This almost sounds like a story from The Onion.

A mosque rises over Ground Zero. And fed-up New Yorkers are crying, “No!”

A chorus of critics — from neighbors to those who lost loved ones on 9/11 to me — feel as if they’ve received a swift kick in the teeth.

Plans are under way for a Muslim house of worship, topped by a 13-story cultural center with a swimming pool, in a building damaged by the fuselage of a jet flown by extremists into the World Trade Center.

The opening date shall live in infamy: Sept. 11, 2011. The 10th anniversary of the day a hole was punched in the city’s heart.

How the devil did this happen?

Plans to bring what one critic calls a “monster mosque” to the site of the old Burlington Coat Factory building, at a cost expected to top $100 million, moved along for months without a peep. All of a sudden, even members of the community board that stupidly green-lighted the mosque this month are tearing their hair out.

  1. qb says:

    #24 You crack me up pedro. You’re predictable and fall for it every time.

  2. qb says:

    LOL That ‘s you’re best yet. Nicely done.

  3. bobbo, well I'm not gonna burst an artery over it says:

    Well, Pedro==you completely surprise me all the time. Every day I wake up thinking “Today, its going to be a better world!” ==== and then you post.


    But I think #3–2 cents has stated an obvious truism. Belief in god should be an individual/private thing. OK, shared with your family because what are wives and kiddies but chattel anyway? But GROUPS are dangerous things. Individual belief, prayer, means nothing to me, its ineffectual and like an obnoxious t-shirt, is to be protected. But GROUPS by definition have already TAKEN ACTION (by forming and meeting) and ACTION is very dangerous. In fact, all religious action should be outlawed. Keep your beliefs, but don’t ring my doorbell, change my school books, build edifices to your stupidity requiring me to look at them.

    Belief in god: who cares.
    Religion doing anything: bad.

    After all, doesn’t god inform all those he wishes to be known to? What else is religion except an intrusion on natural uniformed man?

  4. GBArg says:

    Fine — a mosque may be built on or near the site where more than 2,500 innocent people were obliterated by Muslim extremists, just as soon as a huge Christian churches and a huge Jewish synagogue are built in every capital city in the Muslim world, across the street in each case from that country’s main government building. That includes Christian churches in Riyadh, in Damascus, in Mecca, in Medina, in Baghdad, in Islamabad, in Kabul, and in Cairo, for starters.

  5. Rick Cain says:

    For once I wouldn’t mind seeing THAT hit with a 767.

  6. Skeptic says:

    If the Statue of Liberty gets blowed up real good, you can put one there too.

  7. Kittyburgers says:

    Who is the Ground Zero mosque developer? (hint: “Brotherhood”)

  8. cloewe says:

    Nope, nada, no-way,

    I had family and friends die that day, and the idea of a mosque near that site should have Americans pissed off. The day that Islamic leaders put out a Fatwa condemning those Muslims who take part in terrorist activities, I’ll start to think about it.
    I still have good buddies in the military and the opinion is that Muslims by and large are still in a 16th century mindset and will slit your throat in a heartbeat.

  9. GF says:

    Black is white and the chair is against the wall.

  10. Grandpa says:

    My guess is there is an airplane somewhere that is accidentally going to run right into it.

  11. Metals721 says:

    I’m really amazed that most people on this page do not have a problem with this. America the worlds door mat. Why does it have to be one extreme or the other in this country. All you PC people need to get a clue seriously. I wonder how many of you liberals have actually been raised with a religious mind set. If you have not you will never understand how deep religion runs. It is everything. The end game. Your not showing strength threw tolerance you are just showing what a bitch you really are. And the opening date seriously.

    I cant wait till the next elections go ahead and build it see how many people it truly polarizes in this country.

  12. Metals721 says:

    I’m really amazed that most people on this page do not have a problem with this. America the worlds door mat. Why does it have to be one extreme or the other in this country. All you PC people need to get a clue seriously. I wonder how many of you liberals have actually been raised with a religious mind set. If you have not you will never understand how deep religion runs. It is everything. The end game. Your not showing strength threw tolerance you are just showing what a bitch you really are. And the opening date seriously.

  13. qb says:

    pedro, Progressive Conservative? That party has been dead for years.

    Seriously, while it’s amusing to watch pedro beat himself without even realizing it looks like the US has a fundamental problem to sort out. Is Islam a legitimate religion inside it’s borders? Now that’s a real debate.

    On one side the US is at war with a bunch of thugs who use Islamic ideology as their justification for criminal acts. People are still mad, I get that. My university room mate worked for Cantor Fitzgerald.

    On the other side some people argue that limiting religious freedom for any group is a slippery slope. The Taliban does not represent Islam anymore than the National Liberation Front of Tripura represents Christianity.

    The smart thing would be for Bloomberg to talk them out of it. Secondly, if Muslims in the west are serious about peace, they need to put up. Not just for the sake of themselves, but for the sake of their own religion. It’s being hijacked by a bunch of criminals who are no different than Kim Jong-Il.

  14. jbellies says:

    “said Khan, adding that Cordoba will be open to everyone.”

    I think that has to be part of a contract, very enforceable and very well defined. Would they allow Pagans, Atheists, Bahai, Zoroastrians, Buddhists (people whom, in theory at least, they like even less than they do Christians and Jews) … to celebrate rituals inside their building? Somehow I doubt it.

    If it’s just a mosque / recreation centre, cancel it. If it’s something experimental and community-bridging and outgoing–to paraphrase a commercial jingle of bygone days–Where’s the bacon? (I originally used the word pork, but some of us figure they already know that answer). Vague promises are not enough.

    Though I still want to ask why they don’t put it in Harlem, which surely needs the touted urban renewal and also has a constituency of worshippers…?

  15. bobbo, in a blinding flash of the obvious says:


  16. eaglescout1998 says:

    If Muslims wish to build a mosque in New York City, I really do not have a problem with that. But to build one at Ground Zero would be a slap on the face to those that lost loved ones on Sept. 11.

    That said, if this mosque is erected, I think it is only fitting that someone build a butcher shop next door. Anyone have any pigs that need to be slaughtered?

  17. bobbo, in a blinding flash of the obvious says:

    #51–eaglescout==if there is “any” legitimate connection between a mosque and the 911 site, why does that connection lose its importance just because the mosque is built elsewhere in the neighborhood, city, state, usa, world?

    I thought eagles had good vision?

  18. Benjamin says:

    I forsee looting and rioting in the streets. Oh wait, nevermind, this will not offend Muslims.

    Islam is a religion that command their adherents to proselytize with the sword, lie to non-Muslims, and transform the religions, governments, and laws to conform with the Koran. When that is done they’ll require you to pay a tax to be allowed to practice any religion other than their own.

    They must be stopped from putting a mosque there on 9/11. Left them build it, fill it with Muslims, and bomb them with as much mercy as the terrorist had on 9/11.

  19. deowll says:

    #25 has it. Everyone must submit to the will of Allah or die.

    The guy who keeps saying he doesn’t like any religion would be among the last group for two reasons either of which is valid. He opposes the will of Allah and he does not belong to the groups that can be allowed to live if they pay the tax and submit.

  20. Wretched Gnu says:

    …and it would be equally outrageous to erect a Christian church anywhere near the Alfred P. Murrah building that the Christian Tim McVeigh blew up.


  21. honeyman says:

    Is this building meant to provoke more outrage from Americans towards Muslims? Seems so.

    While I recognise that the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful religious folk who just want to live a good life, the fact is that the murderers who took down the towers were doing so in the name of Islam. Erecting a mosque at the site is just plain insensitive and idiotic.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    True to form, the right wing nuts don’t care that the same Constitution that allows them to carry their guns, also allows religion. Yet, for some reason, they don’t want others to benefit from that same Constitution.

    It would be better if ALL religions were required to pay land and income taxes.

  23. GF says:

    “In psychology, Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express adulation and have positive feelings towards their captors that appear irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims. “

  24. Uncle Patso says:

    The United States of America, Land of the FREE!!!

    As long as they’re just like ME!!!

    Come on, people! Is this a free country or not? If it’s only free for those who look, talk, dress, worship, eat, etc., etc., etc. just like [your prototype here] THEN IT’S NOT FREE!!!

    Maybe it’s time to come up with a new nickname for the country — “Land of the MEEEEE!!!” sound about right?

    – – – – –

    I think it’s a wonderful irony, in part because it will drive Jihadists all over the world nuts! You think the so-called “Christians” posting here advocating mass murder and mass destruction are harsh, wait ’til the radical Islamists hear about it!

  25. Benjamin says:

    After posting the last paragraph of #53, I realized I needed a disclaimer. No action of force committed by individuals should be allowed; any action should be done by the government.

  26. jman says:


    speaking of idiots…….

    there was already a Cathedral next door and McVeigh was an atheist, not Christian

  27. qb says:

    #61 There are sick puppies out there. They will use religion, science, politics, or even music as their raison d’etre to commit atrocities.

  28. BmoreBadBoy says:

    The best thing for the city of NY to do is to build mosques really close to every tall building. That way, extremists would be risking the destruction of a mosque if they tried to pull another 9/11.

    Of course, I say that in jest. The problem here isn’t religion, it’s government. Religion was just the excuse used to motivate. Those who planned the attack had very political aims in mind. Just look up the goals Osama Bin Laden set before the 9/11 attack. Of course, everyone is distracted with the religious aspect because everyone is so easily distracted. Nothing to see here…

  29. Joe says:

    This has nothing to do with supporting freedom of worship. Muslims can worship in America. This has to do with Islam putting up an in-your-face celebration of their atrocity. The Imam has called the U.S. complicit in 9/11. The Islamic people, rank and file, are enemies of native born decent Americans – by their choice. Islamic people have the language and the looks to be able to penetrate Al-Queda with undercover agents and take it down. But they don’t. So they, each of them, is complicit in Islamic terror.
    The thing to keep in mind is that each of them is your enemy.


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