1. Jmrouse says:

    On one hand it was nice to see someone say it as it is, on the other, he didn’t really say a lot…

  2. howard beal says:

    Did his taxes go up?
    I missed that one

  3. bobbo, all politicians lie says:

    but Holy Crap that did “sound” good other than making his response all about himself?

    If he were “really” confrontational, he could have quoted Jon Stewart: “Why don’t you go f*ck yourself?”

    Can any politician be a straight shooter, reduce taxes, reduce government services, lay off state workers and get re-elected? I doubt it. Voters aren’t ready for confrontation WITH REALITY!!

    Silly Hoomans.

  4. LDA says:

    Honest and refreshing.

  5. natefrog says:

    Governor Who, or of What? (Yes, I know it’s NJ from watching the video)

    MSM = ? (I assume “main-stream media”, but it is poor form to use non-common acronyms)

  6. SparkyOne says:

    “non-common” in a note about communication form, ha

  7. RadioNed says:

    Sorry. To all that don’t live in New Jersey. This is a non-story. “Nothing to see here”. The lousy MSM and the new Guv’s “refreshing” attitude notwithstanding, NJ is in for a very very tough 5+ years.

  8. brm says:


    “NJ is in for a very very tough 5+ years.”

    yeah, but it seems like this guy isn’t trying to hide the fact that it is going to be rough, and that in order to fix things he’s not going to worry about appeasing the short-term in order to get re-elected.

    in other words, he’s not a career politician, but a true citizen-representative (the way it’s supposed to be.)

    which really is refreshing.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    Gov. James “Chris” Christie of New Jersey, Republican

  10. ECA says:

    WE elect people to be RESPONSIBLE..
    WE elect people to be the LAST person to DEAl with a problem.

    Its NOT supposed to be POLITIC.
    DO THE JOB..

  11. KMFIX says:

    And now I’m hungry, someone get me a sandwich.

  12. Sigma says:

    What some of you are clearly ignorant of is that he’s going after the wrong people and WORKERS in NJ. Instead of going after school administrators, he goes after teachers. Instead of going after anyone that would actually make a difference in the state budget, he goes after their underlings and completely ignores their egregious offenses. Instead of reappointing a highly qualified Supreme Court Justice, he appoints a woman who has donated over $20,000 to his campaign. (Don’t get me wrong, she’s qualified as well, but the former just didn’t donate anything, being a “Democrat” and all.)

  13. RSweeney says:

    I like this guy.

  14. admfubar says:


    yeah this was a set up, i bet this guy career goes down in flames..

  15. Rick Cain says:

    Let’s just hope he doesn’t make wrong decisions.

  16. Faxon says:

    We could NEVER get a guy like this in Kalifornia. This state is too fucked up.

  17. "East Coast" attitude says:

    Classic New Jersey, I love it.

    I grew up in the South but went to college in New Jersey. Before, during and after college I lived there 10 years. There I meet some of the most sincere people I know.

    After NJ, I worked in Texas and Az. There, I’ve been told I have an “East Coast” attitude. I didn’t think so, but; it does seems to me the more gentile south is also much more shallow and insincere. The more gentile are also very insistent of meaningless greetings (how are you) and such.

  18. KD Martin says:

    Wasn’t he on the Sopranos?

  19. brm says:


    “Instead of going after school administrators, he goes after teachers.”

    Because they want guaranteed raises during a RECESSION? And don’t pay a dime for benefits? And can’t get fired? And don’t even do a good job teaching our kids?

    Yeah, cry me a river.

  20. deowll says:

    Okay so it was nice to see a lame media guy get it in the neck for being lame.

  21. Personality says:

    Looks like a Guido bodyguard.

  22. Schleprock says:

    Wow… It’s funny to see so many comments thinking this is fresh and exciting. It’s straight out of the playbook.
    Let’s see what he does, and then let’s see what his actions produce. If he does well, he does well. That’s a tough job. I do get a little tired of one party speaking about what the other believes though.
    Let’s see if he starts reducing the size of government by doing things such as:
    1) Cooking his own meals in the Governors Mansion.
    2) Replacing his motorcade with a moped
    3) Turn off the air conditioning in his office and go back to what the “founding fathers” intended.
    4) Get rid of his press relations people and write his own speaches.(I might send him a check to hire somebody if that’s the best he can do though.
    You know what they say… Your values start at home!


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