Some government-run unemployment offices in Britain offer teenage job seekers a chance to make more than $1,000 a week on X-rated websites, the Birmingham Mail reports.

The newspaper says the “job with a difference” is being advertised at Jobcentre Plus offices in Birmingham, Warwickshire and Shropshire by an adult recruiting agency, Faceclick.

The agency encourages applicants to engage in sexually explicit conversations with customers and to perform “activities that you feel comfortable with” when naked in front of a camera, the newspaper says. The Mail reports that one 19 -year-old girl was handed application details when she showed up a JobCentre Plus office looking for clerical work.

A spokesman for The Department for Work and Pensions in West Midlands tells The Mail that the unemployment office is required to advertise a vacancy if it is legal. The newspaper says Jobcentre Plus lost a legal battle seven years ago when it tried to refuse advertising jobs in the adult entertainment industry.

No longer do you need to get out of bed to go to work, just turn the iMac on and clock in…what could be better? Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

  1. ren says:

    McCullough I am sickened that you would even think of making a joke like that, what is this blog coming to????

    Encouraging teens to use iMacs, disgusting.

  2. Floyd says:

    Well those are British tax pounds at work, actually.

    From the link:

    “A spokesman for The Department for Work and Pensions in West Midlands tells The Mail that the unemployment office is required to advertise a vacancy if it is legal.

    “However, adult entertainment jobs are clearly marked that applicants must be aged 18 or over,” the spokeswoman says. “Our staff do not actively promote these vacancies to our customers, it would be up to them to express an interest in applying and to ask for further information.”

    And of course, porn is very profitable if an applicant meets the qualifications…

  3. McCullough says:

    #3. The question is, if you are offered this legitimate “position” and you turn it down, do you lose your unemployment bennies?

  4. sargasso says:

    #3. not if you’re a Muslim.

  5. skunkman62 says:

    so when if a teen does this and later tries to get a “real” job, will it come back to haunt her?

    “it’s a trap!”

  6. ren says:

    #5. Its all in the wording.

    -I have experience in a number of varied positions
    -I have had to do some “undercover” work from time to time
    -I was able to apply myself to new and exciting methods of accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks
    -I am a “team player” though able to work alone if required
    -I can be very vocal, and have experience in oral presentations

  7. bobbo, all politicians lie says:

    FREEDOM–other people making choices you would not.

  8. Father Mulcahey says:

    Anything in the 11-15 year old range?

  9. deowll says:

    What do you expect? England is a truly secular state at the moment. As soon as England becomes majority Islamic they will put a stop to this.

    In Iran they have no prostitution of course you can pay a Mullah and have a one hour marriage but then its over and no sex for you buddy until you get married again.

  10. admfubar says:


  11. Kintaar says:

    #6 Ren


  12. Rick Cain says:

    I think there’s a market for muslim porn too, at least for westerners. Muslim men are too busy on jihadist websites to care.

  13. Glenn E. says:

    Did the UK learn nothing from the ACORN fiasco, in the US? So they’re more worried about the legal hassles of refusing to advertise jobs of questionable moral values, and public health safety. But they have no problem with all the privacy violating, the UK government does. Well I guess when everyone has a sexy job, they’ll have something more interesting to spy on. And anyone caught, not “grinding” for England, must naturally be a terrorist.

  14. sia says:

    These kind of jobs are only done people who are sick mentally.


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