving by. And for this they are taking flak.

    This could only happen to links that weren’t encrypted, right? If you are talking to someone over, say, CB radio, and someone driving by tunes in, so what? If you don’t want people driving by to be able to read and record your datastream, turn on encryption!

  2. Uncle Patso says:

    Oh, I almost forgot — here’s my contest entry: *:^)

  3. Glenn E. says:

    “Climate change on the attack.” Oh B.S.! This happens every year, soon as it warms up enough that they think most people have forgotten how bad their winter was. So it’s an easier sell now. They also like to show icebergs melting at the south pole. Counting on most people’s ignorance about the seasons being six months out of step with the north.

    Meanwhile there’s this huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, that they don’t want you to fret so much about. Because their GW concerns are more important! I think GW (or climate change) is just be a smoke screen, to cover up all the other environmental concerns. Like water pollution, and deforestation. They know that those have doable solutions. But they’ll cost big businesses, big bucks. So they harp on this climate change problem, because they blame it on everyone, not just some dirty industries. And can guilt us all into paying for its remedy. Which isn’t even proven that it will work. So expect to hear them screaming more about climate change, this year, the worse this oil spill gets. Al Gore owns oil stock, ya know.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    “Facebook created a contest to draw Muhammed”

    Another reason to never join Facebook (or to leave it). Its leadership is insane!! Sounds like they’re going out of their way to make trouble. So maybe Facebook really is an arm of the CIA. Because that’s just what they do.

  5. sargasso says:

    Running Android on an iPhone, becomes so old so fast. The iTunes web application is coming soon, and maybe an Apple Apps store for mobile cloud computing. Means, no matter what kind of smart phone you carry around, you can do 90% of what you can do on an iPhone/iPad from online. All you’ll need is Safari (or maybe Google Chrome) and a 3G or WiFi link. Just my guess.

  6. moss says:

    “Climate change” on attack?

    How about for support for science – vs. anti-intellectualism?

  7. The0ne says:

    Not simply a “spill” >.>

  8. OmegaMan says:

    March 19th John? 😉

  9. the haunted sheep says:

    I dont understand running android on an iphone. I can get much better hardware than a crapple iphone with adnroid already on it. On a better carrier I might add. Unless its just buyers remorse. Which I could understand if it were an average person and not an apple zealot.


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