Caught – grand theft spaceship

I’m way behind on listening to No Agenda, so Adam may already know about this and signed on, but I’m just a tad bit skeptical.

Hartwig Hausdorf, a German academic, believes that the reason Voyager 2, an unmanned probe that has been in space since 1977, is sending strange messages that are confusing scientists, is because it has been taken over by extraterrestrial life.

Since its launch, Voyager 2 has been sending streams of data back to Earth for study by scientists, but on April 22, 2010, that stream of information suddenly changed.

Nasa claimed that a software problem with the flight data system was the cause but Mr Hausdorf believes it could be the work of aliens.

This is because all other parts of the spacecraft appear to be functioning fine.

He told the German newspaper Bild: “It seems almost as if someone has reprogrammed or hijacked the probe – thus perhaps we do not yet know the whole truth.”

  1. Dallas says:

    Crazy alien teenagers messing with us. Started with saucers, then crop circles, now this.

  2. Dale says:

    #2: ethanol, but we all know that NASA is also under aliens direction so what value is that explanation?

  3. Cablguy104 says:

  4. McCullough says:

    OK, I can do this one. 1976…The Reverend Jim Jones escorts another follower to Jonestown!

    Wait, this isn’t a Caption this Photo?

  5. Desert Madness says:

    Resistance is futile…

  6. deano says:

    saw this on star trek, didn’t go well Kirk had to talk it out of destroying life forms like us us it was just confused it called itself vigger i would keep listening just in case

  7. Aude says:

    Why has there been so much alien talk since the volcano blew in iceland?

  8. Tardhole says:


  9. jescott418 says:

    ET trying to phone home I would guess.

  10. deowll says:

    How many computers turned on in 1977 and run continuously since then still work right?

  11. LDA says:

    Apparently it is still much further away from the nearest star than our beloved Sun.

    If the aliens found it they are very advanced and I will need to hand you over to Stephen William Hawking for further briefing.

    P.S. I hope they weren’t offended by the music.

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    Just some tired alien complaining that our computer is keeping him awake…


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