Images from a thoracic spine examination by Christopher Vittore and Kevin Tribble, radiologists in Rockford, Ilinois and clinical assistant professors at University of Illinois College of Medicine. MRI technologist, Deb Savala assisted with the technical data. This was performed on an open MRI machine, a General Electric Signa 0.35 Tesla MRI scanner. (Details: 40 x 40 cm field of view, sagital plane, frequency 256, phase 128, image slice thickness 5 mm with 2mm skip interval, no phase wrap.)

  1. honeyman says:

    The guy lucked out. Its Rasputin.

  2. fishguy says:

    Looks like Frank Zappa to me.

  3. esoterroriffik says:

    looks like the Zig-Zag logo

  4. Buzz says:

    That’s not Jesus, it’s Charles Manson.

  5. Robart says:

    I heard he hacked up a Jesus fur ball the next day.

  6. woody says:

    Rasputin, accused of being a jew lover in anti jewish circles in Russia. He probably would have called for the execution of Jesus himself if he would have lived a couple thousands of years earlier. Funny how these tapir snout hue men implicate themselves into all parts of aryan man’s history.

  7. honeyman says:

    #6 woody

    I thought Rasputin was ‘Russia’s greatest love machine’. You mean Boney M lied to me? Say it aint so.

  8. Dallas says:

    I’m with #2 . This is a dead ringer for Frank Zappa

  9. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    WTF, that would make me cough too! I agree, Zappa.

  10. revdjenk says:

    Great Googli-Moogli !

  11. JimB says:

    I’ve heard of people keeping Jesus in their hearts but this is ridiculous

  12. Greg Allen says:

    When people see these bearded faces, how do they know it’s Jesus and not, let’s say, Jim Morrison or Charlie Manson?

  13. bbugg says:

    Evil Spock from the Mirror, Mirror episode.

    With a radiologist named Tribble…what else?

  14. two to the head says:

    IT’S BIN LADEN! He’s hiding in this guys lung.

  15. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between Jesus and cancer, so to be safe, we should always biopsy any Jesus-like abnormalities.

  16. deowll says:

    The face looks to be a cross section of a human heart. I guess I lack imagination.

  17. poindexter says:

    Thats not Jesus, it’s Chuck Norris

  18. the_dingman says:

    “Well sir, the good news is that we’ve been able to tweak the MRI to make the scans of your chest look like Jesus. The bad news is that those black spots are Cancer. It looks like Jesus wants you dead sir.”

  19. admfubar says:

    looks like photoshop to me…………..

  20. bobbo, I'd love to change the World, but------ says:

    “You Know”–with a no phase wrap you can get just about anything.

    Next up: kittens.

  21. FRAGaLOT says:

    Jesus with what looks like a Beatles hairstyle from the late 1960s before they went hippy.

  22. Maricopa says:

    This was performed on an open MRI machine, a General Electric Signa 0.35 Tesla MRI scanner. (Details: …

    Thanks for the details. It was truly important to know where Jesus was been hiding.

    In other news, a giant blue troll has been found living under a bridge. Details: The bridge crosses Mill Lane 172 feet south of the dead oak tree and rises 12 feet above the creek bed…

  23. KMFIX says:

    Totally agree, Charles Manson…

  24. MacBros says:

    Looks more like Jamie Farr from M*A*S*H

  25. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I think we should all go pray to his lung, then rip it out and show others that don’t have the Internet. That fucking Jesus gets around, huh?

  26. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I heard of a Catholic man from Brazil who had a hemorrhoid that looked just like Jesus, and it miraculously healed itself in front of a dozen eyewitnesses.

    Hemorrhoids that don’t look like Jesus should be removed by a licensed physician.

  27. MattG says:

    #4 FTW. The first thing that went through my head was that looks more like Charles Manson than Jebus.

    Otherwise it is vengeful god, not happy god.

  28. Nugget Coombs says:

    This Images from a thoracic spine examination, looks like it probably belongs to a “Marlborough Man” to me!

  29. Faxon says:


  30. Yellow Submarine says:



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