1. Bill the Cat says:

    Saddly for this budding super hero, “BlueTooth” was already trade marked.

  2. kb3myham says:

    Kiddy PrOn??

  3. jbusch7 says:

    When Photoshop goes horribly wrong…

  4. The DON says:

    We wantssss it, my preciousss

  5. TheCommodore says:

    Looks like someone let Lt. K’lasta’s kids play near the transporter room again. I told you having families on board was a bad idea, Number One.

  6. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    He buys all of his clothes at half-price from the irregular bin, and dreams of one day being featured on the “People of WalMart” website.

    Few people have such realistic dreams.

  7. Holdfast says:

    Atomic wedgie makes Bolian child go white!

  8. bobbo, well I'm not gonna burst an artery over it says:

    Hope the kiddie is ambipodious.

  9. meetsy says:

    have you met my child, Hopper?

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    This is what you get when you eat to much “genetically enhanced” Monsanto grown products.

  11. nerefir says:

    I’m surprised nobody has said this yet…

    Look ma, no hands!

  12. McCullough says:

    What you get when a Smurf mates with an Na’vi.

  13. foodman says:

    stop playing with that before you go blind!

  14. honeyman says:

    An arms smuggler.

  15. TrueNinja1829 says:

    “Mommy, whaddya mean daddy is your brother? You mean like Torso Boy is my brother?”

  16. deowll says:


  17. Dale says:

    Gossamer & Smurfette’s bastard offspring.

  18. e? says:

    In 1980, Billy expected high rise pants to be the fashion of the future.

  19. thatsmychin says:

    After so many failed attempts, the first successful survivor of an abdomenectomy seems to be doing well.

  20. seetheblacksun says:


  21. Cristina in Tampa says:

    “Hey Mom!!! I’m a GIRL!”

  22. Glenn E. says:

    “The first stage of Smurfs invading our reality. And it isn’t pretty.”

    Darn, I see I wasn’t the only one who thought of Smurfs. Ok, how about “He’s the Blue Tooth poster boy.” Hmmm. Not as funny.

  23. Uncle Patso says:

    That’s the scariest Halloween costume I’ve seen in a long time!

    “I cried because I had no gloves, until I met a being that had no arms!”

  24. Breetai says:

    This critter is called a Mepo.

    They’re often spotted at the Renaissance faire’s in southern California after hours when the German camp gets good and drunk.

  25. Hmeyers says:

    For the win: “Obligatory slow news day post @ Dvorak.org”

  26. pwuk says:

    The downside of inbreeding …

  27. Likes2LOL says:

    “No sympathy here, mate. Crikey, at least the lad’s got legs…”
    David Vujicic

  28. bill says:

    Dear DOG,

    Please make my arm like the other one!
    Thank you,

  29. Buzz says:

    “Photoshop’s new Content-Aware erase tool can be abused.”


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