• Hotmail update coming. How many years has it been?
  • Amazon trying to sell books not Kindles.
  • Google WiFi snagging; getting company in trouble.
  • People quitting Facebook. So what?
  • Best Buy going after Netflix.
  • VC’s like the Android OS.
  • Tablet mania just beginning.
  • Steve Jobs loses $10 billion.
  • HP wants Palm for a printer driver??  What?

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  1. deowll says:

    Secure your WiFi systems. Geez!

    If the Ipad can meet meet your computer needs go for it. It seems to be okay for social networking but doesn’t run the software I want nor does it have anything like the storage space I need.

  2. zybch says:

    Its not that having them insecure is an issue (though it is and anyone who leaves their’s open is a fool). That that google still recorded info about wifi access points that WERE encrypted is really dodgy. The mere fact that you have any encryption, even the bad WEP type, means that you DON’T want people snooping into your network, and yet thats what google has done.
    Sure, they can’t get anything out of an encrypted net, but as soon as their snooping software sees that it was encrypted it should have immediately moved on to the next one and dumped ALL data it had about the encrypted one.
    Google just can’t be trusted at all any more, why they still get a free pass for this kind of thing when someone like MS would be in front of the justice department already is amazing.

  3. OutOfTouchAgain says:

    Really John? Did you say that Amazon “…might even put Kindle on the iPad someday”?

    Sheesh… it was on iPhone and iPod Touch, and then they made a really nice one for the iPad almost as soon as the iPad began shipping.

    Leo Laporte has been using it forever, and you’ve likely been in the TWiT studio when you saw it in action on an episode of This Week in Tech.

    I’m rolling my eyes. Another DOH! moment on your end.

  4. Dallas says:

    Amazon does this, BestBuy does that, Palm this, Android that.

    John – you can spot a few tree seedlings but have no idea of the forest taking shape.

    Hint : Internet content is moving to all size screens and the money is in the content, not the screen.

  5. WmDE says:

    Recently upgraded my cellphone to a Verizon Palm Pre Plus. It has an icon for Google maps. I turned off “location services” on the Pre
    hoping to extend battery life.

    There was another setting on the same page as the switch for location services. It was called “Background Data Collection” and was described
    as “Allows Google to automatically collect anonymous location data to improve the quality of location services.”

    In effect my Palm Pre came from Verizon set up to act as an agent for Google. I suspect Android phones might also do this.

    Recent stories about the Streetview cars collecting WIFI hotspot locations. (Not to mention data.) If you think about it, the Google cars would only check every decade or so. How many Android phones go by your front door in a day each one reporting the location of your WIFI router?

    I don’t find this too sinister, but it does explain why Google went into the phone business.


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