Intelligent design (ID)—the latest incarnation of religious creationism—posits that complex biological features did not accrue gradually via natural evolutionary forces but, instead, were crafted ex nihilo by a cognitive agent. Yet, many complex biological traits are gratuitously complicated, function poorly, and debilitate their bearers. Furthermore, such dysfunctional traits abound not only in the phenotypes but inside the genomes of eukaryotic species. Here, I highlight several outlandish features of the human genome that defy notions of ID by a caring cognitive agent. These range from de novo mutational glitches that collectively kill or maim countless individuals (including embryos and fetuses) to pervasive architectural flaws (including pseudogenes, parasitic mobile elements, and needlessly baroque regulatory pathways) that are endogenous in every human genome. Gross imperfection at the molecular level presents a conundrum for the traditional paradigms of natural theology as well as for recent assertions of ID, but it is consistent with the notion of nonsentient contrivance by evolutionary forces. In this important philosophical sense, the science of evolutionary genetics should rightly be viewed as an ally (not an adversary) of mainstream religions because it helps the latter to escape the profound theological enigmas posed by notions of ID.

Here’s an article that describes and explains the paper.

The basic concept of intelligent design comes in two parts and is as simple as it is satisfying for those unwilling to think deeply about the natural world, science, or the nature of religion. Part one, stretching way back to the ancient Greeks, notes that nature is so perfectly integrated that it must have been designed just as we see it. Part two, largely attributed to Lehigh University biologist Michael Behe, says that while some aspects of nature might certainly have changed (evolved?) over time, others are so complex that they must always have existed in the form we find them in today. Indeed, he coined the term “irreducibly complex” to explain such structures. Change anything at all in these irreducibly complex structures and they fail to work.

Both parts of ID are spectacularly wrong.

  1. podman says:

    #29 Mextli

    Clever and funny.

  2. Animby says:

    Science can never win an argument with holy book thumpers. They always have a trump card up their sleeve that cannot be refuted. And that card has only four words on it: “Then a miracle occurred.” Game, set and match.

  3. bobbo, we think with words says:

    Shubee–have you always linked to your blog? If so, its taken me awhile to click. I’ll go back for more detail but thats a lot of work and thinking to produce such drivel.

    “The theory of devolution is now being recognized as a legitimate science”===what distinction are you making between a theory and a science?

    You do know that “science” like evolution is not “goal directed”–ie arranged so as to support or attack any flavor of religion.

    Really bad drivel: “All life forms are molecular machines. I don’t believe that any scientist doubts this scientific hypothesis.”===what a layering of populist claptrap on top of meaningless distinctions.


    Its sad to waste a mind. Intelligent enough to put all those words/ideas together but for a totally invalid purpose. Trying to prop up a religion by “tweaking” science==but always only as a metaphor.

    12 Billion years ago the earth was a ball of molten rock. Now there is life. You can further characterize it any way you want as evolution or devolution or as higher complexity or as decay.


  4. Shubee says:

    “Science” like evolution–what a bunch of populist claptrap.

  5. Shubee says:

    # 22 Basically, the author is saying that if humans were designed, then we shouldn’t have imperfections in us

    That’s exactly correct. The author is deeply religious and his sermon is urging the naive and unsuspecting to believe his theology about what God wouldn’t allow.

  6. bobbo, we think with words says:

    Shubee==what is your bottom line? What do you want people to conclude if they understood everything you have to say on the subject?

    Here is my go at that question: Evolution is a natural consequence of atoms/chemicals/energy being compact enough to interact with one another. It forms but one continuum, from the Big Bang of plasma gas, expanding and cooling, creating atoms, then stars, then nuclear energy, stars exploding creating higher elements, debris and original gas reforming into solar systems, more explosions and collisions, liquid water present in certain orbital zones around suns, simple proteins, life, change, survival of the fittest filling every livable nook. This process is as natural and as unavoidable as gravity or time itself===in this universe. Its magical and mysterious enough and a wonder we can contemplate it at all. A universe that acts just as if there was no god and one that acts differently than if there was a god, unless that god started the big bang and then did nothing more.

    And your take would be==what, straight 7th day?

  7. smartalix says:

    If you take the Bible as allegory, it would allow you to accept the Big Bang as God’s “let there be light”, and evolution as God’s tool to create man.

    What I also don’t get is Christians who cling to the Old Testament for their guidance in the first place.

  8. Rich says:

    Ozzy said- “I don’t know!” I agree.

  9. qb says:

    It’s pathetic when you have to refute bullshit.

  10. bobbo, well I'm not gonna burst an artery over it says:

    Well, thats obviously a setup. No where did your qualified expert review what is at issue here: faith.

    Silly video.

  11. Shubee says:

    Uncle Dave,

    Your video is profoundly ignorant. It states that most creationists are uneducated in science. You need to recognize the profound difference between science and Darwinian evolution. The truth is that evolutionary biologists are quasi-scientists and their disciple doesn’t rank much higher than stamp collecting.

    One illustration is the scientific accomplishments of Richard Dawkins. He defines science to be “the study of what is true about the real world.” That’s exactly how the majority of uneducated creationists define science.

  12. duke says:

    Mutations and such can be explained by the fall of creation. This article shows your poor understanding of what we believe.



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