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Some winners in Asia’s Pillsbully Bake-off show their entry, Dogzilla, a pig-in-a-blanket that feeds 500. They didn’t take home the grand prize but won in the International Junk-food for the Masses category.
And suddenly as Mr. Takahashi’s phys. ed. class was taking their class pictures, Godzilla dropped his cannoli through the roof of the school’s gym
5 girls, 1 wrap?
Japan announces that clinical trials are under way for the World’s Largest Anal Suppository.
Wow, I got nothin’.
They finally fought the cannoli to submission with but one casualty.
One of these things doesn’t belong here.
French snail experiment gone wrong, very wrong.
Sexist Chinese propaganda photo demonstrating the dangers to female body parts when not wearing really tight short-shorts. (I’ll leave it to you to ID the affected part represented by the scale model on the floor)
It’s fun and games till someone gets hurt.
(The girl with injured arm)
Despite China’s recent ban on eating dog meat, the Hung Sung Hui Corp went ahead with their new Dachshund-in-a-Blanket snack food promotional road show. The tour includes China’s volleyball team who play a game with the snack which is later sliced up and shared the audience.
Winners of the annual Pacific Rim Sphincter Gymnastics Championships pose with their well deserved trophy, the “Sphinkie”.
Q: Which one is different?
A: Second girl on right has arm in sling.
Mr. Noritaki had always been an honorable man. When five of his students baked a comically large example of his favorite food, he decided a photograph would be in order.
He set his camera upon a tripod and set the self-timer. As he walked back to take his place in line he finally noticed the total adoration in five pairs of adolescent eyes.
He turned to face the camera and as the flash went off, his only thought was “How in the hell am I going to get out of this room?”
So at some point teacher turns into a demon and tentacles pop out of that thing right? Isn’t that what always happens when Japanese school girls are around?
A giant pile of dog crap wrapped in a croissant, is still a giant pile of dog crap.
“Wonderful smell was locked up in the jelly. A room was wrapped in the smell, and a feeling is refreshing, too.”
After a three year legal battle, the giant male grub worm was finally allowed to join the all female volleyball team.
Huh, not a single funny caption yet.
Humiliated by another defeat in 2009 of six-time World Hot Dog Eating champion, Takeru Kobayashi, the Wiener Sushi Club of Osaka poses before digging into their light lunch as they prepare for the start of the fierce 2010 team eating season. Appearing with them for the first time since her recent, near fatal mustard jar injury is Miss Wiener Sushi of 2007, Tamura Oh.
Go get ’em, girls! The whole world is watching!
OK, who Clicked pic to embiggen?
It takes teamwork to lay a turd this big.
Q: What do you call these people?
A: The Aristocrats.
Look what I can do on photo-shop!!
Ok girls: all together now:
Those crazy Japanese fetishes. This one’s really gonna hurt. Who goes first?
“Wasn’t Jo Ling supposed to be in our club picture?”
Chinese New Year photo.
Mr Hankey still in sreeping bag.
Girl in froto with sling Wong arm of the raw.
“Shit in a blanket”